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line: "%u" MSG: Invalid parameter ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: No room to append items %d***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: sscanf(%s) failed **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Ignoring tag with value = %d %255stcap**WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: a=%s is empty acapt=t=%d***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: t = %d ignored ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to find 'tcap' with tag=%d a=a=%255s,[]|***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: a = %d ignored ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to find 'acap' with tag=%d pcfg**WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: DTLS-SRTP enabled but not supported. Please rebuild the code with this option enabled (requires OpenSSL 1.0.1+) ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create consumer for media type = %d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create producer for media type = %d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create SDP caps remote-iplocal-iplocal-ipveripv6srtp-modertp-ssrcrtcp-enabledrtcpmux-enabledavpf-modewebrtc2sip-mode-enabledbandwidth-max-uploadbandwidth-max-downloadfpspref-sizenatt-ctxice-ctxremote-sdp-messagelocal-sdp-messagesrtp-enabledproducer**WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: DTLS-SRTP requested but no SSL certificates provided, disabling this option :( %sIP6IP4slidesmain UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVP RTP/SAVPF RTP/SAVP RTP/SAVPnewexisting,|[]RTP/SAVPRTP/AVPRTP/AVPFRTP/SAVPFUDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPUDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPFdoubango@audiodoubango@videodoubango@bfcpvideodoubango@bfcpaudio***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to prepare transport ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: RTP/RTCP manager in invalid INptimeminptime1maxptime255silenceSuppoff - - - -rtcp-fb* ccm fir* nack* goog-remblabelcontentASTIAS***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create lo *INFO: No codec matching for media type = %d RTP/AVPF%d setup:%s%d connection:%s3 fingerprint:%s %ssha-256%d fingerprint:%s %ssha-1%s %sfingerprintsetup%d crypto:%d %s inline:%s%d %s inline:%scrypto%s%d%d,%d,%d%d t=%d a=%s%d t=%dconnection t=%d a=%d%s%s%d%sacfgrtcp-mux%u cname:%sssrc%u mslabel:%s6994f7d1-6ce9-4fbd-acfd-84e5131ca2e2%u label:%sice-ufragice-pwdcandidatepassiveactive***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: RTP manager is null. Did you forget to prepare the session? ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: %s not supported as RTP profile ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Remote party requesting secure transport (%s) but this option is not enabled *INFO: Remote party requesting SRTP-MIKEY (%s) ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Remote party requesting SRTP-SDES (%s) but this option is not enabled ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Remote party requesting DTLS-DTLS (%s) but this option is not enabled ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: None Match AVPF*INFO: Remote party requested bandwidth limitation at %u using 'b=%s' SDP attribute *INFO: Setting bandwidth_max_upload_kbps=%u according to remote party request %u %*s*INFO: Remote SSRC = %u %15s %255skey-mgmt***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: SRTP negotiation failed ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to open [%s] codec *INFO: max_bw_up=%d kpbs, max_bw_down=%d kpbs, congestion_ctrl_enabled=%d, media_type=%d bypass-encodingbypass-decoding*INFO: Delaying consumer/producer starting until DTLS-SRTP negotiation complete ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Invalid RTP/RTCP manager fmtprtpmapimageattrcurrdesconfmidUNKNOWNactpassmd5sha-512AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32firefoxchromebowserdoubangoGCC: (GNU) 4.6 20120106 (prerelease)A4aeabi*7-A A   ,.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.rel.data.rel.local.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rodata.str1.1.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4k %%k+k0k<mH8 PnL (c2nr0&{p5$ 0.0A4T8{4~ HH\{ h X{ {~ LT{8   %k * / 4 : @ F L Rg X ^ d j p vx |{{} %   h{ !I S \ h m w              !{"/ $< "{$0${'*E 0 '{(({)){86 <. 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List=[%d-%d], requested=%d, List.Max=%d, List.Count=%d. RTT is probably too high. ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Null session *INFO: Video session not started yet ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Not started *INFO: producer size = (%d, %d) ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create video converter rotation***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create a media parameter ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to convert XXX buffer to YUV42P ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: %s is not a valid payload for this session *INFO: /!\Video stream corrupted because of packet loss [%u - %u]. Pause rendering if 'zero_artifacts' (supported = %s, enabled = %s). *INFO: Sending FIR to request IDR... ZERO_ART_CORRUPTED*INFO: Do not render video frame because stream is corrupted and 'zero-artifacts' is enabled. Last seqnum=%u *INFO: Sending FIR to request IDR because frame corrupted since %llu... ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to convert YUV420 buffer to consumer's chroma *INFO: video with congestion control enabled: max_bw_up=%d kpbs, max_bw_down=%d kpbs *INFO: Consumer not started (is_null=%d) TMFR*INFO: Request re-send(%u) *INFO: Congestion control enabled and fps updated from %u to %u ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: No RED codec could be found ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: No ULPFEC codec could be found ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: tdav_session_av_get_lo(video) failed ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Not expected ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: No consumer associated to this session flip***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: No producer associated to this session bandwidth-levelvideoGCC: (GNU) 4.6 20120106 (prerelease)A4aeabi*7-A A   ,.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.str1.1.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes8pJ d%J+J0J<L 8 0MLI ddM`  t2lM0m^&^p^5^lb \s25 :S ?r D I N S XR ] b>||4)$$2  V   o  | | 2 3 9*  ? 2\3 bM hx n th2  ,,20A\2 c  n  v  # ()(2A G2_ e k2 j  $ | ``2< ` `2': ] ~   /  X(!X(2)4)2\1J P V \^ b h n t@  2z 2 209     5 ~  :2>C >2Am r  0A2C % CC2D~ D Dl2 F  DF&DF,2J=$ C I O 2Uh{3#V#|@))<A#Odb!u22LLL 2  2;IWe s 3cy .DI_mr % C c t         7 [ w         5 > P g }       + C e        , I [ r      tdav_session_video.c$a_tdav_session_video_init$d.LC2.LC3.LC4.LC0.LC1.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8_tdav_session_video_jb_cbtdav_session_video_producer_enc_cbtdav_session_video_raw_cbtdav_session_bfcpvideo_ctortdav_session_video_ctor.LC9.LC10.LC11.LC12.LC13.LC14tdav_session_video_rtcp_send_event.LC15.LC16tdav_session_video_decode_cb.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC20tdav_session_video_rtcp_recv_event.LC21.LC22_tdav_session_video_set_callbackstdav_session_video_rtp_cbtdav_session_video_set_ro.LC23.LC24.LC30.LC25.LC27.LC26.LC28.LC29tdav_session_video_stop.LC31tdav_session_video_dtor.LC32.LC33tdav_session_video_pausetdav_session_video_start.LC34.LC35.LC36.LC37.LC38tdav_session_video_prepare.LC39tdav_session_video_rtcp_cb.LC40.LC41.LC42.LC43.LC44.LC46.LC45tdav_session_video_rtcp_set_onevent_cbfn.LC47.LC48.LC49.LC50.LC51.LC52.LC53.LC54_tdav_session_video_decode.LC55.LC56.LC57.LC58.LC59.LC60.LC61.LC62.LC63.LC64.LC65.LC66.LC67.LC68tdav_session_video_get_lo.LC69tdav_session_video_get.LC70tdav_session_video_set.LC71.LC72.LC73.LC74__FUNCTION__.21427__FUNCTION__.21146__FUNCTION__.21396__FUNCTION__.21408__action_encode_idr__FUNCTION__.21370__FUNCTION__.21346__FUNCTION__.21338__action_encode_bw_down__action_encode_bw_up__Pow2.21237__FUNCTION__.21387__FUNCTION__.21177__FUNCTION__.21294__FUNCTION__.21284__FUNCTION__.21188__FUNCTION__.21362__FUNCTION__.21332__FUNCTION__.21311tdav_session_bfcpvideo_def_stdav_session_video_def_stdav_session_bfcpvideo_plugin_def_stdav_session_video_plugin_def_s__param.21412__param.21206__param.21208__param.21215__param.21221__red_buffer_ptr.21189__red_buffer_size.21190tsk_debug_get_leveltsk_debug_get_error_cbtsk_debug_get_arg_datafprintftdav_session_av_inittmedia_defaults_get_videojb_enabledtmedia_defaults_get_video_zeroartifacts_enabledtsk_debug_get_info_cbtsk_mutex_createtsk_list_createtdav_video_jb_createtdav_video_jb_set_callbacktmedia_producer_set_enc_callbacktmedia_producer_set_raw_callbacktmedia_defaults_get_avpf_tail_min_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE___sFtsk_debug_get_warn_cbtsk_list_lockatoitsk_list_unlocktrtp_rtp_packet_create_2trtp_rtp_packet_createtsk_time_nowtrtp_manager_send_rtp_packettsk_object_reftsk_mallocmemcpytsk_list_remove_itemtsk_list_push_datatdav_codec_ulpfec_enc_protecttdav_codec_ulpfec_enc_serializetsk_object_unreftdav_codec_ulpfec_enc_resettsk_mutex_locktrtp_manager_signal_frame_corruptedtsk_mutex_unlockfputstmedia_param_createtmedia_producer_settmedia_codec_settmedia_codec_video_set_enc_callbacktmedia_codec_video_set_dec_callbacktdav_codec_red_set_callbacktdav_codec_red_plugin_def_ttdav_session_av_set_rotdav_session_av_get_best_neg_codecsprintftsk_stricmptsdp_header_M_findA_attdav_video_jb_stoptsk_list_clear_itemstdav_session_av_stoptsk_freetsk_mutex_destroytdav_session_av_deinittdav_session_av_pausetdav_session_av_init_encodertmedia_codec_opentdav_video_jb_starttdav_session_av_starttdav_session_av_preparetrtp_manager_set_rtp_callbacktrtp_manager_set_rtcp_callbacktrtp_rtcp_packet_get_attmedia_defaults_get_avpf_tail_maxtmedia_converter_video_createtrtp_manager_send_rtp__aeabi_uldivmodtsk_itoatmedia_codec_find_by_formattmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_2trtp_manager_set_app_bandwidth_maxtmedia_consumer_consumetrtp_manager_signal_pkt_losstdav_video_jb_puttdav_session_av_get_lotdav_session_av_gettdav_session_av_settmedia_consumer_settdav_session_bfcpvideo_plugin_def_ttdav_session_video_plugin_def_ttmedia_session_cmp 08 (4@H(0@LX`Pd          $ ( ,04 8<@ DHL PTX \`d hlp P\hp,HT`ltXx( T p      ( 0 \ l t    $ , D P \ h p                 $  ( , 0  4 8 <  @ D H  L P T  X \ `  d h l  p t x       H T ` h        `  !`!"Xdpx  Hp&&''(()T`p,4@LX` `  - .$`(.l|`p $H`6 `6 789:; <$=0<HPxA `A(4<d8@DP\dE`EF`FDLXdt|(8@t 4@PX  K K L L M  $(M, 04N8 <@ND HLOP TXO\ ht,<@SD H`LPST 4@LT0<HP $       H!!!!!!!"P"\"h"p""""#d#p#|#####<$H$\$d$$$|%%%%%&$&H&T&\&l&t&&&&`'t''''W''W''-'''X'X''-'''((Y(Y ((-((.(. 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Postpone :( *INFO: frames_count(%lld)>=latency_max(%u)...decoding video frame even if pkts are missing :( ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Skipping invalid rtp packet (do not decode!) src/video/jb/tdav_video_jb.c*INFO: Video jitter buffer thread - EXIT ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create list ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create condition var ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Invalid parameter ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create new thread losslate/duplicated/nack*INFO: Video jitter buffer not started *INFO: --------Frame already Decoded [seqnum=%u]------------ *INFO: Packet %s (from JB) [%hu - %hu] ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Too many frames dropped and fps=%d *INFO: Dropping video frame because frames_count(%lld)>=tail_max(%d) *INFO: According to rtp-timestamps ...FPS = %d (clipped to %d) tail_max=%d, latency_max=%u *INFO: tdav_video_jb_stop() GCC: (GNU) 4.6 20120106 (prerelease)A4aeabi*7-A A   ,.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rodata.str1.1.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes8( p& %`+`0`<8 p- O2^0&gwp5;8 ,"C 69>'CH+MR W 6jo%6$(6t~6 y 6~:b %%k6`""5Pd!v63   GTau):Qbx}8(.FT f~H(1tdav_video_jb.c$a_tdav_video_jb_decode_thread_func$d.LC0.LC3.LC4.LC1.LC2.LC5tdav_video_jb_ctor.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9.LC12.LC13.LC10.LC11.LC14.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC18tdav_video_jb_dtor__FUNCTION__.4583__FUNCTION__.4511__FUNCTION__.4525__FUNCTION__.4530__FUNCTION__.4540__FUNCTION__.4551tdav_video_jb_def_s__aeabi_idivtsk_time_nowtsk_debug_get_leveltsk_debug_get_info_cbtsk_debug_get_arg_datafputstsk_condwait_timedwaittsk_mutex_locktsk_list_locktdav_video_frame_is_completefprintftsk_list_pop_first_itemtsk_list_unlocktsk_mutex_unlocktsk_debug_get_error_cbtsk_object_unref_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE___sFtsk_list_createtsk_condwait_createtsk_mutex_createtdav_video_jb_createtsk_object_newtdav_video_jb_set_callbacktdav_video_jb_starttsk_thread_createsched_get_priority_maxtsk_thread_set_priority__aeabi_uidivtdav_video_jb_puttdav_video_frame_createtsk_list_clear_itemstsk_list_remove_itemtsk_list_push_filtered_datatdav_video_frame_puttdav_video_jb_stoptsk_condwait_broadcasttsk_thread_jointsk_condwait_destroytsk_freetsk_mutex_destroy 90:<;H;P<x=9>?@<AH:T;`;h<B: ;,;4<tBCDE:$F0F8<BG8$9x:;;<=HI      *  *   ,J@:LFXF`<K:FF<TBL* `I* * `I* N$14:@FLFT<B* `I* :FF$<BQ:FF<T B` Rt S *   `I *   *   `I *   : F F <x B : ; ; < = ? :( ;4 ;< <t B| E @ DT :` ;l ;t < Bh V T @:F F(<BW:;;<<BPXYD8:;;<XBZEH* I$*(, 048<@D H!LP T!X*\"` d*h"l p#t#x$|$:FF<B:(;4;<<d=t\]* `I* '`I'[G ^_`)/608 1480519027 1000 1000 100664 35940 ` ELF(X4(@-`P@ pp0S @-@P ( 00P0000> 0>$0(G-@M(`2YSP`i(0SP( tP `||)|9p 06/d9dd)\9 p0 X`V   ` ɟ21 " /2 =9C =C S 00 #`00p`B0SP`P `x_X8lP(t`P `  ( 00806/'0'07 0P$PpP p| 0 7/`'L0 `~0SE S S`v2p40 Sk P-sP `&  00606/` &d0X&0P6  p0`"X0\3/4D   0 0L0pG0 SP `P `X5P-sP `\%\  00@506/`$0%05  p0` 2 R:$4 0 0"X0\$ 3/ bp`P뷃P pT$T  0 0840p#0 $04  p0D  0 00L0#pF0 SP`P `6/u2p\P-sP `$#$  00306/`4"0"02  p0`X0P$ \3/d p`3P1P pL"  0400207/p@!0!0  10``(0S0 "> P&P"cP P`h!"~`` \1A `05/\0@!@ `"~`$1A 0``(Ѝ p l l X T L ?BtdtH`H@VDTT<VDLL4|hD((XLL40E-PQtr`PPp!PP @8"040 ,2d 04/|2"00 2d 0nXUP P!P^@P @!00 1d 04/MT1t!t00 d1d 0BL@P;P9PP P!00 1d 05/(0 00 0d 0X@P@0 ($0 <000@@@`($ `\TD@-MPPP @D4/8800CS@00p;  Ap@50S@2 P/P P`p  00005/Pd  0T"0HD00@Ѝ@00V@\H<<A-@PP P5/~0S8 SL SO2SL PI 2 D"R$ 1P pPP p =( 007/ = (00P`P``⍀ 2U:2S P 2aPP` 2U:P 020 2P00s@-@PQP PWEaP @P!PP1 ` 04/F414!4 ,1 0`9(0SPP `6/0 P 20000(P@P @`4/ 80P||D@<($\H80O-@M?o0$0` PP P5/?0S PxqQ@P @X/XX? 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("S S (BS#"S !S!S !S 0 0 0 0 000 00PD'PEP P000X!X0 P1c/ 05/104!400 0c/ 0 10 P `$0000 06/ h0$0000 000PP(P|`XT@0,RGB3YU12MJPGRGB4YUYVUYVYLD@ _tdav_producer_video_v4l2_grab_v4l2_send_frame_v4l2_send_frame_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_timer_cb_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_set_v4l2_stop_v4l2_unprepare_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_stop_v4l2_prepare_v4l2_get_best_formatYU12NV12NV21YUYVUYVYRGB3RGB4MJPG_v4l2_init_read_v4l2_init_mmap_v4l2_init_userp_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_start_v4l2_start_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_pause_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_prepare@@0 ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] producer not started yet src/video/v4linux/tdav_producer_video_v4l2.c*INFO: [V4L2 Producer] select() returned EINTR ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] select() failed: %s error %d *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] select() timeout: %s error %d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] read() failed: %s error %d *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] EAGAIN ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] xioctl(VIDIOC_DQBUF) failed: %s error %d buf.index < p_self->n_buffers***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Failed to schedule timer with timeout=%llu ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Invalid parameter local-hwndpreview-hwnd***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Not implemented yet src-hwndmute*INFO: [V4L2 Producer] --- STOP --- ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] xioctl(VIDIOC_STREAMOFF) failed: %s error %d *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] --- UNPREPARE --- ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] munmap(%d) failed *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] Already stopped *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] Stopped /dev/video0*INFO: [V4L2 Producer] --- PREPARE --- **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Producer already prepared *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] Preparing '%s'... **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] stat('%s'): %d, %s **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] '%s' not a valid device **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Failed to open '%s': %d, %s *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] '%s' successfully opened ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] No valid device found ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] %s is no V4L2 device ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] xioctl(%s, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP) failed: %s error %d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] %s is no video capture device *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] Trying with io method=%d **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] %s does not support read i/o **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] %s does not support streaming i/o ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Failed to peek an i/o method for '%s' device *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] i/o method for '%s' device is %d *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] '%s' device doesn't support cropping *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] '%s' device supports cropping with type = %d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] xioctl(%s, VIDIOC_G_FMT) failed: %s error %d *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] device '%s' default format: width:%d, height:%d, field:%d, pixelformat:%d *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] CAPS: device name=%s, fmtdesc index=%d, type=%d, description=%s, pixelformat=%d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Failed to peek best format for '%s' device *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] device '%s' best format: width:%d, height:%d, field:%d, pixelformat:%d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Buffers already initialized ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Out of memory ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] %s does not support memory mapping ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] xioctl(%s, VIDIOC_REQBUFS) failed: %s error %d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Insufficient buffer memory on %s ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] mmap(%s) failed: %s error %d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] %s does not support user pointer i/o *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] '%s' device initialized using i/o method=%d *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] Prepared :) *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] Not prepared *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] Already started *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] --- START --- **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Already started ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] xioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF) failed: %s error %d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] xioctl(VIDIOC_STREAMON) failed: %s error %d *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] Started :) *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] *** destroyed *** *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] --- PAUSE --- ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Failed to create timer manager ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [V4L2 Producer] Failed to match negotiated format: %d *INFO: [V4L2 Producer] Negotiated caps: fps=%d, width=%d, height=%d, chroma=%d V4L2 screencast producerV4L2 video producerGCC: (GNU) 4.6 20120106 (prerelease)A4aeabi*7-A A   ,.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.str1.1.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4A m%A+A0A<CP8 ԋSCO Tc2Cr0W&{XpX5:X[  f)D,DTK n q vc { ' ]   T r   n C N [   ppn   n c  88n7 = Cn#Q1 W= ]e c i oL u { B   {   y  Z      V  *   U  9   S ('2n:7w = C I OB U [* ;a;nH<M T<T<4n`=w ==(n@A  v n0A#/dA Sew   0A a m ("n: e@ n    /7>E[dioy-27>ITY`xtdav_producer_video_v4l2.c$a_v4l2_xioctl_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_ctor_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_timer_cb$d.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC4.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_set.LC10.LC11.LC12.LC13.LC14.LC15_v4l2_stop.LC16.LC17_v4l2_unprepare.LC18.LC19_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_stop.LC20.LC21_v4l2_prepare.LC22.LC23.LC24.LC25.LC26.LC27.LC28.LC29.LC30.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC35.LC36.LC37.LC38.LC39.LC40.LC41.LC42.LC43.LC44.LC45.LC46.LC47.LC48.LC49.LC50.LC51.LC52.LC53.LC54_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_start.LC55.LC56.LC57.LC58.LC59.LC60.LC61_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_dtor.LC62_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_pause.LC63_tdav_producer_video_v4l2_prepare.LC64.LC65.LC66__FUNCTION__.5437__FUNCTION__.5405__PRETTY_FUNCTION__.5412__FUNCTION__.5428__FUNCTION__.5213__FUNCTION__.5311__FUNCTION__.5319__FUNCTION__.5250__FUNCTION__.5261io_method_prefs__FUNCTION__.5349pix_format_prefs__FUNCTION__.5375__FUNCTION__.5381__FUNCTION__.5392__FUNCTION__.5237__FUNCTION__.5287__FUNCTION__.5244__FUNCTION__.5220tdav_producer_screencast_v4l2_plugin_def_stdav_producer_video_v4l2_def_stdav_producer_video_v4l2_plugin_def_sioctl__errnotmedia_producer_inittsk_mutex_createtsk_mutex_locktsk_debug_get_leveltsk_debug_get_error_cbtsk_debug_get_arg_datafprintfmemsetselecttsk_debug_get_info_cbstrerrorreadfputs__assert2tsk_mutex_unlocktsk_timer_manager_schedule_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE___sFtsk_stricmpfreemunmapclosetsk_timer_manager_stoptmedia_producer_get_friendly_nametsk_debug_get_warn_cbstatopencalloctsk_malloctsk_callocmmapmemcpytsk_timer_manager_starttmedia_producer_deinittsk_object_unreftsk_mutex_destroy__aeabi_idivtsk_timer_manager_createtdav_producer_screencast_v4l2_plugin_def_ttdav_producer_video_v4l2_plugin_def_t,PPp$HTdlt| 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PP ` p#0 3P 0  p(3#0 P 30 10$ P%PP P000 # 0 3 05/L2"00 0 020p$pX.P00%P^P P000H"H0 @2 05/Kp1("(00 0 020;P+P `80 40$  6/800 40$  L0<0 0@0$000|0 PPPp 00P(Ѝ\XT84,thP40, PXH<P<84Htdav_consumer_oss_stoptdav_consumer_oss_consumetdav_consumer_oss_start__oss_from_16bits_to_8bits_tdav_consumer_oss_playback_threadtdav_consumer_oss_prepare***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] Invalid parameter src/audio/oss/tdav_consumer_oss.c*INFO: [OSS Consumer] stopped ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] Invalid paramter **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] Not started **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] Failed to put audio data to the jitter buffer **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] Not prepared **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] Already started *INFO: [OSS Consumer] started *INFO: [OSS Consumer] __playback_thread -- START ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] invalid parameter ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] Failed to read data from audio interface failed (%d -> %s) *INFO: [OSS Consumer] __playback_thread -- STOP *INFO: [OSS Consumer] created *INFO: [OSS Consumer] *** destroyed *** /dev/dsp***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] open('/dev/dsp') failed: %s ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] ioctl(SOUND_PCM_WRITE_BITS, %d) failed: %d->%s ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] bits_per_sample=%d not supported ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] ioctl(SOUND_PCM_WRITE_CHANNELS, %d) failed: %d->%s ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] ioctl(SOUND_PCM_WRITE_RATE, %d) failed: %d->%s ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Consumer] Failed to allocate buffer with size = %u *INFO: [OSS Consumer] prepared: req_bits_per_sample=%d; req_channels=%d; req_rate=%d, resp_bits_per_sample=%d; resp_channels=%d; resp_rate=%d /// n_buff_size_in_samples=%u;n_buff_size_in_bytes=%u Linux OSS consumerGCC: (GNU) 4.6 20120106 (prerelease)A4aeabi*7-A A   ,.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.str1.1.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4t <+x %+0<L8 4M\$I 4@d` 5 t20$&JpJ5$ F &x0XG8J O[ T} `Y`$G4s x }I G  @Li @GD        G    G -  3 GM S Y _ eb k qV w }1Id#GG$ G    4Kbjy.H`gmu~*/5A `tdav_consumer_oss.c$atdav_consumer_oss_pausetdav_consumer_oss_stop$d.LC0.LC1.LC2tdav_consumer_oss_consume.LC3.LC4.LC5tdav_consumer_oss_start.LC6.LC7_tdav_consumer_oss_playback_thread.LC8.LC9.LC10.LC11.LC12tdav_consumer_oss_settdav_consumer_oss_ctor.LC13tdav_consumer_oss_dtor.LC14tdav_consumer_oss_prepare.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC20.LC21.LC22__FUNCTION__.4982__FUNCTION__.4972__FUNCTION__.4962__FUNCTION__.4921__FUNCTION__.4935__FUNCTION__.4955tdav_consumer_oss_def_stdav_consumer_oss_plugin_def_stsk_debug_get_leveltsk_debug_get_error_cbtsk_debug_get_arg_datafprintftsk_mutex_locktsk_thread_joinclosetsk_debug_get_info_cbfputstsk_mutex_unlock__sFtsk_debug_get_warn_cbtdav_consumer_audio_put_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_tsk_thread_createsched_get_priority_maxtsk_thread_set_priority_2tdav_consumer_audio_getmemsetwrite__errnostrerrortdav_consumer_audio_ticktdav_consumer_audio_settdav_consumer_audio_inittsk_mutex_createtdav_consumer_audio_deinittsk_freetsk_mutex_destroy__aeabi_idiv__aeabi_uidivopenioctltsk_realloctdav_consumer_oss_plugin_def_ttdav_consumer_audio_cmpF G0G8HIJKLFMMHN$O8 <3@ D`PH L3P T X`P\ FGGHIF Q0Q8HIRFQQH I4S83<@ DPH3LP T3X\ `3dh l3pt x3| FGGHI$J4F@QLQTHIFQQHHIhTlFxMMHNOS3  P3  3  3 3 $ (3,0 8<hF|MMHNUVJW X\FhGtG|HIYFG G(H0Z8Z[IO\OFM M H4 ND SH L PP T 3X 3\ `  d h  l 3p t  x 3|     ] ^ _ F M M H N # `P #< `L L\ ad al bp F| M M H N ' `P ' F G G H I J e F G G H Z [ Z( [` I f F G G H Z [ Z$  F G G HIf$F0G<GDHPZX[Z[fFGGH$Z,Zp[IcgFGGHIdgFGGHdIlFxMMH$IlL|OS3  P3  +3, 3, 3- 3- 3. 3. 3 / 3/ $3(0, 03408 <3@1D H3L1P T3X1\ `3d1h l2p2!% i:B  )  =/791 1480519028 1000 1000 100664 12664 ` ELF(4(@-@P 00P7@-@PPDP @E?0 0 04/4E?0 0 0'000S p 0000PP PT5/HH>P@@@-@PPb`!PP @$"0 0 2 04/{2"00 1 0m0S!P_P P!00 1 05/Nh1!00 p1 0@PU! 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PP ` p#0 3P 0  `03#0 B P 30 00$ P%PP P000#0 3 05/T2"00 0 020r$嘀Z.P00%P`P P000P"P0 H2 05/Mx10"000 0 0 20=P+P p,( )0$  7/,0( )0$  TX0000)0 0,0$0000 PPPp 00P,ЍTPL0,$xl`P<84P`PDPD@<P8@-P0@S0ShP8XP 0 ($0 <00088@dPtdav_producer_oss_stoptdav_producer_oss_start_tdav_producer_oss_record_thread__oss_from_8bits_to_16bitstdav_producer_oss_pausetdav_producer_oss_preparer***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] Invalid parameter src/audio/oss/tdav_producer_oss.c*INFO: [OSS Producer] stopped **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] Not prepared **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] Already started *INFO: [OSS Producer] started *INFO: [OSS Producer] __record_thread -- START ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] Failed to read data from audio interface failed (%d -> %s) ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] invalid parameter *INFO: [OSS Producer] __record_thread -- STOP *INFO: [OSS Producer] paused *INFO: [OSS Producer] *** destroyed *** /dev/dsp***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] open('/dev/dsp') failed: %s ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] ioctl(SOUND_PCM_WRITE_BITS, %d) failed: %d->%s ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] bits_per_sample=%d not supported ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] ioctl(SOUND_PCM_WRITE_CHANNELS, %d) failed: %d->%s ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] ioctl(SOUND_PCM_WRITE_RATE, %d) failed: %d->%s ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: [OSS Producer] Failed to allocate buffer with size = %u *INFO: [OSS Producer] prepared: req_bits_per_sample=%d; req_channels=%d; req_rate=%d, resp_bits_per_sample=%d; resp_channels=%d; resp_rate=%d /// n_buff_size_in_samples=%u;n_buff_size_in_bytes=%u volumemuteLinux OSS producerGCC: (GNU) 4.6 20120106 (prerelease)A4aeabi*7-A A   ,.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.str1.1.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4p `(%+0<D8 1MT I 818dt` p1 t2x0&#p#5XPD L$4/4\FhI N[ S} XFp u zLG LFf   u ddFX F(  4 4 F   Y  !; ' -/ 3 9FhOf Um [m/!PkFF  F   (<Sjr8=ENir tdav_producer_oss.c$atdav_producer_oss_ctortdav_producer_oss_stop$d.LC0.LC1.LC2tdav_producer_oss_start.LC3.LC4_tdav_producer_oss_record_thread.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9tdav_producer_oss_pause.LC10tdav_producer_oss_dtor.LC11tdav_producer_oss_prepare.LC12.LC13.LC14.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC19tdav_producer_oss_set.LC20.LC21__FUNCTION__.4944__FUNCTION__.4932__FUNCTION__.4906__FUNCTION__.4895__FUNCTION__.4938__FUNCTION__.4925tdav_producer_oss_def_stdav_producer_oss_plugin_def_stdav_producer_audio_inittsk_mutex_createtsk_debug_get_leveltsk_debug_get_error_cbtsk_debug_get_arg_datafprintftsk_mutex_locktsk_thread_joinclosetsk_debug_get_info_cbfputstsk_mutex_unlock__sFtsk_debug_get_warn_cbtsk_thread_create_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_sched_get_priority_maxtsk_thread_set_priority_2read__errnostrerrortdav_producer_audio_deinittsk_freetsk_mutex_destroy__aeabi_idiv__aeabi_uidivopenioctltsk_realloctsk_stricmptdav_producer_audio_settdav_producer_oss_plugin_def_ttdav_producer_audio_cmp D$E@FLGXG`HIJKLFMM$HLNTOh l1p t`Px |1  `P FGGH$I0J@FLQXQ`HIFQQHTItRxFMMHNOS1  P1  1 1 $ (1,0 418< DHtFMMHNTUJVFGGH W(X`WhXIFGGH\IOOFMMH NS $P(,104 81<@ D1HL P1TX \`pF|GGHIFM MH<NX1\ ` d`Ph1l p tx`P|YLZZ[FMMH N(  , `P0  d Fp G| G H I J ^ F( G4 G< HD WL X W X I _ F G G H, W4 Xp Wx X F G G HX Il _x F G G H W X W X@ _L FX Gd Gl Hx W X W XI,\<`LFXGdGlHI]`(F4G@GHHIFMMHxILOS1  P1  $1% 1$%( 014&8 <1@&D H1L'P T1X'\ d1h(l p1t(x 1) 1) 1* 1* 1* 1* ++aadbh/l0 d8@ -" ;/826 1480519029 1000 1000 100664 19244 ` ELF('4(/8@-@P> P 00P 00P 00P 00P 00PP P(5/8$G-PQM0P@0PvQP @44#43P 04/ #3 0P`PP `6/xP 0x000xP `Pd`P pP`P pPp`P9  p2 pℑPpp0T Pa` p `P  P`P0  0P`00S Q 00pp30;ލ($$\ HHhA-@M@UPPP `6/5T |0SPPq`P @X%XX5 p 0,5<%< 45p 0B(0St0S4SP P5/4 <(& `P P 3q`P @l$ll4 p 04P$P H4 0p,pP PpP @#N?0 3 0N3#N?0 3 0N8P P=`P @t#tt3  04/2T#T L3 080`P`<pP PEpP @"2  04/D2" 2 0{84PvtXS|0, P`t PhNaP @0"002  0`4/T|1" 2 0`G1!0!0 ! 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line: "%u" MSG: Failed to reallocated new buffer *INFO: Receiving SPS or PPS ...to be tied to an IDR *INFO: Failed to decode the buffer with error code =%d, size=%u, append=%s *INFO: Decoded H.264 IDR **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to find default level for size=(%ux%u) ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to find level for size=[%u, %u] ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to find H.264 encoder ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to find H.264 decoder ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Codec not opened ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Invalid size: %u<>%u baselinemain***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Encoder already opened ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to allocate context slice-max-size***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to set x264 slice-max-size to %d profile***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to set x264 profile presetveryfast***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to set x264 preset to veryfast rc-lookaheadrc_lookahead***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to set x264 rc_lookahead=0 tuneanimation+zerolatency***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to set x264 tune to zerolatency ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create encoder picture ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to allocate encoder buffer ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to open [%s] codec *INFO: [H.264] bitrate=%d bps actionbw_kbpsbypass-encoding*INFO: [H.264] bypass-encoding = %d bypass-decoding*INFO: [H.264] bypass-decoding = %d rotation***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Decoder already opened ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create decoder picture H264H264 Main Profile (FFmpeg, x264)105H264 Base Profile (FFmpeg, x264)104GCC: (GNU) 4.6 20120106 (prerelease)A4aeabi*7-A A   ,.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.str1.1.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes8- \H%.+.0.<4 8 \n0M4I nd5`  D 4@&a gQ m s y    t {     Z _ u  1   h'h'4,*    D T y X*X*D44-2 8 -4>#P$@Xdw`%'@ Xo0B4To4PPP 4   )27NVbn{+Mj,:Bf|;JUi-(-  3  U 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function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create ancoder: %ld ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: GetDefaultParams failed: %ld *INFO: [H.264 OpenH264 Encoder] neg_width=%d, neg_height=%d, neg_fps=%d, max_bitrate_bps=%d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: InitializeExt failed: %ld ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create mutex for the encoder action*INFO: OpenH264 force_idr action *INFO: OpenH264 new target bitrate = %d kbps bw_kbps*INFO: OpenH264 codec: bandwidth-max-upload=%d bandwidth-max-uploadrotation***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Decoder already initialized ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create decoder: %ld ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to initialize decoder: %ld *INFO: [OpenH264 Decoder] neg_width=%d, neg_height=%d, neg_fps=%d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to find level for size=[%u, %u] H264H264 Base Profile (OpenH264)104GCC: (GNU) 4.6 20120106 (prerelease)A4aeabi*7-A A   ,.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.ARM.extab.rel.ARM.exidx.rodata.rel.data.rel.ro.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.str1.1.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes8/ |a%H/+H/0H/ ?pT/p; lsJ/ V6R s g6Pc tX ~07z dt 287G 0D&DpD5DI  T HKPYUZH_HMHd   sz$*0 6 Hu{&N]Z@| D4HT3x9xH|M#HHHHl/x5xH$w} \   d $%$%H(    % U j 8)8)H,8s > D! 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Did you forget to set "avctx->rtp_payload_size"? ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to allocate new buffer GCC: (GNU) 4.6 20120106 (prerelease)A4aeabi*7-A A   ,.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rodata.rodata.str1.1.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4  d` %0 +4 04 o82 G0' &PM `pM 5 p  "dD',16z;,@Rd6vR 1GPdpwtdav_codec_h264_rtp.c$a$d.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC4.LC5.LC6__FUNCTION__.4195__FUNCTION__.4231__FUNCTION__.4251__FUNCTION__.4278tdav_codec_h264_parse_profilestrlentsk_debug_get_leveltsk_debug_get_error_cbtsk_debug_get_arg_datafprintfstrtol__sFtdav_codec_h264_get_paytsk_debug_get_warn_cb_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_tdav_codec_h264_rtp_callbacktsk_reallocmemcpyH264_START_CODE_PREFIXtdav_codec_h264_rtp_encap$0<D !"`#   %% 8!D&HL PT#X\ `hl ptx |  T`%l%t !t( !@)&*# ' '/1830 1480519035 1000 1000 100664 17592 ` ELF('4(@-@P P 0 100@-@P 00O--`Mb@  v`0P 0` Up1#R`?`[?`@`U``0S'*P PGASP @!1 P 04/6 0  0P)Ā Pg '4` 0 p0S !jf 娀 H  * u 3 g {!k+j3/UЍO-PQ|MXp@P 0 SR0SPaP @H(HH8 ` 04/,8,(, $8` 0bG?0 BS S S PP `0 6/70 G?` 0| 000P700 0D700$00` 0R!PBaP @&6 ` 04/6& 6 0`0S2S S1 R  10#3SS sPOP 6$ 08/5 50}1SS 01, D01@000P)P]P p%pp5  08/ 5P%P H5 0l0SJ  p px 3/C,0S@ 0| 0P T00 S-*  0P#PoaP @$4 ` 04/ 4h$h `4 0` 0 | 0011S P  0#3SS 0 1 *X0Ss*0SpB d0S d)*0H00Pd d d*  d 0 0d C,* Тd -0 d .0 6d000d00 0d00h0P01e P1P 00 208/ ! 10d0 h @P=P !q?0 1 00!q?0 x1 0PP @!r?<0 41 08/ p0!r?0 1 0 AQB|Ѝ<84 L@d`\D@8|xt\XPtlh0,(O-PQ$M@` RSppPP @4#000 (3I 0(3#00 3I 0)0  |0P ! 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profile-level-id=%d imageattr*INFO: Packet duplicated, seq_num=%d *INFO: Packet lost, seq_num=%d **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Buffer overflow ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to allocate new buffer **WARN: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to decode the buffer with error code = %d ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Invalid size ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Too short ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: %x is an invalide start code ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Codec not opened actionrotation***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to find MP4V-ES decoder ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Decoder already opened ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to create decoder picture ***ERROR: function: "%s()" file: "%s" line: "%u" MSG: Failed to allocate decoder buffer ***ERROR: 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