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VBV maxrate unspecified, assuming CBR VBV bufsize set but maxrate unspecified, ignored max bitrate less than average bitrate, assuming CBR VBV maxrate specified, but no bufsize, ignored interlace + slice-min-mbs is not implemented slice-min-mbs > row mb size (%d) not implemented subme=0 + direct=temporal is not supported b-pyramid normal + intra-refresh is not supported ref > 1 + intra-refresh is not supported intra-refresh is not compatible with open-gop lookaheadless mb-tree requires intra refresh or infinite keyint --%s used with psy on: results will be invalid! --ssim used with AQ off: results will be invalid! --psnr used with AQ on: results will be invalid! --tune %s should be used if attempting to benchmark %s! invalid level_idc: %d interlace + me=esa is not implemented interlace + weightp is not implemented using mv_range_thread = %d NAL HRD parameters require VBV parameters CBR HRD requires constant bitrate cannot create valid sample aspect ratio using SAR=%d/%d invalid DTS: PTS is less than DTS PSNR Y:%5.2f U:%5.2f V:%5.2f SSIM Y:%.5fframe=%4d QP=%.2f NAL=%d Slice:%c Poc:%-3d I:%-4d P:%-4d SKIP:%-4d size=%d bytes%s r+bencoder/encoder.c(first_y&1) == 0slice-max-size violated (frame %d, cause: slice-min-mbs) MainConstrained BaselineHighHigh 4:4:4 PredictiveHigh 10High 4:2:2High 4:4:4 IntraHigh 4:2:2 IntraHigh 10 IntraEffective timebase denominator %u exceeds H.264 maximum using cpu capabilities:SSESSE2SSE3SSE4.1BMI1 %s none!%s MV cost test failed: x264 has been miscompiled! CLZ test failed: x264 has been miscompiled! failed to load OpenCL HRD bitrate: %i bits/sec CPB size: %i bits wdump_yuv: can't write to %s dump_yuv: incompatible with non-regular file %s %d.%d1bprofile %s, level %s profile %s, level %s, %s %d-bit x264_encoder_invalidate_reference is not supported with B-frames enabled x264_encoder_invalidate_reference is not supported with intra refresh enabled non-strictly-monotonic PTS h->i_ref[0] + h->i_ref[1] <= X264_REF_MAXx264_clip3( denom, 0, 7 ) == denomh->sh.weight[j][i].i_denom == denomuvuvDCuvACh->thread[i]->fenc->i_reference_count == 1frame %c:%-5d Avg QP:%5.2f size:%6.0f frame %c:%-5d Avg QP:%5.2f size:%6.0f PSNR Mean Y:%5.2f U:%5.2f V:%5.2f Avg:%5.2f Global:%5.2f consecutive B-frames:%s mb I %s mb P %s P16..4: %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% skip:%4.1f%% B16..8: %4.1f%% %4.1f%% %4.1f%% direct:%4.1f%% skip:%4.1f%% L0:%4.1f%% L1:%4.1f%% BI:%4.1f%%mb B %s inter:%.1f%% skip:%.1f%%field mbs: intra: %.1f%%%s 8x8 transform intra:%.1f%%%s 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typedef unsigned uint32_t; typedef uint8_t pixel; typedef uint16_t sum_t; typedef uint32_t sum2_t; #define LOWRES_COST_MASK ((1<<14)-1) #define LOWRES_COST_SHIFT 14 #define COST_MAX (1<<28) #define PIXEL_MAX 255 #define BITS_PER_SUM (8 * sizeof(sum_t)) /* Constants for offsets into frame statistics buffer */ #define COST_EST 0 #define COST_EST_AQ 1 #define INTRA_MBS 2 #define COPY2_IF_LT( x, y, a, b )\ if((y)<(x))\ {\ (x) = (y);\ (a) = (b);\ } constant int2 dia_offs[4] = { {0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}, }; inline pixel x264_clip_pixel( int x ) { return (pixel) clamp( x, (int) 0, (int) PIXEL_MAX ); } inline int2 x264_median_mv( short2 a, short2 b, short2 c ) { short2 t1 = min(a, b); short2 t2 = min(max(a, b), c); return convert_int2(max(t1, t2)); } inline sum2_t abs2( sum2_t a ) { sum2_t s = ((a >> (BITS_PER_SUM - 1)) & (((sum2_t)1 << BITS_PER_SUM) + 1)) * ((sum_t)-1); return (a + s) ^ s; } #define HADAMARD4( d0, d1, d2, d3, s0, s1, s2, s3 ) {\ sum2_t t0 = s0 + s1;\ sum2_t t1 = s0 - s1;\ sum2_t t2 = s2 + s3;\ sum2_t t3 = s2 - s3;\ d0 = t0 + t2;\ d2 = t0 - t2;\ d1 = t1 + t3;\ d3 = t1 - t3;\ } #define HADAMARD4V( d0, d1, d2, d3, s0, s1, s2, s3 ) {\ int2 t0 = s0 + s1;\ int2 t1 = s0 - s1;\ int2 t2 = s2 + s3;\ int2 t3 = s2 - s3;\ d0 = t0 + t2;\ d2 = t0 - t2;\ d1 = t1 + t3;\ d3 = t1 - t3;\ } #define SATD_C_8x4_Q( name, q1, q2 )\ int name( q1 pixel *pix1, int i_pix1, q2 pixel *pix2, int i_pix2 )\ {\ sum2_t tmp[4][4];\ sum2_t a0, a1, a2, a3;\ sum2_t sum = 0;\ for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++, pix1 += i_pix1, pix2 += i_pix2 )\ {\ a0 = (pix1[0] - pix2[0]) + ((sum2_t)(pix1[4] - pix2[4]) << BITS_PER_SUM);\ a1 = (pix1[1] - pix2[1]) + ((sum2_t)(pix1[5] - pix2[5]) << BITS_PER_SUM);\ a2 = (pix1[2] - pix2[2]) + ((sum2_t)(pix1[6] - pix2[6]) << BITS_PER_SUM);\ a3 = (pix1[3] - pix2[3]) + ((sum2_t)(pix1[7] - pix2[7]) << BITS_PER_SUM);\ HADAMARD4( tmp[i][0], tmp[i][1], tmp[i][2], tmp[i][3], a0, a1, a2, a3 );\ }\ for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )\ {\ HADAMARD4( a0, a1, a2, a3, tmp[0][i], tmp[1][i], tmp[2][i], tmp[3][i] );\ sum += abs2( a0 ) + abs2( a1 ) + abs2( a2 ) + abs2( a3 );\ }\ return (((sum_t)sum) + (sum>>BITS_PER_SUM)) >> 1;\ } /* * Utility function to perform a parallel sum reduction of an array of integers */ int parallel_sum( int value, int x, volatile local int *array ) { array[x] = value; barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ); int dim = get_local_size( 0 ); while( dim > 1 ) { dim >>= 1; if( x < dim ) array[x] += array[x + dim]; if( dim > 32 ) barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ); } return array[0]; } int mv_cost( uint2 mvd ) { float2 mvdf = (float2)(mvd.x, mvd.y) + 1.0f; float2 cost = round( log2(mvdf) * 2.0f + 0.718f + (float2)(!!mvd.x, !!mvd.y) ); return (int) (cost.x + cost.y); } /* Mode selection routines, select the least SATD cost mode for each lowres * macroblock. When measuring B slices, this includes measuring the cost of * three bidir modes. */ /* Four threads cooperatively measure 8x8 BIDIR cost with SATD */ int bidir_satd_8x8_ii_coop4( read_only image2d_t fenc_lowres, int2 fencpos, read_only image2d_t fref0_planes, int2 qpos0, read_only image2d_t fref1_planes, int2 qpos1, int weight, local sum2_t *tmpp, int idx ) { volatile local sum2_t( *tmp )[4] = (volatile local sum2_t( * )[4])tmpp; sum2_t b0, b1, b2, b3; sum2_t sum = 0; int2 fref0Apos = (int2)(qpos0.x>>2, qpos0.y>>2); int hpel0A = ((qpos0.x&2)>>1) + (qpos0.y&2); int2 qpos0B = (int2)qpos0 + (int2)(((qpos0.x&1)<<1), ((qpos0.y&1)<<1)); int2 fref0Bpos = (int2)(qpos0B.x>>2, qpos0B.y>>2); int hpel0B = ((qpos0B.x&2)>>1) + (qpos0B.y&2); int2 fref1Apos = (int2)(qpos1.x>>2, qpos1.y>>2); int hpel1A = ((qpos1.x&2)>>1) + (qpos1.y&2); int2 qpos1B = (int2)qpos1 + (int2)(((qpos1.x&1)<<1), ((qpos1.y&1)<<1)); int2 fref1Bpos = (int2)(qpos1B.x>>2, qpos1B.y>>2); int hpel1B = ((qpos1B.x&2)>>1) + (qpos1B.y&2); uint mask_shift0A = 8 * hpel0A, mask_shift0B = 8 * hpel0B; uint mask_shift1A = 8 * hpel1A, mask_shift1B = 8 * hpel1B; uint vA, vB; uint enc, ref0, ref1; uint a0, a1; const int weight2 = 64 - weight; #define READ_BIDIR_DIFF( OUT, X )\ enc = read_imageui( fenc_lowres, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(X, idx) ).s0;\ vA = (read_imageui( fref0_planes, sampler, fref0Apos + (int2)(X, idx) ).s0 >> mask_shift0A) & 0xFF;\ vB = (read_imageui( fref0_planes, sampler, fref0Bpos + (int2)(X, idx) ).s0 >> mask_shift0B) & 0xFF;\ ref0 = rhadd( vA, vB );\ vA = (read_imageui( fref1_planes, sampler, fref1Apos + (int2)(X, idx) ).s0 >> mask_shift1A) & 0xFF;\ vB = (read_imageui( fref1_planes, sampler, fref1Bpos + (int2)(X, idx) ).s0 >> mask_shift1B) & 0xFF;\ ref1 = rhadd( vA, vB );\ OUT = enc - ((ref0 * weight + ref1 * weight2 + (1 << 5)) >> 6); #define READ_DIFF_EX( OUT, a, b )\ READ_BIDIR_DIFF( a0, a );\ READ_BIDIR_DIFF( a1, b );\ OUT = a0 + (a1<>BITS_PER_SUM)) >> 1; } /* * mode selection - pick the least cost partition type for each 8x8 macroblock. * Intra, list0 or list1. When measuring a B slice, also test three bidir * possibilities. * * fenc_lowres_mvs[0|1] and fenc_lowres_mv_costs[0|1] are large buffers that * hold many frames worth of motion vectors. We must offset into the correct * location for this frame's vectors: * * CPU equivalent: fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b - p0 - 1] * GPU equivalent: fenc_lowres_mvs0[(b - p0 - 1) * mb_count] * * global launch dimensions for P slice estimate: [mb_width, mb_height] * global launch dimensions for B slice estimate: [mb_width * 4, mb_height] */ kernel void mode_selection( read_only image2d_t fenc_lowres, read_only image2d_t fref0_planes, read_only image2d_t fref1_planes, const global short2 *fenc_lowres_mvs0, const global short2 *fenc_lowres_mvs1, const global short2 *fref1_lowres_mvs0, const global int16_t *fenc_lowres_mv_costs0, const global int16_t *fenc_lowres_mv_costs1, const global uint16_t *fenc_intra_cost, global uint16_t *lowres_costs, global int *frame_stats, local int16_t *cost_local, local sum2_t *satd_local, int mb_width, int bipred_weight, int dist_scale_factor, int b, int p0, int p1, int lambda ) { int mb_x = get_global_id( 0 ); int b_bidir = b < p1; if( b_bidir ) { /* when mode_selection is run for B frames, it must perform BIDIR SATD * measurements, so it is launched with four times as many threads in * order to spread the work around more of the GPU. And it can add * padding threads in the X direction. */ mb_x >>= 2; if( mb_x >= mb_width ) return; } int mb_y = get_global_id( 1 ); int mb_height = get_global_size( 1 ); int mb_count = mb_width * mb_height; int mb_xy = mb_x + mb_y * mb_width; /* Initialize int frame_stats[4] for next kernel (sum_inter_cost) */ if( mb_x < 4 && mb_y == 0 ) frame_stats[mb_x] = 0; int bcost = COST_MAX; int list_used = 0; if( !b_bidir ) { int icost = fenc_intra_cost[mb_xy]; COPY2_IF_LT( bcost, icost, list_used, 0 ); } if( b != p0 ) { int mv_cost0 = fenc_lowres_mv_costs0[(b - p0 - 1) * mb_count + mb_xy]; COPY2_IF_LT( bcost, mv_cost0, list_used, 1 ); } if( b != p1 ) { int mv_cost1 = fenc_lowres_mv_costs1[(p1 - b - 1) * mb_count + mb_xy]; COPY2_IF_LT( bcost, mv_cost1, list_used, 2 ); } if( b_bidir ) { int2 coord = (int2)(mb_x, mb_y) << 3; int mb_i = get_global_id( 0 ) & 3; int mb_in_group = get_local_id( 1 ) * (get_local_size( 0 ) >> 2) + (get_local_id( 0 ) >> 2); cost_local += mb_in_group * 4; satd_local += mb_in_group * 16; #define TRY_BIDIR( mv0, mv1, penalty )\ {\ int2 qpos0 = (int2)((coord.x<<2) + mv0.x, (coord.y<<2) + mv0.y);\ int2 qpos1 = (int2)((coord.x<<2) + mv1.x, (coord.y<<2) + mv1.y);\ cost_local[mb_i] = bidir_satd_8x8_ii_coop4( fenc_lowres, coord, fref0_planes, qpos0, fref1_planes, qpos1, bipred_weight, satd_local, mb_i );\ int cost = cost_local[0] + cost_local[1] + cost_local[2] + cost_local[3];\ COPY2_IF_LT( bcost, penalty * lambda + cost, list_used, 3 );\ } /* temporal prediction */ short2 dmv0, dmv1; short2 mvr = fref1_lowres_mvs0[mb_xy]; dmv0 = (mvr * (short) dist_scale_factor + (short) 128) >> (short) 8; dmv1 = dmv0 - mvr; TRY_BIDIR( dmv0, dmv1, 0 ) if( as_uint( dmv0 ) || as_uint( dmv1 ) ) { /* B-direct prediction */ dmv0 = 0; dmv1 = 0; TRY_BIDIR( dmv0, dmv1, 0 ); } /* L0+L1 prediction */ dmv0 = fenc_lowres_mvs0[(b - p0 - 1) * mb_count + mb_xy]; dmv1 = fenc_lowres_mvs1[(p1 - b - 1) * mb_count + mb_xy]; TRY_BIDIR( dmv0, dmv1, 5 ); #undef TRY_BIDIR } lowres_costs[mb_xy] = min( bcost, LOWRES_COST_MASK ) + (list_used << LOWRES_COST_SHIFT); } /* * parallel sum inter costs * * global launch dimensions: [256, mb_height] */ kernel void sum_inter_cost( const global uint16_t *fenc_lowres_costs, const global uint16_t *inv_qscale_factor, global int *fenc_row_satds, global int *frame_stats, int mb_width, int bframe_bias, int b, int p0, int p1 ) { int y = get_global_id( 1 ); int mb_height = get_global_size( 1 ); int row_satds = 0; int cost_est = 0; int cost_est_aq = 0; int intra_mbs = 0; for( int x = get_global_id( 0 ); x < mb_width; x += get_global_size( 0 )) { int mb_xy = x + y * mb_width; int cost = fenc_lowres_costs[mb_xy] & LOWRES_COST_MASK; int list = fenc_lowres_costs[mb_xy] >> LOWRES_COST_SHIFT; int b_frame_score_mb = (x > 0 && x < mb_width - 1 && y > 0 && y < mb_height - 1) || mb_width <= 2 || mb_height <= 2; if( list == 0 && b_frame_score_mb ) intra_mbs++; int cost_aq = (cost * inv_qscale_factor[mb_xy] + 128) >> 8; row_satds += cost_aq; if( b_frame_score_mb ) { cost_est += cost; cost_est_aq += cost_aq; } } local int buffer[256]; int x = get_global_id( 0 ); row_satds = parallel_sum( row_satds, x, buffer ); cost_est = parallel_sum( cost_est, x, buffer ); cost_est_aq = parallel_sum( cost_est_aq, x, buffer ); intra_mbs = parallel_sum( intra_mbs, x, buffer ); if( b != p1 ) cost_est = (int)((float)cost_est * 100.0f / (120.0f + (float)bframe_bias)); if( get_global_id( 0 ) == 0 ) { fenc_row_satds[y] = row_satds; atomic_add( frame_stats + COST_EST, cost_est ); atomic_add( frame_stats + COST_EST_AQ, cost_est_aq ); atomic_add( frame_stats + INTRA_MBS, intra_mbs ); } } /* * downscale lowres luma: full-res buffer to down scale image, and to packed hpel image * * -- * * fenc_img is an output image (area of memory referenced through a texture * cache). A read of any pixel location (x,y) returns four pixel values: * * val.s0 = P(x,y) * val.s1 = P(x+1,y) * val.s2 = P(x+2,y) * val.s3 = P(x+3,y) * * This is a 4x replication of the lowres pixels, a trade-off between memory * size and read latency. * * -- * * hpel_planes is an output image that contains the four HPEL planes used for * subpel refinement. A read of any pixel location (x,y) returns a UInt32 with * the four planar values C | V | H | F * * launch dimensions: [lowres-width, lowres-height] */ kernel void downscale_hpel( const global pixel *fenc, write_only image2d_t fenc_img, write_only image2d_t hpel_planes, int stride ) { int x = get_global_id( 0 ); int y = get_global_id( 1 ); uint4 values; fenc += y * stride * 2; const global pixel *src1 = fenc + stride; const global pixel *src2 = (y == get_global_size( 1 )-1) ? src1 : src1 + stride; int2 pos = (int2)(x, y); pixel right, left; right = rhadd( fenc[x*2], src1[x*2] ); left = rhadd( fenc[x*2+1], src1[x*2+1] ); values.s0 = rhadd( right, left ); // F right = rhadd( fenc[2*x+1], src1[2*x+1] ); left = rhadd( fenc[2*x+2], src1[2*x+2] ); values.s1 = rhadd( right, left ); // H right = rhadd( src1[2*x], src2[2*x] ); left = rhadd( src1[2*x+1], src2[2*x+1] ); values.s2 = rhadd( right, left ); // V right = rhadd( src1[2*x+1], src2[2*x+1] ); left = rhadd( src1[2*x+2], src2[2*x+2] ); values.s3 = rhadd( right, left ); // C uint4 val = (uint4) ((values.s3 & 0xff) << 24) | ((values.s2 & 0xff) << 16) | ((values.s1 & 0xff) << 8) | (values.s0 & 0xff); write_imageui( hpel_planes, pos, val ); x = select( x, x+1, x+1 < get_global_size( 0 ) ); right = rhadd( fenc[x*2], src1[x*2] ); left = rhadd( fenc[x*2+1], src1[x*2+1] ); values.s1 = rhadd( right, left ); x = select( x, x+1, x+1 < get_global_size( 0 ) ); right = rhadd( fenc[x*2], src1[x*2] ); left = rhadd( fenc[x*2+1], src1[x*2+1] ); values.s2 = rhadd( right, left ); x = select( x, x+1, x+1 < get_global_size( 0 ) ); right = rhadd( fenc[x*2], src1[x*2] ); left = rhadd( fenc[x*2+1], src1[x*2+1] ); values.s3 = rhadd( right, left ); write_imageui( fenc_img, pos, values ); } /* * downscale lowres hierarchical motion search image, copy from one image to * another decimated image. This kernel is called iteratively to generate all * of the downscales. * * launch dimensions: [lower_res width, lower_res height] */ kernel void downscale1( read_only image2d_t higher_res, write_only image2d_t lower_res ) { int x = get_global_id( 0 ); int y = get_global_id( 1 ); int2 pos = (int2)(x, y); int gs = get_global_size( 0 ); uint4 top, bot, values; top = read_imageui( higher_res, sampler, (int2)(x*2, 2*y) ); bot = read_imageui( higher_res, sampler, (int2)(x*2, 2*y+1) ); values.s0 = rhadd( rhadd( top.s0, bot.s0 ), rhadd( top.s1, bot.s1 ) ); /* these select statements appear redundant, and they should be, but tests break when * they are not here. I believe this was caused by a driver bug */ values.s1 = select( values.s0, rhadd( rhadd( top.s2, bot.s2 ), rhadd( top.s3, bot.s3 ) ), ( x + 1 < gs) ); top = read_imageui( higher_res, sampler, (int2)(x*2+4, 2*y) ); bot = read_imageui( higher_res, sampler, (int2)(x*2+4, 2*y+1) ); values.s2 = select( values.s1, rhadd( rhadd( top.s0, bot.s0 ), rhadd( top.s1, bot.s1 ) ), ( x + 2 < gs ) ); values.s3 = select( values.s2, rhadd( rhadd( top.s2, bot.s2 ), rhadd( top.s3, bot.s3 ) ), ( x + 3 < gs ) ); write_imageui( lower_res, pos, (uint4)(values) ); } /* * Second copy of downscale kernel, no differences. This is a (no perf loss) * workaround for a scheduling bug in current Tahiti drivers. This bug has * theoretically been fixed in the July 2012 driver release from AMD. */ kernel void downscale2( read_only image2d_t higher_res, write_only image2d_t lower_res ) { int x = get_global_id( 0 ); int y = get_global_id( 1 ); int2 pos = (int2)(x, y); int gs = get_global_size( 0 ); uint4 top, bot, values; top = read_imageui( higher_res, sampler, (int2)(x*2, 2*y) ); bot = read_imageui( higher_res, sampler, (int2)(x*2, 2*y+1) ); values.s0 = rhadd( rhadd( top.s0, bot.s0 ), rhadd( top.s1, bot.s1 ) ); values.s1 = select( values.s0, rhadd( rhadd( top.s2, bot.s2 ), rhadd( top.s3, bot.s3 ) ), ( x + 1 < gs) ); top = read_imageui( higher_res, sampler, (int2)(x*2+4, 2*y) ); bot = read_imageui( higher_res, sampler, (int2)(x*2+4, 2*y+1) ); values.s2 = select( values.s1, rhadd( rhadd( top.s0, bot.s0 ), rhadd( top.s1, bot.s1 ) ), ( x + 2 < gs ) ); values.s3 = select( values.s2, rhadd( rhadd( top.s2, bot.s2 ), rhadd( top.s3, bot.s3 ) ), ( x + 3 < gs ) ); write_imageui( lower_res, pos, (uint4)(values) ); } /* OpenCL 1.2 finally added a memset command, but we're not targeting 1.2 */ kernel void memset_int16( global int16_t *buf, int16_t value ) { buf[get_global_id( 0 )] = value; } /* Lookahead lowres intra analysis * * Each intra analysis function has been implemented twice, once for scalar GPUs * (NV) and once for vectorized GPUs (AMD pre-Southern Islands). x264 detects * the GPU type and sets the -DVECTORIZE compile flag accordingly. * * All the intra analysis functions were based on their C versions in pixel.c * and produce the exact same results. */ /* force all clamp arguments and return value to int, prevent ambiguous types */ #define clamp_int( X, MIN, MAX ) (int) clamp( (int)(X), (int)(MIN), (int)(MAX) ) #if VECTORIZE int satd_8x4_intra_lr( const local pixel *data, int data_stride, int8 pr0, int8 pr1, int8 pr2, int8 pr3 ) { int8 a_v, d_v; int2 tmp00, tmp01, tmp02, tmp03, tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13; int2 tmp20, tmp21, tmp22, tmp23, tmp30, tmp31, tmp32, tmp33; d_v = convert_int8( vload8( 0, data ) ); a_v.s01234567 = (d_v - pr0).s04152637; HADAMARD4V( tmp00, tmp01, tmp02, tmp03, a_v.lo.lo, a_v.lo.hi, a_v.hi.lo, a_v.hi.hi ); data += data_stride; d_v = convert_int8( vload8( 0, data ) ); a_v.s01234567 = (d_v - pr1).s04152637; HADAMARD4V( tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13, a_v.lo.lo, a_v.lo.hi, a_v.hi.lo, a_v.hi.hi ); data += data_stride; d_v = convert_int8( vload8( 0, data ) ); a_v.s01234567 = (d_v - pr2).s04152637; HADAMARD4V( tmp20, tmp21, tmp22, tmp23, a_v.lo.lo, a_v.lo.hi, a_v.hi.lo, a_v.hi.hi ); data += data_stride; d_v = convert_int8( vload8( 0, data ) ); a_v.s01234567 = (d_v - pr3).s04152637; HADAMARD4V( tmp30, tmp31, tmp32, tmp33, a_v.lo.lo, a_v.lo.hi, a_v.hi.lo, a_v.hi.hi ); uint8 sum_v; HADAMARD4V( a_v.lo.lo, a_v.lo.hi, a_v.hi.lo, a_v.hi.hi, tmp00, tmp10, tmp20, tmp30 ); sum_v = abs( a_v ); HADAMARD4V( a_v.lo.lo, a_v.lo.hi, a_v.hi.lo, a_v.hi.hi, tmp01, tmp11, tmp21, tmp31 ); sum_v += abs( a_v ); HADAMARD4V( a_v.lo.lo, a_v.lo.hi, a_v.hi.lo, a_v.hi.hi, tmp02, tmp12, tmp22, tmp32 ); sum_v += abs( a_v ); HADAMARD4V( a_v.lo.lo, a_v.lo.hi, a_v.hi.lo, a_v.hi.hi, tmp03, tmp13, tmp23, tmp33 ); sum_v += abs( a_v ); uint4 sum2 = sum_v.hi + sum_v.lo; uint2 sum3 = sum2.hi + sum2.lo; return ( sum3.hi + sum3.lo ) >> 1; } #else SATD_C_8x4_Q( satd_8x4_lp, const local, private ) #endif /**************************************************************************** * 8x8 prediction for intra luma block ****************************************************************************/ #define F1 rhadd #define F2( a, b, c ) ( a+2*b+c+2 )>>2 #if VECTORIZE int x264_predict_8x8_ddl( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *top ) { int8 pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3; pr0.s0 = ( 2 + top[0] + 2*top[1] + top[2] ) >> 2; pr0.s1 = ( 2 + top[1] + 2*top[2] + top[3] ) >> 2; pr0.s2 = ( 2 + top[2] + 2*top[3] + top[4] ) >> 2; pr0.s3 = ( 2 + top[3] + 2*top[4] + top[5] ) >> 2; pr0.s4 = ( 2 + top[4] + 2*top[5] + top[6] ) >> 2; pr0.s5 = ( 2 + top[5] + 2*top[6] + top[7] ) >> 2; pr0.s6 = ( 2 + top[6] + 2*top[7] + top[8] ) >> 2; pr0.s7 = ( 2 + top[7] + 2*top[8] + top[9] ) >> 2; pr1.s0 = ( 2 + top[1] + 2*top[2] + top[3] ) >> 2; pr1.s1 = ( 2 + top[2] + 2*top[3] + top[4] ) >> 2; pr1.s2 = ( 2 + top[3] + 2*top[4] + top[5] ) >> 2; pr1.s3 = ( 2 + top[4] + 2*top[5] + top[6] ) >> 2; pr1.s4 = ( 2 + top[5] + 2*top[6] + top[7] ) >> 2; pr1.s5 = ( 2 + top[6] + 2*top[7] + top[8] ) >> 2; pr1.s6 = ( 2 + top[7] + 2*top[8] + top[9] ) >> 2; pr1.s7 = ( 2 + top[8] + 2*top[9] + top[10] ) >> 2; pr2.s0 = ( 2 + top[2] + 2*top[3] + top[4] ) >> 2; pr2.s1 = ( 2 + top[3] + 2*top[4] + top[5] ) >> 2; pr2.s2 = ( 2 + top[4] + 2*top[5] + top[6] ) >> 2; pr2.s3 = ( 2 + top[5] + 2*top[6] + top[7] ) >> 2; pr2.s4 = ( 2 + top[6] + 2*top[7] + top[8] ) >> 2; pr2.s5 = ( 2 + top[7] + 2*top[8] + top[9] ) >> 2; pr2.s6 = ( 2 + top[8] + 2*top[9] + top[10] ) >> 2; pr2.s7 = ( 2 + top[9] + 2*top[10] + top[11] ) >> 2; pr3.s0 = ( 2 + top[3] + 2*top[4] + top[5] ) >> 2; pr3.s1 = ( 2 + top[4] + 2*top[5] + top[6] ) >> 2; pr3.s2 = ( 2 + top[5] + 2*top[6] + top[7] ) >> 2; pr3.s3 = ( 2 + top[6] + 2*top[7] + top[8] ) >> 2; pr3.s4 = ( 2 + top[7] + 2*top[8] + top[9] ) >> 2; pr3.s5 = ( 2 + top[8] + 2*top[9] + top[10] ) >> 2; pr3.s6 = ( 2 + top[9] + 2*top[10] + top[11] ) >> 2; pr3.s7 = ( 2 + top[10] + 2*top[11] + top[12] ) >> 2; int satd = satd_8x4_intra_lr( src, src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); pr0.s0 = ( 2 + top[4] + 2*top[5] + top[6] ) >> 2; pr0.s1 = ( 2 + top[5] + 2*top[6] + top[7] ) >> 2; pr0.s2 = ( 2 + top[6] + 2*top[7] + top[8] ) >> 2; pr0.s3 = ( 2 + top[7] + 2*top[8] + top[9] ) >> 2; pr0.s4 = ( 2 + top[8] + 2*top[9] + top[10] ) >> 2; pr0.s5 = ( 2 + top[9] + 2*top[10] + top[11] ) >> 2; pr0.s6 = ( 2 + top[10] + 2*top[11] + top[12] ) >> 2; pr0.s7 = ( 2 + top[11] + 2*top[12] + top[13] ) >> 2; pr1.s0 = ( 2 + top[5] + 2*top[6] + top[7] ) >> 2; pr1.s1 = ( 2 + top[6] + 2*top[7] + top[8] ) >> 2; pr1.s2 = ( 2 + top[7] + 2*top[8] + top[9] ) >> 2; pr1.s3 = ( 2 + top[8] + 2*top[9] + top[10] ) >> 2; pr1.s4 = ( 2 + top[9] + 2*top[10] + top[11] ) >> 2; pr1.s5 = ( 2 + top[10] + 2*top[11] + top[12] ) >> 2; pr1.s6 = ( 2 + top[11] + 2*top[12] + top[13] ) >> 2; pr1.s7 = ( 2 + top[12] + 2*top[13] + top[14] ) >> 2; pr2.s0 = ( 2 + top[6] + 2*top[7] + top[8] ) >> 2; pr2.s1 = ( 2 + top[7] + 2*top[8] + top[9] ) >> 2; pr2.s2 = ( 2 + top[8] + 2*top[9] + top[10] ) >> 2; pr2.s3 = ( 2 + top[9] + 2*top[10] + top[11] ) >> 2; pr2.s4 = ( 2 + top[10] + 2*top[11] + top[12] ) >> 2; pr2.s5 = ( 2 + top[11] + 2*top[12] + top[13] ) >> 2; pr2.s6 = ( 2 + top[12] + 2*top[13] + top[14] ) >> 2; pr2.s7 = ( 2 + top[13] + 2*top[14] + top[15] ) >> 2; pr3.s0 = ( 2 + top[7] + 2*top[8] + top[9] ) >> 2; pr3.s1 = ( 2 + top[8] + 2*top[9] + top[10] ) >> 2; pr3.s2 = ( 2 + top[9] + 2*top[10] + top[11] ) >> 2; pr3.s3 = ( 2 + top[10] + 2*top[11] + top[12] ) >> 2; pr3.s4 = ( 2 + top[11] + 2*top[12] + top[13] ) >> 2; pr3.s5 = ( 2 + top[12] + 2*top[13] + top[14] ) >> 2; pr3.s6 = ( 2 + top[13] + 2*top[14] + top[15] ) >> 2; pr3.s7 = ( 2 + top[14] + 3*top[15] ) >> 2; return satd + satd_8x4_intra_lr( src + (src_stride << 2), src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); } int x264_predict_8x8_ddr( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *top, const local pixel *left, pixel left_top ) { int8 pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3; pr3.s0 = F2( left[1], left[2], left[3] ); pr2.s0 = pr3.s1 = F2( left[0], left[1], left[2] ); pr1.s0 = pr2.s1 = pr3.s2 = F2( left[1], left[0], left_top ); pr0.s0 = pr1.s1 = pr2.s2 = pr3.s3 = F2( left[0], left_top, top[0] ); pr0.s1 = pr1.s2 = pr2.s3 = pr3.s4 = F2( left_top, top[0], top[1] ); pr0.s2 = pr1.s3 = pr2.s4 = pr3.s5 = F2( top[0], top[1], top[2] ); pr0.s3 = pr1.s4 = pr2.s5 = pr3.s6 = F2( top[1], top[2], top[3] ); pr0.s4 = pr1.s5 = pr2.s6 = pr3.s7 = F2( top[2], top[3], top[4] ); pr0.s5 = pr1.s6 = pr2.s7 = F2( top[3], top[4], top[5] ); pr0.s6 = pr1.s7 = F2( top[4], top[5], top[6] ); pr0.s7 = F2( top[5], top[6], top[7] ); int satd = satd_8x4_intra_lr( src, src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); pr3.s0 = F2( left[5], left[6], left[7] ); pr2.s0 = pr3.s1 = F2( left[4], left[5], left[6] ); pr1.s0 = pr2.s1 = pr3.s2 = F2( left[3], left[4], left[5] ); pr0.s0 = pr1.s1 = pr2.s2 = pr3.s3 = F2( left[2], left[3], left[4] ); pr0.s1 = pr1.s2 = pr2.s3 = pr3.s4 = F2( left[1], left[2], left[3] ); pr0.s2 = pr1.s3 = pr2.s4 = pr3.s5 = F2( left[0], left[1], left[2] ); pr0.s3 = pr1.s4 = pr2.s5 = pr3.s6 = F2( left[1], left[0], left_top ); pr0.s4 = pr1.s5 = pr2.s6 = pr3.s7 = F2( left[0], left_top, top[0] ); pr0.s5 = pr1.s6 = pr2.s7 = F2( left_top, top[0], top[1] ); pr0.s6 = pr1.s7 = F2( top[0], top[1], top[2] ); pr0.s7 = F2( top[1], top[2], top[3] ); return satd + satd_8x4_intra_lr( src + (src_stride << 2), src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); } int x264_predict_8x8_vr( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *top, const local pixel *left, pixel left_top ) { int8 pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3; pr2.s0 = F2( left[1], left[0], left_top ); pr3.s0 = F2( left[2], left[1], left[0] ); pr1.s0 = pr3.s1 = F2( left[0], left_top, top[0] ); pr0.s0 = pr2.s1 = F1( left_top, top[0] ); pr1.s1 = pr3.s2 = F2( left_top, top[0], top[1] ); pr0.s1 = pr2.s2 = F1( top[0], top[1] ); pr1.s2 = pr3.s3 = F2( top[0], top[1], top[2] ); pr0.s2 = pr2.s3 = F1( top[1], top[2] ); pr1.s3 = pr3.s4 = F2( top[1], top[2], top[3] ); pr0.s3 = pr2.s4 = F1( top[2], top[3] ); pr1.s4 = pr3.s5 = F2( top[2], top[3], top[4] ); pr0.s4 = pr2.s5 = F1( top[3], top[4] ); pr1.s5 = pr3.s6 = F2( top[3], top[4], top[5] ); pr0.s5 = pr2.s6 = F1( top[4], top[5] ); pr1.s6 = pr3.s7 = F2( top[4], top[5], top[6] ); pr0.s6 = pr2.s7 = F1( top[5], top[6] ); pr1.s7 = F2( top[5], top[6], top[7] ); pr0.s7 = F1( top[6], top[7] ); int satd = satd_8x4_intra_lr( src, src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); pr2.s0 = F2( left[5], left[4], left[3] ); pr3.s0 = F2( left[6], left[5], left[4] ); pr0.s0 = pr2.s1 = F2( left[3], left[2], left[1] ); pr1.s0 = pr3.s1 = F2( left[4], left[3], left[2] ); pr0.s1 = pr2.s2 = F2( left[1], left[0], left_top ); pr1.s1 = pr3.s2 = F2( left[2], left[1], left[0] ); pr1.s2 = pr3.s3 = F2( left[0], left_top, top[0] ); pr0.s2 = pr2.s3 = F1( left_top, top[0] ); pr1.s3 = pr3.s4 = F2( left_top, top[0], top[1] ); pr0.s3 = pr2.s4 = F1( top[0], top[1] ); pr1.s4 = pr3.s5 = F2( top[0], top[1], top[2] ); pr0.s4 = pr2.s5 = F1( top[1], top[2] ); pr1.s5 = pr3.s6 = F2( top[1], top[2], top[3] ); pr0.s5 = pr2.s6 = F1( top[2], top[3] ); pr1.s6 = pr3.s7 = F2( top[2], top[3], top[4] ); pr0.s6 = pr2.s7 = F1( top[3], top[4] ); pr1.s7 = F2( top[3], top[4], top[5] ); pr0.s7 = F1( top[4], top[5] ); return satd + satd_8x4_intra_lr( src + (src_stride << 2), src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); #undef PRED } int x264_predict_8x8_hd( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *top, const local pixel *left, pixel left_top ) { int8 pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3; pr0.s0 = F1( left_top, left[0] ); pr0.s1 = (left[0] + 2 * left_top + top[0] + 2) >> 2; pr0.s2 = F2( top[1], top[0], left_top ); pr0.s3 = F2( top[2], top[1], top[0] ); pr0.s4 = F2( top[3], top[2], top[1] ); pr0.s5 = F2( top[4], top[3], top[2] ); pr0.s6 = F2( top[5], top[4], top[3] ); pr0.s7 = F2( top[6], top[5], top[4] ); pr1.s0 = F1( left[0], left[1] ); pr1.s1 = (left_top + 2 * left[0] + left[1] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s2 = F1( left_top, left[0] ); pr1.s3 = (left[0] + 2 * left_top + top[0] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s4 = F2( top[1], top[0], left_top ); pr1.s5 = F2( top[2], top[1], top[0] ); pr1.s6 = F2( top[3], top[2], top[1] ); pr1.s7 = F2( top[4], top[3], top[2] ); pr2.s0 = F1( left[1], left[2] ); pr2.s1 = (left[0] + 2 * left[1] + left[2] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s2 = F1( left[0], left[1] ); pr2.s3 = (left_top + 2 * left[0] + left[1] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s4 = F1( left_top, left[0] ); pr2.s5 = (left[0] + 2 * left_top + top[0] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s6 = F2( top[1], top[0], left_top ); pr2.s7 = F2( top[2], top[1], top[0] ); pr3.s0 = F1( left[2], left[3] ); pr3.s1 = (left[1] + 2 * left[2] + left[3] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s2 = F1( left[1], left[2] ); pr3.s3 = (left[0] + 2 * left[1] + left[2] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s4 = F1( left[0], left[1] ); pr3.s5 = (left_top + 2 * left[0] + left[1] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s6 = F1( left_top, left[0] ); pr3.s7 = (left[0] + 2 * left_top + top[0] + 2) >> 2; int satd = satd_8x4_intra_lr( src, src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); pr0.s0 = F1( left[3], left[4] ); pr0.s1 = (left[2] + 2 * left[3] + left[4] + 2) >> 2; pr0.s2 = F1( left[2], left[3] ); pr0.s3 = (left[1] + 2 * left[2] + left[3] + 2) >> 2; pr0.s4 = F1( left[1], left[2] ); pr0.s5 = (left[0] + 2 * left[1] + left[2] + 2) >> 2; pr0.s6 = F1( left[0], left[1] ); pr0.s7 = (left_top + 2 * left[0] + left[1] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s0 = F1( left[4], left[5] ); pr1.s1 = (left[3] + 2 * left[4] + left[5] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s2 = F1( left[3], left[4] ); pr1.s3 = (left[2] + 2 * left[3] + left[4] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s4 = F1( left[2], left[3] ); pr1.s5 = (left[1] + 2 * left[2] + left[3] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s6 = F1( left[1], left[2] ); pr1.s7 = (left[0] + 2 * left[1] + left[2] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s0 = F1( left[5], left[6] ); pr2.s1 = (left[4] + 2 * left[5] + left[6] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s2 = F1( left[4], left[5] ); pr2.s3 = (left[3] + 2 * left[4] + left[5] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s4 = F1( left[3], left[4] ); pr2.s5 = (left[2] + 2 * left[3] + left[4] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s6 = F1( left[2], left[3] ); pr2.s7 = (left[1] + 2 * left[2] + left[3] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s0 = F1( left[6], left[7] ); pr3.s1 = (left[5] + 2 * left[6] + left[7] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s2 = F1( left[5], left[6] ); pr3.s3 = (left[4] + 2 * left[5] + left[6] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s4 = F1( left[4], left[5] ); pr3.s5 = (left[3] + 2 * left[4] + left[5] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s6 = F1( left[3], left[4] ); pr3.s7 = (left[2] + 2 * left[3] + left[4] + 2) >> 2; return satd + satd_8x4_intra_lr( src + (src_stride << 2), src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); } int x264_predict_8x8_vl( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *top ) { int8 pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3; pr0.s0 = F1( top[0], top[1] ); pr1.s0 = F2( top[0], top[1], top[2] ); pr2.s0 = pr0.s1 = F1( top[1], top[2] ); pr3.s0 = pr1.s1 = F2( top[1], top[2], top[3] ); pr2.s1 = pr0.s2 = F1( top[2], top[3] ); pr3.s1 = pr1.s2 = F2( top[2], top[3], top[4] ); pr2.s2 = pr0.s3 = F1( top[3], top[4] ); pr3.s2 = pr1.s3 = F2( top[3], top[4], top[5] ); pr2.s3 = pr0.s4 = F1( top[4], top[5] ); pr3.s3 = pr1.s4 = F2( top[4], top[5], top[6] ); pr2.s4 = pr0.s5 = F1( top[5], top[6] ); pr3.s4 = pr1.s5 = F2( top[5], top[6], top[7] ); pr2.s5 = pr0.s6 = F1( top[6], top[7] ); pr3.s5 = pr1.s6 = F2( top[6], top[7], top[8] ); pr2.s6 = pr0.s7 = F1( top[7], top[8] ); pr3.s6 = pr1.s7 = F2( top[7], top[8], top[9] ); pr2.s7 = F1( top[8], top[9] ); pr3.s7 = F2( top[8], top[9], top[10] ); int satd = satd_8x4_intra_lr( src, src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); pr0.s0 = F1( top[2], top[3] ); pr1.s0 = F2( top[2], top[3], top[4] ); pr2.s0 = pr0.s1 = F1( top[3], top[4] ); pr3.s0 = pr1.s1 = F2( top[3], top[4], top[5] ); pr2.s1 = pr0.s2 = F1( top[4], top[5] ); pr3.s1 = pr1.s2 = F2( top[4], top[5], top[6] ); pr2.s2 = pr0.s3 = F1( top[5], top[6] ); pr3.s2 = pr1.s3 = F2( top[5], top[6], top[7] ); pr2.s3 = pr0.s4 = F1( top[6], top[7] ); pr3.s3 = pr1.s4 = F2( top[6], top[7], top[8] ); pr2.s4 = pr0.s5 = F1( top[7], top[8] ); pr3.s4 = pr1.s5 = F2( top[7], top[8], top[9] ); pr2.s5 = pr0.s6 = F1( top[8], top[9] ); pr3.s5 = pr1.s6 = F2( top[8], top[9], top[10] ); pr2.s6 = pr0.s7 = F1( top[9], top[10] ); pr3.s6 = pr1.s7 = F2( top[9], top[10], top[11] ); pr2.s7 = F1( top[10], top[11] ); pr3.s7 = F2( top[10], top[11], top[12] ); return satd + satd_8x4_intra_lr( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); } int x264_predict_8x8_hu( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *left ) { int8 pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3; pr0.s0 = F1( left[0], left[1] ); pr0.s1 = (left[0] + 2 * left[1] + left[2] + 2) >> 2; pr0.s2 = F1( left[1], left[2] ); pr0.s3 = (left[1] + 2 * left[2] + left[3] + 2) >> 2; pr0.s4 = F1( left[2], left[3] ); pr0.s5 = (left[2] + 2 * left[3] + left[4] + 2) >> 2; pr0.s6 = F1( left[3], left[4] ); pr0.s7 = (left[3] + 2 * left[4] + left[5] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s0 = F1( left[1], left[2] ); pr1.s1 = (left[1] + 2 * left[2] + left[3] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s2 = F1( left[2], left[3] ); pr1.s3 = (left[2] + 2 * left[3] + left[4] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s4 = F1( left[3], left[4] ); pr1.s5 = (left[3] + 2 * left[4] + left[5] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s6 = F1( left[4], left[5] ); pr1.s7 = (left[4] + 2 * left[5] + left[6] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s0 = F1( left[2], left[3] ); pr2.s1 = (left[2] + 2 * left[3] + left[4] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s2 = F1( left[3], left[4] ); pr2.s3 = (left[3] + 2 * left[4] + left[5] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s4 = F1( left[4], left[5] ); pr2.s5 = (left[4] + 2 * left[5] + left[6] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s6 = F1( left[5], left[6] ); pr2.s7 = (left[5] + 2 * left[6] + left[7] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s0 = F1( left[3], left[4] ); pr3.s1 = (left[3] + 2 * left[4] + left[5] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s2 = F1( left[4], left[5] ); pr3.s3 = (left[4] + 2 * left[5] + left[6] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s4 = F1( left[5], left[6] ); pr3.s5 = (left[5] + 2 * left[6] + left[7] + 2) >> 2; pr3.s6 = F1( left[6], left[7] ); pr3.s7 = (left[6] + 2 * left[7] + left[7] + 2) >> 2; int satd = satd_8x4_intra_lr( src, src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); pr0.s0 = F1( left[4], left[5] ); pr0.s1 = (left[4] + 2 * left[5] + left[6] + 2) >> 2; pr0.s2 = F1( left[5], left[6] ); pr0.s3 = (left[5] + 2 * left[6] + left[7] + 2) >> 2; pr0.s4 = F1( left[6], left[7] ); pr0.s5 = (left[6] + 2 * left[7] + left[7] + 2) >> 2; pr0.s6 = left[7]; pr0.s7 = left[7]; pr1.s0 = F1( left[5], left[6] ); pr1.s1 = (left[5] + 2 * left[6] + left[7] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s2 = F1( left[6], left[7] ); pr1.s3 = (left[6] + 2 * left[7] + left[7] + 2) >> 2; pr1.s4 = left[7]; pr1.s5 = left[7]; pr1.s6 = left[7]; pr1.s7 = left[7]; pr2.s0 = F1( left[6], left[7] ); pr2.s1 = (left[6] + 2 * left[7] + left[7] + 2) >> 2; pr2.s2 = left[7]; pr2.s3 = left[7]; pr2.s4 = left[7]; pr2.s5 = left[7]; pr2.s6 = left[7]; pr2.s7 = left[7]; pr3 = (int8)left[7]; return satd + satd_8x4_intra_lr( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); } int x264_predict_8x8c_h( const local pixel *src, int src_stride ) { const local pixel *src_l = src; int8 pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3; pr0 = (int8)src[-1]; src += src_stride; pr1 = (int8)src[-1]; src += src_stride; pr2 = (int8)src[-1]; src += src_stride; pr3 = (int8)src[-1]; src += src_stride; int satd = satd_8x4_intra_lr( src_l, src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); pr0 = (int8)src[-1]; src += src_stride; pr1 = (int8)src[-1]; src += src_stride; pr2 = (int8)src[-1]; src += src_stride; pr3 = (int8)src[-1]; return satd + satd_8x4_intra_lr( src_l + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); } int x264_predict_8x8c_v( const local pixel *src, int src_stride ) { int8 pred = convert_int8( vload8( 0, &src[-src_stride] )); return satd_8x4_intra_lr( src, src_stride, pred, pred, pred, pred ) + satd_8x4_intra_lr( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pred, pred, pred, pred ); } int x264_predict_8x8c_p( const local pixel *src, int src_stride ) { int H = 0, V = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { H += (i + 1) * (src[4 + i - src_stride] - src[2 - i - src_stride]); V += (i + 1) * (src[-1 + (i + 4) * src_stride] - src[-1 + (2 - i) * src_stride]); } int a = 16 * (src[-1 + 7 * src_stride] + src[7 - src_stride]); int b = (17 * H + 16) >> 5; int c = (17 * V + 16) >> 5; int i00 = a - 3 * b - 3 * c + 16; int pix = i00; int8 pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3; pr0.s0 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s1 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s2 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s3 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s4 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s5 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s6 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s7 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); i00 += c; pix = i00; pr1.s0 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s1 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s2 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s3 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s4 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s5 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s6 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s7 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); i00 += c; pix = i00; pr2.s0 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s1 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s2 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s3 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s4 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s5 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s6 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s7 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); i00 += c; pix = i00; pr3.s0 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s1 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s2 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s3 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s4 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s5 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s6 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s7 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); i00 += c; int satd = satd_8x4_intra_lr( src, src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); pix = i00; pr0.s0 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s1 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s2 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s3 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s4 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s5 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s6 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr0.s7 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); i00 += c; pix = i00; pr1.s0 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s1 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s2 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s3 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s4 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s5 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s6 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr1.s7 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); i00 += c; pix = i00; pr2.s0 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s1 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s2 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s3 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s4 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s5 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s6 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr2.s7 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); i00 += c; pix = i00; pr3.s0 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s1 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s2 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s3 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s4 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s5 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s6 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; pr3.s7 = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); i00 += c; return satd + satd_8x4_intra_lr( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pr0, pr1, pr2, pr3 ); } int x264_predict_8x8c_dc( const local pixel *src, int src_stride ) { int s0 = 0, s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s3 = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { s0 += src[i - src_stride]; s1 += src[i + 4 - src_stride]; s2 += src[-1 + i * src_stride]; s3 += src[-1 + (i+4)*src_stride]; } int8 dc0; dc0.lo = (int4)( (s0 + s2 + 4) >> 3 ); dc0.hi = (int4)( (s1 + 2) >> 2 ); int satd = satd_8x4_intra_lr( src, src_stride, dc0, dc0, dc0, dc0 ); dc0.lo = (int4)( (s3 + 2) >> 2 ); dc0.hi = (int4)( (s1 + s3 + 4) >> 3 ); return satd + satd_8x4_intra_lr( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, dc0, dc0, dc0, dc0 ); } #else /* not vectorized: private is cheap registers are scarce */ int x264_predict_8x8_ddl( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *top ) { private pixel pred[32]; for( int y = 0; y < 4; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) { pixel x_plus_y = (pixel) clamp_int( x + y, 0, 13 ); pred[x + y*8] = ( 2 + top[x_plus_y] + 2*top[x_plus_y + 1] + top[x_plus_y + 2] ) >> 2; } } int satd = satd_8x4_lp( src, src_stride, pred, 8 ); for( int y = 4; y < 8; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) { pixel x_plus_y = (pixel) clamp_int( x + y, 0, 13 ); pred[x + ( y - 4 )*8] = ( 2 + top[x_plus_y] + 2*top[x_plus_y + 1] + top[x_plus_y + 2] ) >> 2; } } pred[31] = ( 2 + top[14] + 3*top[15] ) >> 2; satd += satd_8x4_lp( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pred, 8 ); return satd; } int x264_predict_8x8_ddr( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *top, const local pixel *left, pixel left_top ) { private pixel pred[32]; #define PRED( x, y ) pred[(x) + (y)*8] PRED( 0, 3 ) = F2( left[1], left[2], left[3] ); PRED( 0, 2 ) = PRED( 1, 3 ) = F2( left[0], left[1], left[2] ); PRED( 0, 1 ) = PRED( 1, 2 ) = PRED( 2, 3 ) = F2( left[1], left[0], left_top ); PRED( 0, 0 ) = PRED( 1, 1 ) = PRED( 2, 2 ) = PRED( 3, 3 ) = F2( left[0], left_top, top[0] ); PRED( 1, 0 ) = PRED( 2, 1 ) = PRED( 3, 2 ) = PRED( 4, 3 ) = F2( left_top, top[0], top[1] ); PRED( 2, 0 ) = PRED( 3, 1 ) = PRED( 4, 2 ) = PRED( 5, 3 ) = F2( top[0], top[1], top[2] ); PRED( 3, 0 ) = PRED( 4, 1 ) = PRED( 5, 2 ) = PRED( 6, 3 ) = F2( top[1], top[2], top[3] ); PRED( 4, 0 ) = PRED( 5, 1 ) = PRED( 6, 2 ) = PRED( 7, 3 ) = F2( top[2], top[3], top[4] ); PRED( 5, 0 ) = PRED( 6, 1 ) = PRED( 7, 2 ) = F2( top[3], top[4], top[5] ); PRED( 6, 0 ) = PRED( 7, 1 ) = F2( top[4], top[5], top[6] ); PRED( 7, 0 ) = F2( top[5], top[6], top[7] ); int satd = satd_8x4_lp( src, src_stride, pred, 8 ); PRED( 0, 3 ) = F2( left[5], left[6], left[7] ); PRED( 0, 2 ) = PRED( 1, 3 ) = F2( left[4], left[5], left[6] ); PRED( 0, 1 ) = PRED( 1, 2 ) = PRED( 2, 3 ) = F2( left[3], left[4], left[5] ); PRED( 0, 0 ) = PRED( 1, 1 ) = PRED( 2, 2 ) = PRED( 3, 3 ) = F2( left[2], left[3], left[4] ); PRED( 1, 0 ) = PRED( 2, 1 ) = PRED( 3, 2 ) = PRED( 4, 3 ) = F2( left[1], left[2], left[3] ); PRED( 2, 0 ) = PRED( 3, 1 ) = PRED( 4, 2 ) = PRED( 5, 3 ) = F2( left[0], left[1], left[2] ); PRED( 3, 0 ) = PRED( 4, 1 ) = PRED( 5, 2 ) = PRED( 6, 3 ) = F2( left[1], left[0], left_top ); PRED( 4, 0 ) = PRED( 5, 1 ) = PRED( 6, 2 ) = PRED( 7, 3 ) = F2( left[0], left_top, top[0] ); PRED( 5, 0 ) = PRED( 6, 1 ) = PRED( 7, 2 ) = F2( left_top, top[0], top[1] ); PRED( 6, 0 ) = PRED( 7, 1 ) = F2( top[0], top[1], top[2] ); PRED( 7, 0 ) = F2( top[1], top[2], top[3] ); satd += satd_8x4_lp( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pred, 8 ); return satd; #undef PRED } int x264_predict_8x8_vr( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *top, const local pixel *left, pixel left_top ) { private pixel pred[32]; #define PRED( x, y ) pred[(x) + (y)*8] PRED( 0, 2 ) = F2( left[1], left[0], left_top ); PRED( 0, 3 ) = F2( left[2], left[1], left[0] ); PRED( 0, 1 ) = PRED( 1, 3 ) = F2( left[0], left_top, top[0] ); PRED( 0, 0 ) = PRED( 1, 2 ) = F1( left_top, top[0] ); PRED( 1, 1 ) = PRED( 2, 3 ) = F2( left_top, top[0], top[1] ); PRED( 1, 0 ) = PRED( 2, 2 ) = F1( top[0], top[1] ); PRED( 2, 1 ) = PRED( 3, 3 ) = F2( top[0], top[1], top[2] ); PRED( 2, 0 ) = PRED( 3, 2 ) = F1( top[1], top[2] ); PRED( 3, 1 ) = PRED( 4, 3 ) = F2( top[1], top[2], top[3] ); PRED( 3, 0 ) = PRED( 4, 2 ) = F1( top[2], top[3] ); PRED( 4, 1 ) = PRED( 5, 3 ) = F2( top[2], top[3], top[4] ); PRED( 4, 0 ) = PRED( 5, 2 ) = F1( top[3], top[4] ); PRED( 5, 1 ) = PRED( 6, 3 ) = F2( top[3], top[4], top[5] ); PRED( 5, 0 ) = PRED( 6, 2 ) = F1( top[4], top[5] ); PRED( 6, 1 ) = PRED( 7, 3 ) = F2( top[4], top[5], top[6] ); PRED( 6, 0 ) = PRED( 7, 2 ) = F1( top[5], top[6] ); PRED( 7, 1 ) = F2( top[5], top[6], top[7] ); PRED( 7, 0 ) = F1( top[6], top[7] ); int satd = satd_8x4_lp( src, src_stride, pred, 8 ); PRED( 0, 2 ) = F2( left[5], left[4], left[3] ); PRED( 0, 3 ) = F2( left[6], left[5], left[4] ); PRED( 0, 0 ) = PRED( 1, 2 ) = F2( left[3], left[2], left[1] ); PRED( 0, 1 ) = PRED( 1, 3 ) = F2( left[4], left[3], left[2] ); PRED( 1, 0 ) = PRED( 2, 2 ) = F2( left[1], left[0], left_top ); PRED( 1, 1 ) = PRED( 2, 3 ) = F2( left[2], left[1], left[0] ); PRED( 2, 1 ) = PRED( 3, 3 ) = F2( left[0], left_top, top[0] ); PRED( 2, 0 ) = PRED( 3, 2 ) = F1( left_top, top[0] ); PRED( 3, 1 ) = PRED( 4, 3 ) = F2( left_top, top[0], top[1] ); PRED( 3, 0 ) = PRED( 4, 2 ) = F1( top[0], top[1] ); PRED( 4, 1 ) = PRED( 5, 3 ) = F2( top[0], top[1], top[2] ); PRED( 4, 0 ) = PRED( 5, 2 ) = F1( top[1], top[2] ); PRED( 5, 1 ) = PRED( 6, 3 ) = F2( top[1], top[2], top[3] ); PRED( 5, 0 ) = PRED( 6, 2 ) = F1( top[2], top[3] ); PRED( 6, 1 ) = PRED( 7, 3 ) = F2( top[2], top[3], top[4] ); PRED( 6, 0 ) = PRED( 7, 2 ) = F1( top[3], top[4] ); PRED( 7, 1 ) = F2( top[3], top[4], top[5] ); PRED( 7, 0 ) = F1( top[4], top[5] ); satd += satd_8x4_lp( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pred, 8 ); return satd; #undef PRED } inline uint32_t pack16to32( uint32_t a, uint32_t b ) { return a + (b << 16); } inline uint32_t pack8to16( uint32_t a, uint32_t b ) { return a + (b << 8); } int x264_predict_8x8_hd( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *top, const local pixel *left, pixel left_top ) { private pixel pred[32]; int satd; int p1 = pack8to16( (F1( left[6], left[7] )), ((left[5] + 2 * left[6] + left[7] + 2) >> 2) ); int p2 = pack8to16( (F1( left[5], left[6] )), ((left[4] + 2 * left[5] + left[6] + 2) >> 2) ); int p3 = pack8to16( (F1( left[4], left[5] )), ((left[3] + 2 * left[4] + left[5] + 2) >> 2) ); int p4 = pack8to16( (F1( left[3], left[4] )), ((left[2] + 2 * left[3] + left[4] + 2) >> 2) ); int p5 = pack8to16( (F1( left[2], left[3] )), ((left[1] + 2 * left[2] + left[3] + 2) >> 2) ); int p6 = pack8to16( (F1( left[1], left[2] )), ((left[0] + 2 * left[1] + left[2] + 2) >> 2) ); int p7 = pack8to16( (F1( left[0], left[1] )), ((left_top + 2 * left[0] + left[1] + 2) >> 2) ); int p8 = pack8to16( (F1( left_top, left[0] )), ((left[0] + 2 * left_top + top[0] + 2) >> 2) ); int p9 = pack8to16( (F2( top[1], top[0], left_top )), (F2( top[2], top[1], top[0] )) ); int p10 = pack8to16( (F2( top[3], top[2], top[1] )), (F2( top[4], top[3], top[2] )) ); int p11 = pack8to16( (F2( top[5], top[4], top[3] )), (F2( top[6], top[5], top[4] )) ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p8, p9 ) ), 0, &pred[0 + 0 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p10, p11 ) ), 0, &pred[4 + 0 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p7, p8 ) ), 0, &pred[0 + 1 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p9, p10 ) ), 0, &pred[4 + 1 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p6, p7 ) ), 0, &pred[0 + 2 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p8, p9 ) ), 0, &pred[4 + 2 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p5, p6 ) ), 0, &pred[0 + 3 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p7, p8 ) ), 0, &pred[4 + 3 * 8] ); satd = satd_8x4_lp( src, src_stride, pred, 8 ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p4, p5 ) ), 0, &pred[0 + 0 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p6, p7 ) ), 0, &pred[4 + 0 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p3, p4 ) ), 0, &pred[0 + 1 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p5, p6 ) ), 0, &pred[4 + 1 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p2, p3 ) ), 0, &pred[0 + 2 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p4, p5 ) ), 0, &pred[4 + 2 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p1, p2 ) ), 0, &pred[0 + 3 * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p3, p4 ) ), 0, &pred[4 + 3 * 8] ); satd += satd_8x4_lp( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pred, 8 ); return satd; } int x264_predict_8x8_vl( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *top ) { private pixel pred[32]; int satd; #define PRED( x, y ) pred[(x) + (y)*8] PRED( 0, 0 ) = F1( top[0], top[1] ); PRED( 0, 1 ) = F2( top[0], top[1], top[2] ); PRED( 0, 2 ) = PRED( 1, 0 ) = F1( top[1], top[2] ); PRED( 0, 3 ) = PRED( 1, 1 ) = F2( top[1], top[2], top[3] ); PRED( 1, 2 ) = PRED( 2, 0 ) = F1( top[2], top[3] ); PRED( 1, 3 ) = PRED( 2, 1 ) = F2( top[2], top[3], top[4] ); PRED( 2, 2 ) = PRED( 3, 0 ) = F1( top[3], top[4] ); PRED( 2, 3 ) = PRED( 3, 1 ) = F2( top[3], top[4], top[5] ); PRED( 3, 2 ) = PRED( 4, 0 ) = F1( top[4], top[5] ); PRED( 3, 3 ) = PRED( 4, 1 ) = F2( top[4], top[5], top[6] ); PRED( 4, 2 ) = PRED( 5, 0 ) = F1( top[5], top[6] ); PRED( 4, 3 ) = PRED( 5, 1 ) = F2( top[5], top[6], top[7] ); PRED( 5, 2 ) = PRED( 6, 0 ) = F1( top[6], top[7] ); PRED( 5, 3 ) = PRED( 6, 1 ) = F2( top[6], top[7], top[8] ); PRED( 6, 2 ) = PRED( 7, 0 ) = F1( top[7], top[8] ); PRED( 6, 3 ) = PRED( 7, 1 ) = F2( top[7], top[8], top[9] ); PRED( 7, 2 ) = F1( top[8], top[9] ); PRED( 7, 3 ) = F2( top[8], top[9], top[10] ); satd = satd_8x4_lp( src, src_stride, pred, 8 ); PRED( 0, 0 ) = F1( top[2], top[3] ); PRED( 0, 1 ) = F2( top[2], top[3], top[4] ); PRED( 0, 2 ) = PRED( 1, 0 ) = F1( top[3], top[4] ); PRED( 0, 3 ) = PRED( 1, 1 ) = F2( top[3], top[4], top[5] ); PRED( 1, 2 ) = PRED( 2, 0 ) = F1( top[4], top[5] ); PRED( 1, 3 ) = PRED( 2, 1 ) = F2( top[4], top[5], top[6] ); PRED( 2, 2 ) = PRED( 3, 0 ) = F1( top[5], top[6] ); PRED( 2, 3 ) = PRED( 3, 1 ) = F2( top[5], top[6], top[7] ); PRED( 3, 2 ) = PRED( 4, 0 ) = F1( top[6], top[7] ); PRED( 3, 3 ) = PRED( 4, 1 ) = F2( top[6], top[7], top[8] ); PRED( 4, 2 ) = PRED( 5, 0 ) = F1( top[7], top[8] ); PRED( 4, 3 ) = PRED( 5, 1 ) = F2( top[7], top[8], top[9] ); PRED( 5, 2 ) = PRED( 6, 0 ) = F1( top[8], top[9] ); PRED( 5, 3 ) = PRED( 6, 1 ) = F2( top[8], top[9], top[10] ); PRED( 6, 2 ) = PRED( 7, 0 ) = F1( top[9], top[10] ); PRED( 6, 3 ) = PRED( 7, 1 ) = F2( top[9], top[10], top[11] ); PRED( 7, 2 ) = F1( top[10], top[11] ); PRED( 7, 3 ) = F2( top[10], top[11], top[12] ); satd += satd_8x4_lp( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pred, 8 ); return satd; #undef PRED } int x264_predict_8x8_hu( const local pixel *src, int src_stride, const local pixel *left ) { private pixel pred[32]; int satd; int p1 = pack8to16( (F1( left[0], left[1] )), ((left[0] + 2 * left[1] + left[2] + 2) >> 2) ); int p2 = pack8to16( (F1( left[1], left[2] )), ((left[1] + 2 * left[2] + left[3] + 2) >> 2) ); int p3 = pack8to16( (F1( left[2], left[3] )), ((left[2] + 2 * left[3] + left[4] + 2) >> 2) ); int p4 = pack8to16( (F1( left[3], left[4] )), ((left[3] + 2 * left[4] + left[5] + 2) >> 2) ); int p5 = pack8to16( (F1( left[4], left[5] )), ((left[4] + 2 * left[5] + left[6] + 2) >> 2) ); int p6 = pack8to16( (F1( left[5], left[6] )), ((left[5] + 2 * left[6] + left[7] + 2) >> 2) ); int p7 = pack8to16( (F1( left[6], left[7] )), ((left[6] + 2 * left[7] + left[7] + 2) >> 2) ); int p8 = pack8to16( left[7], left[7] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p1, p2 ) ), 0, &pred[( 0 ) + ( 0 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p3, p4 ) ), 0, &pred[( 4 ) + ( 0 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p2, p3 ) ), 0, &pred[( 0 ) + ( 1 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p4, p5 ) ), 0, &pred[( 4 ) + ( 1 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p3, p4 ) ), 0, &pred[( 0 ) + ( 2 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p5, p6 ) ), 0, &pred[( 4 ) + ( 2 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p4, p5 ) ), 0, &pred[( 0 ) + ( 3 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p6, p7 ) ), 0, &pred[( 4 ) + ( 3 ) * 8] ); satd = satd_8x4_lp( src, src_stride, pred, 8 ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p5, p6 ) ), 0, &pred[( 0 ) + ( 0 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p7, p8 ) ), 0, &pred[( 4 ) + ( 0 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p6, p7 ) ), 0, &pred[( 0 ) + ( 1 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p8, p8 ) ), 0, &pred[( 4 ) + ( 1 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p7, p8 ) ), 0, &pred[( 0 ) + ( 2 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p8, p8 ) ), 0, &pred[( 4 ) + ( 2 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p8, p8 ) ), 0, &pred[( 0 ) + ( 3 ) * 8] ); vstore4( as_uchar4( pack16to32( p8, p8 ) ), 0, &pred[( 4 ) + ( 3 ) * 8] ); satd += satd_8x4_lp( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pred, 8 ); return satd; } int x264_predict_8x8c_h( const local pixel *src, int src_stride ) { private pixel pred[32]; const local pixel *src_l = src; vstore8( (uchar8)(src[-1]), 0, pred ); src += src_stride; vstore8( (uchar8)(src[-1]), 1, pred ); src += src_stride; vstore8( (uchar8)(src[-1]), 2, pred ); src += src_stride; vstore8( (uchar8)(src[-1]), 3, pred ); src += src_stride; int satd = satd_8x4_lp( src_l, src_stride, pred, 8 ); vstore8( (uchar8)(src[-1]), 0, pred ); src += src_stride; vstore8( (uchar8)(src[-1]), 1, pred ); src += src_stride; vstore8( (uchar8)(src[-1]), 2, pred ); src += src_stride; vstore8( (uchar8)(src[-1]), 3, pred ); return satd + satd_8x4_lp( src_l + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pred, 8 ); } int x264_predict_8x8c_v( const local pixel *src, int src_stride ) { private pixel pred[32]; uchar16 v16; v16.lo = vload8( 0, &src[-src_stride] ); v16.hi = vload8( 0, &src[-src_stride] ); vstore16( v16, 0, pred ); vstore16( v16, 1, pred ); return satd_8x4_lp( src, src_stride, pred, 8 ) + satd_8x4_lp( src + (src_stride << 2), src_stride, pred, 8 ); } int x264_predict_8x8c_p( const local pixel *src, int src_stride ) { int H = 0, V = 0; private pixel pred[32]; int satd; for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { H += (i + 1) * (src[4 + i - src_stride] - src[2 - i - src_stride]); V += (i + 1) * (src[-1 + (i + 4) * src_stride] - src[-1 + (2 - i) * src_stride]); } int a = 16 * (src[-1 + 7 * src_stride] + src[7 - src_stride]); int b = (17 * H + 16) >> 5; int c = (17 * V + 16) >> 5; int i00 = a - 3 * b - 3 * c + 16; for( int y = 0; y < 4; y++ ) { int pix = i00; for( int x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) { pred[x + y*8] = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; } i00 += c; } satd = satd_8x4_lp( src, src_stride, pred, 8 ); for( int y = 0; y < 4; y++ ) { int pix = i00; for( int x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) { pred[x + y*8] = x264_clip_pixel( pix >> 5 ); pix += b; } i00 += c; } satd += satd_8x4_lp( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pred, 8 ); return satd; } int x264_predict_8x8c_dc( const local pixel *src, int src_stride ) { private pixel pred[32]; int s0 = 0, s1 = 0, s2 = 0, s3 = 0; for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { s0 += src[i - src_stride]; s1 += src[i + 4 - src_stride]; s2 += src[-1 + i * src_stride]; s3 += src[-1 + (i+4)*src_stride]; } uchar8 dc0; dc0.lo = (uchar4)( (s0 + s2 + 4) >> 3 ); dc0.hi = (uchar4)( (s1 + 2) >> 2 ); vstore8( dc0, 0, pred ); vstore8( dc0, 1, pred ); vstore8( dc0, 2, pred ); vstore8( dc0, 3, pred ); int satd = satd_8x4_lp( src, src_stride, pred, 8 ); dc0.lo = (uchar4)( (s3 + 2) >> 2 ); dc0.hi = (uchar4)( (s1 + s3 + 4) >> 3 ); vstore8( dc0, 0, pred ); vstore8( dc0, 1, pred ); vstore8( dc0, 2, pred ); vstore8( dc0, 3, pred ); return satd + satd_8x4_lp( src + ( src_stride << 2 ), src_stride, pred, 8 ); } #endif /* Find the least cost intra mode for 32 8x8 macroblocks per workgroup * * Loads 33 macroblocks plus the pixels directly above them into local memory, * padding where necessary with edge pixels. It then cooperatively calculates * smoothed top and left pixels for use in some of the analysis. * * Then groups of 32 threads each calculate a single intra mode for each 8x8 * block. Since consecutive threads are calculating the same intra mode there * is no code-path divergence. 8 intra costs are calculated simultaneously. If * the "slow" argument is not zero, the final two (least likely) intra modes are * tested in a second pass. The slow mode is only enabled for presets slow, * slower, and placebo. * * This allows all of the pixels functions to read pixels from local memory, and * avoids re-fetching edge pixels from global memory. And it allows us to * calculate all of the intra mode costs simultaneously without branch divergence. * * Local dimension: [ 32, 8 ] * Global dimensions: [ paddedWidth, height ] */ kernel void mb_intra_cost_satd_8x8( read_only image2d_t fenc, global uint16_t *fenc_intra_cost, global int *frame_stats, int lambda, int mb_width, int slow ) { #define CACHE_STRIDE 265 #define BLOCK_OFFSET 266 local pixel cache[2385]; local int cost_buf[32]; local pixel top[32 * 16]; local pixel left[32 * 8]; local pixel left_top[32]; int lx = get_local_id( 0 ); int ly = get_local_id( 1 ); int gx = get_global_id( 0 ); int gy = get_global_id( 1 ); int gidx = get_group_id( 0 ); int gidy = get_group_id( 1 ); int linear_id = ly * get_local_size( 0 ) + lx; int satd = COST_MAX; int basex = gidx << 8; int basey = (gidy << 3) - 1; /* Load 33 8x8 macroblocks and the pixels above them into local cache */ for( int y = 0; y < 9 && linear_id < (33<<3)>>2; y++ ) { int x = linear_id << 2; uint4 data = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, (int2)(x + basex, y + basey) ); cache[y * CACHE_STRIDE + 1 + x] = data.s0; cache[y * CACHE_STRIDE + 1 + x + 1] = data.s1; cache[y * CACHE_STRIDE + 1 + x + 2] = data.s2; cache[y * CACHE_STRIDE + 1 + x + 3] = data.s3; } /* load pixels on left edge */ if( linear_id < 9 ) cache[linear_id * CACHE_STRIDE] = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, (int2)( basex - 1, linear_id + basey) ).s0; barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ); int j = ly; top[lx*16 + j] = ( cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - CACHE_STRIDE + clamp_int( j - 1, -1, 15 )] + 2*cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - CACHE_STRIDE + clamp_int( j, 0, 15 )] + cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - CACHE_STRIDE + clamp_int( j + 1, 0, 15 )] + 2 ) >> 2; j += 8; top[lx*16 + j] = ( cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - CACHE_STRIDE + clamp_int( j - 1, -1, 15 )] + 2*cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - CACHE_STRIDE + clamp_int( j, 0, 15 )] + cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - CACHE_STRIDE + clamp_int( j + 1, 0, 15 )] + 2 ) >> 2; left[lx*8 + ly] = ( cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - 1 + CACHE_STRIDE*(ly - 1)] + 2*cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - 1 + CACHE_STRIDE*ly] + cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - 1 + CACHE_STRIDE*clamp((ly + 1), 0, 7 )] + 2 ) >> 2; if( 0 == ly ) { left_top[lx] = ( cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - 1] + 2*cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - 1 - CACHE_STRIDE] + cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx - CACHE_STRIDE] + 2 ) >> 2; cost_buf[lx] = COST_MAX; } barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ); switch( ly ) { case 0: satd = x264_predict_8x8c_h( &cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx], CACHE_STRIDE ); break; case 1: satd = x264_predict_8x8c_v( &cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx], CACHE_STRIDE ); break; case 2: satd = x264_predict_8x8c_dc( &cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx], CACHE_STRIDE ); break; case 3: satd = x264_predict_8x8c_p( &cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx], CACHE_STRIDE ); break; case 4: satd = x264_predict_8x8_ddr( &cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx], CACHE_STRIDE, &top[16*lx], &left[8*lx], left_top[lx] ); break; case 5: satd = x264_predict_8x8_vr( &cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx], CACHE_STRIDE, &top[16*lx], &left[8*lx], left_top[lx] ); break; case 6: satd = x264_predict_8x8_hd( &cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx], CACHE_STRIDE, &top[16*lx], &left[8*lx], left_top[lx] ); break; case 7: satd = x264_predict_8x8_hu( &cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx], CACHE_STRIDE, &left[8*lx] ); break; default: break; } atom_min( &cost_buf[lx], satd ); if( slow ) { switch( ly ) { case 0: // DDL satd = x264_predict_8x8_ddl( &cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx], CACHE_STRIDE, &top[16*lx] ); atom_min( &cost_buf[lx], satd ); break; case 1: // VL satd = x264_predict_8x8_vl( &cache[BLOCK_OFFSET + 8*lx], CACHE_STRIDE, &top[16*lx] ); atom_min( &cost_buf[lx], satd ); break; default: break; } } barrier( CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE ); if( (0 == ly) && (gx < mb_width) ) fenc_intra_cost[gidy * mb_width + gx] = cost_buf[lx]+ 5*lambda; if( gx < 2 && gy == 0 ) frame_stats[gx] = 0; #undef CACHE_STRIDE #undef BLOCK_OFFSET } /* * parallel sum intra costs * * global launch dimensions: [256, mb_height] */ kernel void sum_intra_cost( const global uint16_t *fenc_intra_cost, const global uint16_t *inv_qscale_factor, global int *fenc_row_satds, global int *frame_stats, int mb_width ) { int y = get_global_id( 1 ); int mb_height = get_global_size( 1 ); int row_satds = 0; int cost_est = 0; int cost_est_aq = 0; for( int x = get_global_id( 0 ); x < mb_width; x += get_global_size( 0 )) { int mb_xy = x + y * mb_width; int cost = fenc_intra_cost[mb_xy]; int cost_aq = (cost * inv_qscale_factor[mb_xy] + 128) >> 8; int b_frame_score_mb = (x > 0 && x < mb_width - 1 && y > 0 && y < mb_height - 1) || mb_width <= 2 || mb_height <= 2; row_satds += cost_aq; if( b_frame_score_mb ) { cost_est += cost; cost_est_aq += cost_aq; } } local int buffer[256]; int x = get_global_id( 0 ); row_satds = parallel_sum( row_satds, x, buffer ); cost_est = parallel_sum( cost_est, x, buffer ); cost_est_aq = parallel_sum( cost_est_aq, x, buffer ); if( get_global_id( 0 ) == 0 ) { fenc_row_satds[y] = row_satds; atomic_add( frame_stats + COST_EST, cost_est ); atomic_add( frame_stats + COST_EST_AQ, cost_est_aq ); } } /* Hierarchical (iterative) OpenCL lowres motion search */ inline int find_downscale_mb_xy( int x, int y, int mb_width, int mb_height ) { /* edge macroblocks might not have a direct descendant, use nearest */ x = select( x >> 1, (x - (mb_width&1)) >> 1, x == mb_width-1 ); y = select( y >> 1, (y - (mb_height&1)) >> 1, y == mb_height-1 ); return (mb_width>>1) * y + x; } /* Four threads calculate an 8x8 SAD. Each does two rows */ int sad_8x8_ii_coop4( read_only image2d_t fenc, int2 fencpos, read_only image2d_t fref, int2 frefpos, int idx, local int16_t *costs ) { frefpos.y += idx << 1; fencpos.y += idx << 1; int cost = 0; if( frefpos.x < 0 ) { /* slow path when MV goes past left edge. The GPU clamps reads from * (-1, 0) to (0,0), so you get pixels [0, 1, 2, 3] when what you really * want are [0, 0, 1, 2] */ for( int y = 0; y < 2; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) { pixel enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(x, y) ).s0; pixel ref = read_imageui( fref, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(x, y) ).s0; cost += abs_diff( enc, ref ); } } } else { uint4 enc, ref, costs = 0; enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos ); ref = read_imageui( fref, sampler, frefpos ); costs += abs_diff( enc, ref ); enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(4, 0) ); ref = read_imageui( fref, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(4, 0) ); costs += abs_diff( enc, ref ); enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(0, 1) ); ref = read_imageui( fref, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(0, 1) ); costs += abs_diff( enc, ref ); enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(4, 1) ); ref = read_imageui( fref, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(4, 1) ); costs += abs_diff( enc, ref ); cost = costs.s0 + costs.s1 + costs.s2 + costs.s3; } costs[idx] = cost; return costs[0] + costs[1] + costs[2] + costs[3]; } /* One thread performs 8x8 SAD */ int sad_8x8_ii( read_only image2d_t fenc, int2 fencpos, read_only image2d_t fref, int2 frefpos ) { if( frefpos.x < 0 ) { /* slow path when MV goes past left edge */ int cost = 0; for( int y = 0; y < 8; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) { uint enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(x, y) ).s0; uint ref = read_imageui( fref, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(x, y) ).s0; cost += abs_diff( enc, ref ); } } return cost; } else { uint4 enc, ref, cost = 0; for( int y = 0; y < 8; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < 8; x += 4 ) { enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(x, y) ); ref = read_imageui( fref, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(x, y) ); cost += abs_diff( enc, ref ); } } return cost.s0 + cost.s1 + cost.s2 + cost.s3; } } /* * hierarchical motion estimation * * Each kernel launch is a single iteration * * MB per work group is determined by lclx / 4 * lcly * * global launch dimensions: [mb_width * 4, mb_height] */ kernel void hierarchical_motion( read_only image2d_t fenc, read_only image2d_t fref, const global short2 *in_mvs, global short2 *out_mvs, global int16_t *out_mv_costs, global short2 *mvp_buffer, local int16_t *cost_local, local short2 *mvc_local, int mb_width, int lambda, int me_range, int scale, int b_shift_index, int b_first_iteration, int b_reverse_references ) { int mb_x = get_global_id( 0 ) >> 2; if( mb_x >= mb_width ) return; int mb_height = get_global_size( 1 ); int mb_i = get_global_id( 0 ) & 3; int mb_y = get_global_id( 1 ); int mb_xy = mb_y * mb_width + mb_x; const int mb_size = 8; int2 coord = (int2)(mb_x, mb_y) * mb_size; const int mb_in_group = get_local_id( 1 ) * (get_local_size( 0 ) >> 2) + (get_local_id( 0 ) >> 2); cost_local += 4 * mb_in_group; int i_mvc = 0; mvc_local += 4 * mb_in_group; mvc_local[mb_i] = 0; int2 mvp =0; if( !b_first_iteration ) { #define MVC( DX, DY )\ {\ int px = mb_x + DX;\ int py = mb_y + DY;\ mvc_local[i_mvc] = b_shift_index ? in_mvs[find_downscale_mb_xy( px, py, mb_width, mb_height )] : \ in_mvs[mb_width * py + px];\ mvc_local[i_mvc] >>= (short) scale;\ i_mvc++;\ } /* Find MVP from median of MVCs */ if( b_reverse_references ) { /* odd iterations: derive MVP from down and right */ if( mb_x < mb_width - 1 ) MVC( 1, 0 ); if( mb_y < mb_height - 1 ) { MVC( 0, 1 ); if( mb_x > b_shift_index ) MVC( -1, 1 ); if( mb_x < mb_width - 1 ) MVC( 1, 1 ); } } else { /* even iterations: derive MVP from up and left */ if( mb_x > 0 ) MVC( -1, 0 ); if( mb_y > 0 ) { MVC( 0, -1 ); if( mb_x < mb_width - 1 ) MVC( 1, -1 ); if( mb_x > b_shift_index ) MVC( -1, -1 ); } } #undef MVC mvp = (i_mvc <= 1) ? convert_int2_sat(mvc_local[0]) : x264_median_mv( mvc_local[0], mvc_local[1], mvc_local[2] ); } /* current mvp matches the previous mvp and we have not changed scale. We know * we're going to arrive at the same MV again, so just copy the previous * result to our output. */ if( !b_shift_index && mvp.x == mvp_buffer[mb_xy].x && mvp.y == mvp_buffer[mb_xy].y ) { out_mvs[mb_xy] = in_mvs[mb_xy]; return; } mvp_buffer[mb_xy] = convert_short2_sat(mvp); int2 mv_min = -mb_size * (int2)(mb_x, mb_y) - 4; int2 mv_max = mb_size * ((int2)(mb_width, mb_height) - (int2)(mb_x, mb_y) - 1) + 4; int2 bestmv = clamp(mvp, mv_min, mv_max); int2 refcrd = coord + bestmv; /* measure cost at bestmv */ int bcost = sad_8x8_ii_coop4( fenc, coord, fref, refcrd, mb_i, cost_local ) + lambda * mv_cost( abs_diff( bestmv, mvp ) << (2 + scale) ); do { /* measure costs at offsets from bestmv */ refcrd = coord + bestmv + dia_offs[mb_i]; int2 trymv = bestmv + dia_offs[mb_i]; int cost = sad_8x8_ii( fenc, coord, fref, refcrd ) + lambda * mv_cost( abs_diff( trymv, mvp ) << (2 + scale) ); cost_local[mb_i] = (cost<<2) | mb_i; cost = min( cost_local[0], min( cost_local[1], min( cost_local[2], cost_local[3] ) ) ); if( (cost >> 2) >= bcost ) break; bestmv += dia_offs[cost&3]; bcost = cost>>2; if( bestmv.x >= mv_max.x || bestmv.x <= mv_min.x || bestmv.y >= mv_max.y || bestmv.y <= mv_min.y ) break; } while( --me_range > 0 ); int2 trymv = 0, diff = 0; #define COST_MV_NO_PAD( L )\ trymv = clamp( trymv, mv_min, mv_max );\ diff = convert_int2_sat(abs_diff( mvp, trymv ));\ if( diff.x > 1 || diff.y > 1 ) {\ int2 refcrd = coord + trymv;\ int cost = sad_8x8_ii_coop4( fenc, coord, fref, refcrd, mb_i, cost_local ) +\ L * mv_cost( abs_diff( trymv, mvp ) << (2 + scale) );\ if( cost < bcost ) { bcost = cost; bestmv = trymv; } } COST_MV_NO_PAD( 0 ); if( !b_first_iteration ) { /* try cost at previous iteration's MV, if MVP was too far away */ int2 prevmv = b_shift_index ? convert_int2_sat(in_mvs[find_downscale_mb_xy( mb_x, mb_y, mb_width, mb_height )]) : convert_int2_sat(in_mvs[mb_xy]); prevmv >>= scale; trymv = prevmv; COST_MV_NO_PAD( lambda ); } for( int i = 0; i < i_mvc; i++ ) { /* try cost at each candidate MV, if MVP was too far away */ trymv = convert_int2_sat( mvc_local[i] ); COST_MV_NO_PAD( lambda ); } if( mb_i == 0 ) { bestmv <<= scale; out_mvs[mb_xy] = convert_short2_sat(bestmv); out_mv_costs[mb_xy] = min( bcost, LOWRES_COST_MASK ); } } /* OpenCL lowres subpel Refine */ /* Each thread performs 8x8 SAD. 4 threads per MB, so the 4 DIA HPEL offsets are * calculated simultaneously */ int sad_8x8_ii_hpel( read_only image2d_t fenc, int2 fencpos, read_only image2d_t fref_planes, int2 qpos ) { int2 frefpos = qpos >> 2; int hpel_idx = ((qpos.x & 2) >> 1) + (qpos.y & 2); uint mask_shift = 8 * hpel_idx; uint4 cost4 = 0; for( int y = 0; y < 8; y++ ) { uint4 enc, val4; enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(0, y)); val4.s0 = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(0, y)).s0 >> mask_shift) & 0xFF; val4.s1 = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(1, y)).s0 >> mask_shift) & 0xFF; val4.s2 = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(2, y)).s0 >> mask_shift) & 0xFF; val4.s3 = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(3, y)).s0 >> mask_shift) & 0xFF; cost4 += abs_diff( enc, val4 ); enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(4, y)); val4.s0 = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(4, y)).s0 >> mask_shift) & 0xFF; val4.s1 = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(5, y)).s0 >> mask_shift) & 0xFF; val4.s2 = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(6, y)).s0 >> mask_shift) & 0xFF; val4.s3 = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefpos + (int2)(7, y)).s0 >> mask_shift) & 0xFF; cost4 += abs_diff( enc, val4 ); } return cost4.s0 + cost4.s1 + cost4.s2 + cost4.s3; } /* One thread measures 8x8 SAD cost at a QPEL offset into an HPEL plane */ int sad_8x8_ii_qpel( read_only image2d_t fenc, int2 fencpos, read_only image2d_t fref_planes, int2 qpos ) { int2 frefApos = qpos >> 2; int hpelA = ((qpos.x & 2) >> 1) + (qpos.y & 2); int2 qposB = qpos + ((qpos & 1) << 1); int2 frefBpos = qposB >> 2; int hpelB = ((qposB.x & 2) >> 1) + (qposB.y & 2); uint mask_shift0 = 8 * hpelA, mask_shift1 = 8 * hpelB; int cost = 0; for( int y = 0; y < 8; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < 8; x++ ) { uint enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(x, y)).s0; uint vA = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefApos + (int2)(x, y)).s0 >> mask_shift0) & 0xFF; uint vB = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefBpos + (int2)(x, y)).s0 >> mask_shift1) & 0xFF; cost += abs_diff( enc, rhadd( vA, vB ) ); } } return cost; } /* Four threads measure 8x8 SATD cost at a QPEL offset into an HPEL plane * * Each thread collects 1/4 of the rows of diffs and processes one quarter of * the transforms */ int satd_8x8_ii_qpel_coop4( read_only image2d_t fenc, int2 fencpos, read_only image2d_t fref_planes, int2 qpos, local sum2_t *tmpp, int idx ) { volatile local sum2_t( *tmp )[4] = (volatile local sum2_t( * )[4])tmpp; sum2_t b0, b1, b2, b3; int2 frefApos = qpos >> 2; int hpelA = ((qpos.x&2)>>1) + (qpos.y&2); int2 qposB = qpos + (int2)(((qpos.x&1)<<1), ((qpos.y&1)<<1)); int2 frefBpos = qposB >> 2; int hpelB = ((qposB.x&2)>>1) + (qposB.y&2); uint mask_shift0 = 8 * hpelA, mask_shift1 = 8 * hpelB; uint vA, vB; uint a0, a1; uint enc; sum2_t sum = 0; #define READ_DIFF( OUT, X )\ enc = read_imageui( fenc, sampler, fencpos + (int2)(X, idx) ).s0;\ vA = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefApos + (int2)(X, idx) ).s0 >> mask_shift0) & 0xFF;\ vB = (read_imageui( fref_planes, sampler, frefBpos + (int2)(X, idx) ).s0 >> mask_shift1) & 0xFF;\ OUT = enc - rhadd( vA, vB ); #define READ_DIFF_EX( OUT, a, b )\ {\ READ_DIFF( a0, a );\ READ_DIFF( a1, b );\ OUT = a0 + (a1<>BITS_PER_SUM)) >> 1; } constant int2 hpoffs[4] = { {0, -2}, {-2, 0}, {2, 0}, {0, 2} }; /* sub pixel refinement of motion vectors, output MVs and costs are moved from * temporary buffers into final per-frame buffer * * global launch dimensions: [mb_width * 4, mb_height] * * With X being the source 16x16 pixels, F is the lowres pixel used by the * motion search. We will now utilize the H V and C pixels (stored in separate * planes) to search at half-pel increments. * * X X X X X X * F H F H F * X X X X X X * V C V C V * X X X X X X * F H F H F * X X X X X X * * The YX HPEL bits of the motion vector selects the plane we search in. The * four planes are packed in the fref_planes 2D image buffer. Each sample * returns: s0 = F, s1 = H, s2 = V, s3 = C */ kernel void subpel_refine( read_only image2d_t fenc, read_only image2d_t fref_planes, const global short2 *in_mvs, const global int16_t *in_sad_mv_costs, local int16_t *cost_local, local sum2_t *satd_local, local short2 *mvc_local, global short2 *fenc_lowres_mv, global int16_t *fenc_lowres_mv_costs, int mb_width, int lambda, int b, int ref, int b_islist1 ) { int mb_x = get_global_id( 0 ) >> 2; if( mb_x >= mb_width ) return; int mb_height = get_global_size( 1 ); int mb_i = get_global_id( 0 ) & 3; int mb_y = get_global_id( 1 ); int mb_xy = mb_y * mb_width + mb_x; /* fenc_lowres_mv and fenc_lowres_mv_costs are large buffers that * hold many frames worth of motion vectors. We must offset into the correct * location for this frame's vectors. The kernel will be passed the correct * directional buffer for the direction of the search: list1 or list0 * * CPU equivalent: fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b - p0 - 1] * GPU equivalent: fenc_lowres_mvs[(b - p0 - 1) * mb_count] */ fenc_lowres_mv += (b_islist1 ? (ref-b-1) : (b-ref-1)) * mb_width * mb_height; fenc_lowres_mv_costs += (b_islist1 ? (ref-b-1) : (b-ref-1)) * mb_width * mb_height; /* Adjust pointers into local memory buffers for this thread's data */ int mb_in_group = get_local_id( 1 ) * (get_local_size( 0 ) >> 2) + (get_local_id( 0 ) >> 2); cost_local += mb_in_group * 4; satd_local += mb_in_group * 16; mvc_local += mb_in_group * 4; int i_mvc = 0; mvc_local[0] = mvc_local[1] = mvc_local[2] = mvc_local[3] = 0; #define MVC( DX, DY ) mvc_local[i_mvc++] = in_mvs[mb_width * (mb_y + DY) + (mb_x + DX)]; if( mb_x > 0 ) MVC( -1, 0 ); if( mb_y > 0 ) { MVC( 0, -1 ); if( mb_x < mb_width - 1 ) MVC( 1, -1 ); if( mb_x > 0 ) MVC( -1, -1 ); } #undef MVC int2 mvp = (i_mvc <= 1) ? convert_int2_sat(mvc_local[0]) : x264_median_mv( mvc_local[0], mvc_local[1], mvc_local[2] ); int bcost = in_sad_mv_costs[mb_xy]; int2 coord = (int2)(mb_x, mb_y) << 3; int2 bmv = convert_int2_sat( in_mvs[mb_xy] ); /* Make mvp and bmv QPEL MV */ mvp <<= 2; bmv <<= 2; #define HPEL_QPEL( ARR, FUNC )\ {\ int2 trymv = bmv + ARR[mb_i];\ int2 qpos = (coord << 2) + trymv;\ int cost = FUNC( fenc, coord, fref_planes, qpos ) + lambda * mv_cost( abs_diff( trymv, mvp ) );\ cost_local[mb_i] = (cost<<2) + mb_i;\ cost = min( cost_local[0], min( cost_local[1], min( cost_local[2], cost_local[3] ) ) );\ if( (cost>>2) < bcost )\ {\ bmv += ARR[cost&3];\ bcost = cost>>2;\ }\ } HPEL_QPEL( hpoffs, sad_8x8_ii_hpel ); HPEL_QPEL( dia_offs, sad_8x8_ii_qpel ); fenc_lowres_mv[mb_xy] = convert_short2_sat( bmv ); /* remeasure cost of bmv using SATD */ int2 qpos = (coord << 2) + bmv; cost_local[mb_i] = satd_8x8_ii_qpel_coop4( fenc, coord, fref_planes, qpos, satd_local, mb_i ); bcost = cost_local[0] + cost_local[1] + cost_local[2] + cost_local[3]; bcost += lambda * mv_cost( abs_diff( bmv, mvp ) ); fenc_lowres_mv_costs[mb_xy] = min( bcost, LOWRES_COST_MASK ); } /* Weightp filter a downscaled image into a temporary output buffer. * This kernel is launched once for each scale. * * Launch dimensions: width x height (in pixels) */ kernel void weightp_scaled_images( read_only image2d_t in_plane, write_only image2d_t out_plane, uint offset, uint scale, uint denom ) { int gx = get_global_id( 0 ); int gy = get_global_id( 1 ); uint4 input_val; uint4 output_val; input_val = read_imageui( in_plane, sampler, (int2)(gx, gy)); output_val = (uint4)(offset) + ( ( ((uint4)(scale)) * input_val ) >> ((uint4)(denom)) ); write_imageui( out_plane, (int2)(gx, gy), output_val ); } /* Weightp filter for the half-pel interpolated image * * Launch dimensions: width x height (in pixels) */ kernel void weightp_hpel( read_only image2d_t in_plane, write_only image2d_t out_plane, uint offset, uint scale, uint denom ) { int gx = get_global_id( 0 ); int gy = get_global_id( 1 ); uint input_val; uint output_val; input_val = read_imageui( in_plane, sampler, (int2)(gx, gy)).s0; uint4 temp; temp.s0 = input_val & 0x00ff; temp.s1 = (input_val >> 8) & 0x00ff; temp.s2 = (input_val >> 16) & 0x00ff; temp.s3 = (input_val >> 24) & 0x00ff; temp = (uint4)(offset) + ( ( ((uint4)(scale)) * temp ) >> ((uint4)(denom)) ); output_val = temp.s0 | (temp.s1 << 8) | (temp.s2 << 16) | (temp.s3 << 24); write_imageui( out_plane, (int2)(gx, gy), output_val ); } (8HOpenCL: %s OpenCL: fatal error, aborting encode libOpenCL.soclBuildProgramclCreateBufferclCreateCommandQueueclCreateContextclCreateImage2DclCreateKernelclCreateProgramWithBinaryclCreateProgramWithSourceclEnqueueCopyBufferclEnqueueMapBufferclEnqueueNDRangeKernelclEnqueueReadBufferclEnqueueWriteBufferclFinishclGetCommandQueueInfoclGetDeviceIDsclGetDeviceInfoclGetKernelWorkGroupInfoclGetPlatformIDsclGetProgramBuildInfoclGetProgramInfoclGetSupportedImageFormatsclReleaseCommandQueueclReleaseContextclReleaseKernelclReleaseMemObjectclReleaseProgramclSetKernelArg(SI)-DVECTORIZE=1OpenCL: Unable to query installed platforms OpenCL: malloc of installed platforms buffer failed OpenCL: %s does not support required image formats x264_lookahead.clbinOpenCL: Unable to find a compatible device Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.libatiadlxx.soADL_Main_Control_CreateADL_Main_Control_DestroyADL_Adapter_NumberOfAdapters_GetADL_PowerXpress_Scheme_GetOpenCL acceleration disabled, switchable graphics detected OpenCL acceleration enabled with %s %s %s rbCompiling OpenCL kernels... 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