#if HAVE_CRT #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #endif //HAVE_CRT /* * Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) * Contact for licensing options: * * The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file txcap_auid.c * @brief XCAP AUID manager. * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #include "tinyxcap/txcap_auid.h" #include "tsk_string.h" #include "tsk_memory.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" typedef struct auid_s { txcap_auid_type_t type; const char* id; const char* mime_type; const char* ns; const char* document_name; tsk_bool_t global; } auid_t; /** List of all default auids */ static const auid_t __txcap_auids[] = { /*== xcap-caps ==*/{ tauid_ietf_xcap_caps, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_XCAP_CAPS_ID, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_XCAP_CAPS_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_XCAP_CAPS_NS, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_XCAP_CAPS_DOC, tsk_true }, /*== resource-lists ==*/{ tauid_ietf_resource_lists, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_RESOURCE_LISTS_ID, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_RESOURCE_LISTS_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_RESOURCE_LISTS_NS, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_RESOURCE_LISTS_DOC, tsk_false }, /*== rls-services ==*/{ tauid_ietf_rls_services, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_RLS_SERVICES_ID, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_RLS_SERVICES_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_RLS_SERVICES_NS, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_RLS_SERVICES_DOC, tsk_false }, /*== pres-rules ==*/{ tauid_ietf_pres_rules, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_PRES_RULES_ID, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_PRES_RULES_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_PRES_RULES_NS, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_PRES_RULES_DOC, tsk_false }, /*== pidf-manipulation ==*/{ tauid_ietf_pres_rules, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_PIDF_MANIPULATION_ID, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_PIDF_MANIPULATION_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_PIDF_MANIPULATION_NS, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_PIDF_MANIPULATION_DOC, tsk_false }, /*== org.openmobilealliance.pres-rules ==*/{ tauid_oma_pres_rules, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_PRES_RULES_ID, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_PRES_RULES_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_PRES_RULES_NS, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_PRES_RULES_DOC, tsk_false }, /*== directory ==*/{ tauid_ietf_directory, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_DIRECTORY_ID, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_DIRECTORY_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_DIRECTORY_NS, TXCAP_AUID_IETF_DIRECTORY_DOC, tsk_false }, /*== org.openmobilealliance.xcap-directory ==*/{ tauid_oma_directory, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_DIRECTORY_ID, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_DIRECTORY_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_DIRECTORY_NS, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_DIRECTORY_DOC, tsk_false }, /*== org.openmobilealliance.pres-content ==*/{ tauid_oma_pres_content, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_PRES_CONTENT_ID, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_PRES_CONTENT_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_PRES_CONTENT_NS, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_PRES_CONTENT_DOC, tsk_false }, /*== org.openmobilealliance.conv-history ==*/{ tauid_oma_conv_history, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_CONV_HISTORY_ID, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_CONV_HISTORY_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_CONV_HISTORY_NS, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_CONV_HISTORY_DOC, tsk_false }, /*== org.openmobilealliance.deferred-list ==*/{ tauid_oma_deferred_list, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_DEFERRED_LIST_ID, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_DEFERRED_LIST_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_DEFERRED_LIST_NS, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_DEFERRED_LIST_DOC, tsk_false }, /*== org.openmobilealliance.group-usage-list ==*/{ tauid_oma_shared_groups, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_SHARED_GROUPS_ID, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_SHARED_GROUPS_MIME_TYPE, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_SHARED_GROUPS_NS, TXCAP_AUID_OMA_SHARED_GROUPS_DOC, tsk_false }, }; txcap_auid_t* txcap_auid_create(txcap_auid_type_t type, const char* id, const char* mime_type, const char* ns, const char* document_name, tsk_bool_t is_global) { return tsk_object_new(txcap_auid_def_t, type, id, mime_type, ns, document_name, is_global); } /** Predicate function used to find an option by id. */ static int pred_find_auid_by_id(const tsk_list_item_t *item, const void *id) { if(item && item->data){ txcap_auid_t *auid = item->data; return tsk_stricmp(auid->id, (const char*)id); } return -1; } /** Initialze the list of auids with default values from __txcap_auids * auids must be null; */ int txcap_auids_init(txcap_auids_L_t** auids) { size_t i; size_t count; if(!auids){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("invalid parameter."); return -1; } else if(*auids){ TSK_DEBUG_WARN("auids already initialized."); } else{ *auids = tsk_list_create(); } count = sizeof(__txcap_auids)/sizeof(auid_t); for(i = 0; idata)->mime_type, mime_type); tsk_strupdate(&((txcap_auid_t*)item->data)->ns, ns); tsk_strupdate(&((txcap_auid_t*)item->data)->document_name, document_name); ((txcap_auid_t*)item->data)->global = is_global; ret = 0; } else{ txcap_auid_t* auid; if((auid = txcap_auid_create(tauid_dummy, id, mime_type, ns, document_name, is_global))){ tsk_list_push_back_data(auids, (void**)&auid); ret = 0; }else{ ret = -2; } } return ret; } /** * Finds an AUID by id (case-insensitive). * @param auids List of AUIDs from which to find the AUID. * @param id The @a id of the AUID to find. * @retval An AUID with the matching id or null if does not exist. * It's up to you to free the returned object. */ txcap_auid_t* txcap_auid_get_by_id(txcap_auids_L_t* auids, const char* id) { //const txcap_auid_t* ret = tsk_null; const tsk_list_item_t* item; if(!auids){ return tsk_null; } if((item = tsk_list_find_item_by_pred(auids, pred_find_auid_by_id, id))){ return tsk_object_ref((void*)item->data); } else{ return tsk_null; } } //================================================================================================= // AUID object definition // static tsk_object_t* txcap_auid_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { txcap_auid_t *auid = self; if(auid){ auid->type = va_arg(*app, txcap_auid_type_t); auid->id = tsk_strdup( va_arg(*app, const char*) ); auid->mime_type = tsk_strdup( va_arg(*app, const char*) ); auid->ns = tsk_strdup( va_arg(*app, const char*) ); auid->document_name = tsk_strdup( va_arg(*app, const char*) ); auid->global = va_arg(*app, tsk_bool_t); } return self; } static tsk_object_t* txcap_auid_dtor(tsk_object_t * self) { txcap_auid_t *auid = self; if(auid){ TSK_FREE(auid->id); TSK_FREE(auid->mime_type); TSK_FREE(auid->ns); TSK_FREE(auid->document_name); } return self; } static int txcap_auid_cmp(const tsk_object_t *_a1, const tsk_object_t *_a2) { const txcap_auid_t *a1 = _a1; const txcap_auid_t *a2 = _a2; if(a1 && a2){ return tsk_stricmp(a1->id, a2->id); } else{ return -1; } } static const tsk_object_def_t txcap_auid_def_s = { sizeof(txcap_auid_t), txcap_auid_ctor, txcap_auid_dtor, txcap_auid_cmp, }; const tsk_object_def_t *txcap_auid_def_t = &txcap_auid_def_s;