#if HAVE_CRT #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #endif //HAVE_CRT /* * Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) * Contact for licensing options: * * The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tsip_header.c * @brief Defines a SIP header (field-name: field-value). * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header.h" #include "tinysip/headers/tsip_header_Dummy.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" /* Compact headers: http://www.cs.columbia.edu/sip/compact.html Abbreviation Header defined by origin (mnemonic) a Accept-Contact draft-ietf-sip-callerprefs -- b Referred-By -refer- "by" c Content-Type RFC 3261 d Request-Disposition e Content-Encoding RFC 3261 f From RFC 3261 i Call-ID RFC 3261 j Reject-Contact k Supported RFC 3261 "know" l Content-Length RFC 3261 m Contact RFC 3261 "moved" n Identity-Info o Event -event- "occurance" r Refer-To -refer- s Subject RFC 3261 t To RFC 3261 u Allow-Events -events- "understand" v Via RFC 3261 y Identity */ #if TSIP_COMPACT_HEADERS # define _Accept_Contact "a" # define _Referred_By "b" # define _Content_Type "c" # define _Request_Disposition "d" # define _Content_Encoding "e" # define _From "f" # define _Call_ID "i" # define _Reject_Contact "j"; # define _Supported "k" # define _Content_Length "l" # define _Contact "m" # define _Identity_Info "n" # define _Event "o" # define _Refer_To "r" # define _Subject "s" # define _To "t"; # define _Allow_Events "u" # define _Via "v" # define _Session_Expires "x" # define _Identity "y" #else # define _Accept_Contact "Accept-Contact" # define _Referred_By "Referred-By" # define _Content_Type "Content-Type" # define _Request_Disposition "Request-Disposition" # define _Content_Encoding "Content-Encoding" # define _From "From" # define _Call_ID "Call-ID" # define _Reject_Contact "Reject-Contact" # define _Supported "Supported" # define _Content_Length "Content-Length" # define _Contact "Contact" # define _Identity_Info "Identity-Info" # define _Event "Event" # define _Refer_To "Refer-To" # define _Subject "Subject" # define _To "To" # define _Allow_Events "Allow-Events" # define _Via "Via" # define _Session_Expires "Session-Expires" # define _Identity "Identity" #endif /** Gets the name of the SIP header with a type equal to @a type. * @param type The @a type of the header for which to retrieve the name. * * @return The name of the header. **/ const char *tsip_header_get_name(tsip_header_type_t type) { switch(type) { case tsip_htype_Accept: return "Accept"; case tsip_htype_Accept_Contact: return _Accept_Contact; case tsip_htype_Accept_Encoding: return "Accept-Encoding"; case tsip_htype_Accept_Language: return "Accept-Language"; case tsip_htype_Accept_Resource_Priority: return "Accept-Resource-Priority"; case tsip_htype_Alert_Info: return "Alert-Info"; case tsip_htype_Allow: return "Allow"; case tsip_htype_Allow_Events: return _Allow_Events; case tsip_htype_Authentication_Info: return "Authentication-Info"; case tsip_htype_Authorization: return "Authorization"; case tsip_htype_Call_ID: return _Call_ID; case tsip_htype_Call_Info: return "Call-Info"; case tsip_htype_Contact: return _Contact; case tsip_htype_Content_Disposition: return "Content-Disposition"; case tsip_htype_Content_Encoding: return _Content_Encoding; case tsip_htype_Content_Language: return "Content-Language"; case tsip_htype_Content_Length: return _Content_Length; case tsip_htype_Content_Type: return _Content_Type; case tsip_htype_Content_ID: return "Content-ID"; case tsip_htype_CSeq: return "CSeq"; case tsip_htype_Date: return "Date"; case tsip_htype_Error_Info: return "Error-Info"; case tsip_htype_Event: return _Event; case tsip_htype_Expires: return "Expires"; case tsip_htype_From: return _From; case tsip_htype_History_Info: return "History-Info"; case tsip_htype_Identity: return _Identity; case tsip_htype_Identity_Info: return _Identity_Info; case tsip_htype_In_Reply_To: return "In-Reply-To"; case tsip_htype_Join: return "Join"; case tsip_htype_Max_Forwards: return "Max-Forwards"; case tsip_htype_MIME_Version: return "MIME-Version"; case tsip_htype_Min_Expires: return "Min-Expires"; case tsip_htype_Min_SE: return "Min-SE"; case tsip_htype_Organization: return "Organization"; case tsip_htype_Path: return "Path"; case tsip_htype_Priv_Answer_Mode: return "Priv-Answer-Mode"; case tsip_htype_Answer_Mode: return "Answer-Mode"; case tsip_htype_Priority: return "Priority"; case tsip_htype_Privacy: return "Privacy"; case tsip_htype_Proxy_Authenticate: return "Proxy-Authenticate"; case tsip_htype_Proxy_Authorization: return "Proxy-Authorization"; case tsip_htype_Proxy_Require: return "Proxy-Require"; case tsip_htype_RAck: return "RAck"; case tsip_htype_Reason: return "Reason"; case tsip_htype_Record_Route: return "Record-Route"; case tsip_htype_Refer_Sub: return "Refer-Sub"; case tsip_htype_Refer_To: return _Refer_To; case tsip_htype_Referred_By: return _Referred_By; case tsip_htype_Reject_Contact: return _Reject_Contact; case tsip_htype_Replaces: return "Replaces"; case tsip_htype_Reply_To: return "Reply-To"; case tsip_htype_Request_Disposition: return _Request_Disposition; case tsip_htype_Require: return "Require"; case tsip_htype_Resource_Priority: return "Resource-Priority"; case tsip_htype_Retry_After: return "Retry-After"; case tsip_htype_Route: return "Route"; case tsip_htype_RSeq: return "RSeq"; case tsip_htype_Security_Client: return "Security-Client"; case tsip_htype_Security_Server: return "Security-Server"; case tsip_htype_Security_Verify: return "Security-Verify"; case tsip_htype_Server: return "Server"; case tsip_htype_Service_Route: return "Service-Route"; case tsip_htype_Session_Expires: return _Session_Expires; case tsip_htype_SIP_ETag: return "SIP-ETag"; case tsip_htype_SIP_If_Match: return "SIP-If-Match"; case tsip_htype_Subject: return _Subject; case tsip_htype_Subscription_State: return "Subscription-State"; case tsip_htype_Supported: return _Supported; case tsip_htype_Target_Dialog: return "Target-Dialog"; case tsip_htype_Timestamp: return "Timestamp"; case tsip_htype_To: return _To; case tsip_htype_Unsupported: return "Unsupported"; case tsip_htype_User_Agent: return "User-Agent"; case tsip_htype_Via: return _Via; case tsip_htype_Warning: return "Warning"; case tsip_htype_WWW_Authenticate: return "WWW-Authenticate"; case tsip_htype_P_Access_Network_Info: return "P-Access-Network-Info"; case tsip_htype_P_Answer_State: return "P-Answer-State"; case tsip_htype_P_Asserted_Identity: return "P-Asserted-Identity"; case tsip_htype_P_Associated_URI: return "P-Associated-URI"; case tsip_htype_P_Called_Party_ID: return "P-Called-Party-ID"; case tsip_htype_P_Charging_Function_Addresses: return "P-Charging-Function-Addresses"; case tsip_htype_P_Charging_Vector: return "P-Charging-Vector"; case tsip_htype_P_DCS_Billing_Info: return "P-DCS-Billing-Info"; case tsip_htype_P_DCS_LAES: return "P-DCS-LAES"; case tsip_htype_P_DCS_OSPS: return "P-DCS-OSPS"; case tsip_htype_P_DCS_Redirect: return "P-DCS-Redirect"; case tsip_htype_P_DCS_Trace_Party_ID: return "P-DCS-Trace-Party-ID"; case tsip_htype_P_Early_Media: return "P-Early-Media"; case tsip_htype_P_Media_Authorization: return "P-Media-Authorization"; case tsip_htype_P_Preferred_Identity: return "P-Preferred-Identity"; case tsip_htype_P_Profile_Key: return "P-Profile-Key"; case tsip_htype_P_User_Database: return "P-User-Database"; case tsip_htype_P_Visited_Network_ID: return "P-Visited-Network-ID"; default: return "unknown-header"; } } const char *tsip_header_get_name_2(const tsip_header_t *self) { if(self){ if(self->type == tsip_htype_Dummy){ return ((tsip_header_Dummy_t*)self)->name; } else{ return tsip_header_get_name(self->type); } } return "unknown-header"; } char tsip_header_get_param_separator(const tsip_header_t *self) { if(self) { switch(self->type) { case tsip_htype_Authorization: case tsip_htype_Proxy_Authorization: case tsip_htype_Proxy_Authenticate: case tsip_htype_WWW_Authenticate: { return ','; } default: { return ';'; } } } return 0; } int tsip_header_serialize(const tsip_header_t *self, tsk_buffer_t *output) { int ret = -1; static const char* hname; static char separator; if(self && TSIP_HEADER(self)->serialize){ tsk_list_item_t *item; hname = tsip_header_get_name_2(self); ret = 0; // for empty lists /* Header name */ tsk_buffer_append_2(output, "%s: ", hname); /* Header value (likes calling tsip_header_value_serialize() ) */ if((ret = TSIP_HEADER(self)->serialize(self, output))){ // CHECK all headers return value! //return ret; } /* Parameters */ tsk_list_foreach(item, self->params){ tsk_param_t* param = item->data; separator = tsip_header_get_param_separator(self); if((ret = tsk_buffer_append_2(output, param->value?"%c%s=%s":"%c%s", separator, param->name, param->value))){ return ret; } } /* CRLF */ tsk_buffer_append(output, "\r\n", 2); } return ret; } char* tsip_header_tostring(const tsip_header_t *self) { tsk_buffer_t *output; char* ret = tsk_null; if(self && (output = tsk_buffer_create_null())){ if(!tsip_header_serialize(self, output)){ ret = tsk_strndup(output->data, output->size); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(output); } return ret; } int tsip_header_value_serialize(const tsip_header_t *self, tsk_buffer_t *output) { if(self && output){ return TSIP_HEADER(self)->serialize(self, output); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } } char* tsip_header_value_tostring(const tsip_header_t *self) { tsk_buffer_t *output; char* ret = tsk_null; if(self && (output = tsk_buffer_create_null())){ if(!tsip_header_value_serialize(self, output)){ if ((ret = (char*)tsk_calloc((output->size + 1), sizeof(uint8_t)))) { memset(ret, 0, (output->size + 1) * sizeof(uint8_t)); memcpy(ret, output->data, output->size); } } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(output); } return ret; } char* tsip_header_get_param_value(const tsip_header_t *self, const char* pname) { const tsk_param_t* _param; char* value = tsk_null; if(!self || !pname){ return tsk_null; } if(self->get_special_param_value && (value = self->get_special_param_value(self, pname))){ return value; } if((_param = tsk_params_get_param_by_name(self->params, pname))){ return tsk_strdup(_param->value); } return tsk_null; }