#if HAVE_CRT #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #endif //HAVE_CRT /* * Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) * Contact for licensing options: * * The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tsdp_message.c * @brief SDP message. * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #include "tinysdp/tsdp_message.h" #include "tinysdp/headers/tsdp_header_O.h" #include "tinysdp/headers/tsdp_header_S.h" #include "tinysdp/headers/tsdp_header_T.h" #include "tinysdp/headers/tsdp_header_V.h" #include "tsk_memory.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" #define TSDP_LINE_S_VALUE_DEFAULT "-" /* as per RFC 3264 subclause 5 */ #define TSDP_LINE_O_USERNAME_DEFAULT "organization" #define TSDP_LINE_O_SESSION_VER_DEFAULT 2301 #define TSDP_LINE_O_SESSION_ID_DEFAULT 1983 /*==Internal.*/ char* getAddrFromSDP(const tsdp_message_t* sdp_lo); char* getPortFromSDP(const tsdp_message_t* sdp_lo,char* media); /*== Predicate function to find tsdp_header_t object by type. */ static int __pred_find_header_by_type(const tsk_list_item_t *item, const void *tsdp_htype) { if(item && item->data){ tsdp_header_t *header = item->data; tsdp_header_type_t htype = *((tsdp_header_type_t*)tsdp_htype); return (header->type - htype); } return -1; } /*== Predicate function to find tsdp_header_t object by name. */ static int __pred_find_header_by_name(const tsk_list_item_t *item, const void *name) { if(item && item->data && name){ tsdp_header_t *header = item->data; return tsdp_header_get_nameex(header) - *((const char*)name); } return -1; } /*== Predicate function to find media object by name. */ static int __pred_find_media_by_name(const tsk_list_item_t *item, const void *name) { if(item && item->data && name){ tsdp_header_t *header = item->data; if(header->type == tsdp_htype_M){ return tsk_stricmp(((tsdp_header_M_t*)header)->media, (const char*)name); } } return -1; } tsdp_message_t* tsdp_message_create() { return tsk_object_new(tsdp_message_def_t); } /*== Add headers/fmt to the media line */ int __add_headers(tsdp_header_M_t* m, va_list *ap) { const tsk_object_def_t* objdef; tsdp_header_t *header; tsdp_fmt_t* fmt; if(!m){ return -1; } while((objdef = va_arg(*ap, const tsk_object_def_t*))){ if(objdef == tsdp_fmt_def_t){ if((fmt = tsk_object_new_2(objdef, ap))){ tsk_list_push_back_data(m->FMTs, (void**)&fmt); } } else{ if((header = tsk_object_new_2(objdef, ap))){ tsdp_header_M_add(m, header); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(header); } } } return 0; } int tsdp_message_add_header(tsdp_message_t *self, const tsdp_header_t *hdr) { if(self && hdr){ tsdp_header_t *header = tsk_object_ref((void*)hdr); tsk_list_push_ascending_data(self->headers, (void**)&header); // Very important: Headers MUST appear in a fixed order (see ranks def). return 0; } return -1; } int tsdp_message_add_headers(tsdp_message_t *self, ...) { const tsk_object_def_t* objdef; tsdp_header_t *header; va_list ap; if(!self){ return -1; } va_start(ap, self); while((objdef = va_arg(ap, const tsk_object_def_t*))){ if((header = tsk_object_new_2(objdef, &ap))){ tsdp_message_add_header(self, header); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(header); } } va_end(ap); return 0; } const tsdp_header_t *tsdp_message_get_headerAt(const tsdp_message_t *self, tsdp_header_type_t type, tsk_size_t index) { tsk_size_t pos = 0; const tsk_list_item_t *item; const tsdp_header_t *hdr; if(!self || !self->headers){ return tsk_null; } tsk_list_foreach(item, self->headers){ hdr = item->data; if(hdr->type == type){ if(pos++ >= index){ return hdr; } } } return tsk_null; } char* getAddrPortsFromSDP(const tsdp_message_t* sdp_lo){ char* addr=tsk_null; char* portAudio=tsk_null; char* portMCPTT=tsk_null; char* result=tsk_null; addr=getAddrFromSDP(sdp_lo); portAudio=getPortFromSDP(sdp_lo,"audio"); portMCPTT=getPortFromSDP(sdp_lo,"application"); if(addr!=tsk_null && portAudio!=tsk_null && portMCPTT!=tsk_null ){ #if HAVE_CRT //Debug memory result=(char*)calloc(tsk_strlen(addr)+tsk_strlen(portMCPTT)+tsk_strlen(portAudio)+100,sizeof(char)); #else result=(char*)tsk_calloc(tsk_strlen(addr)+tsk_strlen(portMCPTT)+tsk_strlen(portAudio)+100,sizeof(char)); #endif //HAVE_CRT sprintf(result, "%s:%s;%s", addr,portAudio,portMCPTT); TSK_FREE(addr); TSK_FREE(portAudio); TSK_FREE(portMCPTT); } return result; } char* getAddrFromSDP(const tsdp_message_t* sdp_lo){ const tsdp_header_C_t* C; tsk_size_t i; tsk_size_t con; char* result=tsk_null; for(i = 0,con=0; (C = (const tsdp_header_C_t*)tsdp_message_get_headerAt(sdp_lo, tsdp_htype_C, i)); i++){ if(C->addr){ #if HAVE_CRT //Debug memory result=(char*)calloc(tsk_strlen(C->addr)+1,sizeof(char)); #else result=(char*)tsk_calloc(tsk_strlen(C->addr)+1,sizeof(char)); #endif //HAVE_CRT strcpy(result,C->addr); } } return result; } char* getPortFromSDP(const tsdp_message_t* sdp_lo,char* media){ const tsdp_header_M_t* M; tsk_size_t i; tsk_size_t con; char* result=tsk_null; const int num_chars=100; for(i = 0,con=0; (M = (const tsdp_header_M_t*)tsdp_message_get_headerAt(sdp_lo, tsdp_htype_M, i)); i++){ if(tsk_striequals(M->media, media) && M->port){ #if HAVE_CRT //Debug memory result=(char*)calloc(num_chars+1,sizeof(char)); #else result=(char*)tsk_calloc(num_chars+1,sizeof(char)); #endif //HAVE_CRT sprintf(result, "%d", M->port); } } return result; } const tsdp_header_t *tsdp_message_get_header(const tsdp_message_t *self, tsdp_header_type_t type) { return tsdp_message_get_headerAt(self, type, 0); } const tsdp_header_A_t* tsdp_message_get_headerA_at(const tsdp_message_t* self, const char* field, tsk_size_t index) { tsk_size_t pos = 0; const tsk_list_item_t *item; const tsdp_header_t *hdr; const tsdp_header_A_t *hdrA; if(!self || !self->headers){ return tsk_null; } tsk_list_foreach(item, self->headers){ hdr = item->data; if((hdr->type == tsdp_htype_A) && (hdrA = (const tsdp_header_A_t *)hdr) && (tsk_striequals(hdrA->field, field))){ if(pos++ >= index){ return hdrA; } } } return tsk_null; } const tsdp_header_A_t* tsdp_message_get_headerA(const tsdp_message_t* self, const char* field) { return tsdp_message_get_headerA_at(self, field, 0); } const tsdp_header_t *tsdp_message_get_headerByName(const tsdp_message_t *self, char name) { if(self){ return tsk_list_find_object_by_pred(self->headers, __pred_find_header_by_name, &name); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } } int tsdp_message_serialize(const tsdp_message_t *self, tsk_buffer_t *output) { const tsk_list_item_t* item; if(!self || !output){ return -1; } tsk_list_foreach(item, self->headers){ if(tsdp_header_serialize(TSDP_HEADER(item->data), output)){ // Abort? } } return tsk_buffer_append(output, "\0", 1); } char* tsdp_message_tostring(const tsdp_message_t *self) { tsk_buffer_t* output = tsk_buffer_create_null(); char* ret = tsk_null; if(!tsdp_message_serialize(self, output)){ ret = tsk_strndup(TSK_BUFFER_DATA(output), TSK_BUFFER_SIZE(output)); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(output); return ret; } tsdp_message_t* tsdp_message_create_empty(const char* addr, tsk_bool_t ipv6, uint32_t version) { tsdp_message_t* ret = 0; if(!(ret = tsdp_message_create())){ return tsk_null; } /* RFC 3264 - 5 Generating the Initial Offer The numeric value of the session id and version in the o line MUST be representable with a 64 bit signed integer. The initial value of the version MUST be less than (2**62)-1, to avoid rollovers. */ TSDP_MESSAGE_ADD_HEADER(ret, TSDP_HEADER_V_VA_ARGS(0)); TSDP_MESSAGE_ADD_HEADER(ret, TSDP_HEADER_O_VA_ARGS( TSDP_LINE_O_USERNAME_DEFAULT, TSDP_LINE_O_SESSION_ID_DEFAULT, version, "IN", ipv6 ? "IP6" : "IP4", addr)); /* RFC 3264 - 5 Generating the Initial Offer The SDP "s=" line conveys the subject of the session, which is reasonably defined for multicast, but ill defined for unicast. For unicast sessions, it is RECOMMENDED that it consist of a single space character (0x20) or a dash (-). Unfortunately, SDP does not allow the "s=" line to be empty. */ TSDP_MESSAGE_ADD_HEADER(ret, TSDP_HEADER_S_VA_ARGS(TSDP_LINE_S_VALUE_DEFAULT)); /* RFC 3264 - 5 Generating the Initial Offer The SDP "t=" line conveys the time of the session. Generally, streams for unicast sessions are created and destroyed through external signaling means, such as SIP. In that case, the "t=" line SHOULD have a value of "0 0". */ TSDP_MESSAGE_ADD_HEADER(ret, TSDP_HEADER_T_VA_ARGS(0, 0)); return ret; } tsdp_message_t* tsdp_message_clone(const tsdp_message_t *self) { tsdp_message_t* clone = tsk_null; tsk_list_item_t* item; tsdp_header_t* header; if(!self){ goto bail; } if((clone = tsdp_message_create())){ tsk_list_foreach(item, self->headers){ if((header = tsdp_header_clone(TSDP_HEADER(item->data)))){ tsk_list_push_back_data(clone->headers, (void**)&header); } } } bail: return clone; } int tsdp_message_add_media(tsdp_message_t *self, const char* media, uint32_t port, const char* proto, ...) { va_list ap; int ret; va_start(ap, proto); ret = tsdp_message_add_media_2(self, media, port, proto, &ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } int tsdp_message_add_media_2(tsdp_message_t *self, const char* media, uint32_t port, const char* proto, va_list *ap) { int ret = -1; tsdp_header_M_t* m; if(!self){ return -1; } if((m = tsdp_header_M_create(media, port, proto))){ __add_headers(m, ap); ret = tsdp_message_add_header(self, TSDP_HEADER(m)); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(m); } return ret; } int tsdp_message_remove_media(tsdp_message_t *self, const char* media) { if(!self || !media){ return 0; } tsk_list_remove_item_by_pred(self->headers, __pred_find_media_by_name, media); return 0; } const tsdp_header_M_t* tsdp_message_find_media(const tsdp_message_t *self, const char* media) { if(self && media){ const tsk_list_item_t* item; if((item = tsk_list_find_item_by_pred(self->headers, __pred_find_media_by_name, media))){ return TSDP_HEADER_M(item->data); } } return tsk_null; } const tsdp_header_M_t* tsdp_message_find_media_at_index(const tsdp_message_t *self, const char* media, tsk_size_t index) //(multicast) { const tsdp_header_M_t* M = tsk_null; if(self && media) M = (const tsdp_header_M_t*)tsk_list_find_object_by_pred_at_index(self->headers, __pred_find_media_by_name, media, index); return M; } /* ================= 3GPP TS 34.610 :: Communication HOLD (HOLD) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core ================*/ int tsdp_message_hold(tsdp_message_t* self, const char* media) { tsdp_header_M_t* M; const tsk_list_item_t* item; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } // 3GPP TS 34.610-900 - Actions at the invoking UE if((item = tsk_list_find_item_by_pred(self->headers, __pred_find_media_by_name, media))){ M = TSDP_HEADER_M(item->data); tsdp_header_M_hold(M, tsk_true); } return 0; } int tsdp_message_resume(tsdp_message_t* self, const char* media) { tsdp_header_M_t* M; const tsk_list_item_t* item; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } // 3GPP TS 34.610-900 - Actions at the invoking UE if((item = tsk_list_find_item_by_pred(self->headers, __pred_find_media_by_name, media))){ M = TSDP_HEADER_M(item->data); tsdp_header_M_resume(M, tsk_true); } return 0; } //================================================================================================= // SDP object definition // static void* tsdp_message_ctor(void * self, va_list * app) { tsdp_message_t *message = self; if(message){ message->headers = tsk_list_create(); } return self; } static void* tsdp_message_dtor(void * self) { tsdp_message_t *message = self; if(message){ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(message->headers); } return self; } static const tsk_object_def_t tsdp_message_def_s = { sizeof(tsdp_message_t), tsdp_message_ctor, tsdp_message_dtor, tsk_null, }; const tsk_object_def_t *tsdp_message_def_t = &tsdp_message_def_s;