#if HAVE_CRT #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #endif //HAVE_CRT /* * Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) * Contact for licensing options: * * The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tsk_memory.c * @brief Useful memory management functions to handle memory. * As I'm a lazy man, some definition come from this website * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #include "tsk_memory.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" #include #include #include /**@defgroup tsk_memory_group Utility functions for memory management. */ /**@ingroup tsk_memory_group * Allocates a block of size bytes of memory, returning a pointer to the beginning of the block. * The content of the newly allocated block of memory is not initialized, remaining with indeterminate values. * @param size Size of the memory block, in bytes. * @retval On success, a pointer to the memory block allocated by the function. * It is up to you to free the returned pointer. */ void* tsk_malloc(tsk_size_t size) { void *ret = malloc(size); if(!ret){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Memory allocation failed"); } return ret; } /**@ingroup tsk_memory_group * Reallocate memory block. * In case that ptr is NULL, the function behaves exactly as @a tsk_malloc, assigning a new block of size bytes and returning a pointer to the beginning of it. * The function may move the memory block to a new location, in which case the new location is returned. The content of the memory block is preserved up to the lesser of the * new and old sizes, even if the block is moved. If the new size is larger, the value of the newly allocated portion is indeterminate. * In case that the size is 0, the memory previously allocated in ptr is deallocated as if a call to free was made, and a NULL pointer is returned. * @param ptr Pointer to a memory block previously allocated with malloc, calloc or realloc to be reallocated. * If this is NULL, a new block is allocated and a pointer to it is returned by the function. * @param size New size for the memory block, in bytes. * If it is 0 and ptr points to an existing block of memory, the memory block pointed by ptr is deallocated and a NULL pointer is returned. * @retval A pointer to the reallocated memory block, which may be either the same as the ptr argument or a new location. * The type of this pointer is void*, which can be cast to the desired type of data pointer in order to be dereferenceable. * If the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory, a NULL pointer is returned. * It is up to you to free the returned pointer. */ void* tsk_realloc (void* ptr, tsk_size_t size) { void *ret = tsk_null; if(size) { if(ptr){ if(!(ret = realloc(ptr, size))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Memory reallocation failed"); } } else{ if(!(ret = calloc(size, 1))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Memory allocation (%u) failed", size); } } } return ret; } /**@ingroup tsk_memory_group * Deallocate space in memory. * @param ptr Pointer to a memory block previously allocated with @a tsk_malloc, @a tsk_calloc or @a tsk_realloc to be deallocated. * If a null pointer is passed as argument, no action occurs. */ void tsk_free(void** ptr) { //if(ptr && *ptr){ free(*ptr); *ptr = tsk_null; //} } /**@ingroup tsk_memory_group * Allocates a block of memory for an array of num elements, each of them size bytes long, and initializes all its bits to zero. * The effective result is the allocation of an zero-initialized memory block of (num * size) bytes. * @param num Number of elements to be allocated * @param size Size of elements * @retval A pointer to the memory block allocated by the function. The type of this pointer is always void*, which can be cast to the desired type of data pointer in order to be dereferenceable. * If the function failed to allocate the requested block of memory, a NULL pointer is returned. * It is up to you to free the returned pointer. */ void* tsk_calloc(tsk_size_t num, tsk_size_t size) { void* ret = tsk_null; if(num && size && num>0 && size>0){ ret = calloc(num, size); if(!ret){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Memory allocation failed. num=%u and size=%u", num, size); } } return ret; }