#if HAVE_CRT #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #endif //HAVE_CRT /* * Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) * Contact for licensing options: * * The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ #include "tnet_ice_candidate.h" #include "tnet_ice_utils.h" #include "tnet_utils.h" #include "turn/tnet_turn_session.h" #include "tsk_md5.h" #include "tsk_memory.h" #include "tsk_list.h" #include "tsk_string.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" #include #include #include static int _tnet_ice_candidate_tostring( uint8_t* foundation, uint32_t comp_id, const char* transport_str, uint32_t priority, const char* connection_addr, tnet_port_t port, const char* cand_type_str, const tsk_params_L_t *extension_att_list, char** output); static const char* _tnet_ice_candidate_get_foundation(tnet_ice_cand_type_t type); static tnet_stun_pkt_t * _tnet_ice_candidate_stun_create_bind_request(tnet_ice_candidate_t* self, const char* username, const char* password); static tsk_bool_t _tnet_ice_candidate_stun_transac_id_equals(const tnet_stun_transac_id_t id1, const tnet_stun_transac_id_t id2); static const char* _tnet_ice_candidate_get_transport_str(tnet_socket_type_t transport_e); static tnet_socket_type_t _tnet_ice_candidate_get_transport_type(tsk_bool_t ipv6, const char* transport_str); static const char* _tnet_ice_candidate_get_candtype_str(tnet_ice_cand_type_t candtype_e); static tnet_ice_cand_type_t _tnet_ice_candtype_get_transport_type(const char* candtype_str); static tsk_object_t* tnet_ice_candidate_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { tnet_ice_candidate_t *candidate = self; if (candidate){ candidate->extension_att_list = tsk_list_create(); } return self; } static tsk_object_t* tnet_ice_candidate_dtor(tsk_object_t * self) { tnet_ice_candidate_t *candidate = self; if (candidate){ TSK_SAFE_FREE(candidate->transport_str); TSK_SAFE_FREE(candidate->cand_type_str); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(candidate->extension_att_list); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(candidate->socket); TSK_SAFE_FREE(candidate->stun.nonce); TSK_SAFE_FREE(candidate->stun.realm); TSK_SAFE_FREE(candidate->stun.srflx_addr); TSK_SAFE_FREE(candidate->turn.relay_addr); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(candidate->turn.ss); TSK_SAFE_FREE(candidate->ufrag); TSK_SAFE_FREE(candidate->pwd); TSK_SAFE_FREE(candidate->tostring); } return self; } static int tnet_ice_candidate_cmp(const tsk_object_t *_s1, const tsk_object_t *_s2) { const tnet_ice_candidate_t *c1 = _s1; const tnet_ice_candidate_t *c2 = _s2; if (c1 && c2){ return (int)(c1->priority - c2->priority); } else if (!c1 && !c2) return 0; else return -1; } static const tsk_object_def_t tnet_ice_candidate_def_s = { sizeof(tnet_ice_candidate_t), tnet_ice_candidate_ctor, tnet_ice_candidate_dtor, tnet_ice_candidate_cmp, }; tnet_ice_candidate_t* tnet_ice_candidate_create(tnet_ice_cand_type_t type_e, tnet_socket_t* socket, tsk_bool_t is_ice_jingle, tsk_bool_t is_rtp, tsk_bool_t is_video, const char* ufrag, const char* pwd, const char *foundation) { tnet_ice_candidate_t* candidate; if (!(candidate = tsk_object_new(&tnet_ice_candidate_def_s))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create candidate"); return tsk_null; } candidate->type_e = type_e; candidate->socket = tsk_object_ref(socket); candidate->local_pref = 0xFFFF; candidate->is_ice_jingle = is_ice_jingle; candidate->is_rtp = is_rtp; candidate->is_video = is_video; candidate->comp_id = is_rtp ? TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPID_RTP : TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPID_RTCP; if (foundation){ memcpy(candidate->foundation, foundation, TSK_MIN(tsk_strlen(foundation), TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_FOUND_SIZE_PREF)); } else{ tnet_ice_utils_compute_foundation((char*)candidate->foundation, TSK_MIN(sizeof(candidate->foundation), TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_FOUND_SIZE_PREF)); } candidate->priority = tnet_ice_utils_get_priority(candidate->type_e, candidate->local_pref, candidate->is_rtp); if (candidate->socket){ memcpy(candidate->connection_addr, candidate->socket->ip, sizeof(candidate->socket->ip)); candidate->port = candidate->socket->port; candidate->transport_e = socket->type; } tnet_ice_candidate_set_credential(candidate, ufrag, pwd); return candidate; } // @param str e.g. "1 1 udp 1 57806 typ host name video_rtcp network_name {0C0137CC-DB78-46B6-9B6C-7E097FFA79FE} username StFEVThMK2DHThkv password qkhKUDr4WqKRwZTo generation 0" tnet_ice_candidate_t* tnet_ice_candidate_parse(const char* str) { char *v, *copy, *saveptr; int32_t k; tnet_ice_candidate_t* candidate; if (tsk_strnullORempty(str)){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } if (!(candidate = tsk_object_new(&tnet_ice_candidate_def_s))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create candidate"); return tsk_null; } k = 0; copy = tsk_strdup(str); v = tsk_strtok_r(copy, " ", &saveptr); while (v){ switch (k){ case 0: { memcpy(candidate->foundation, v, TSK_MIN(tsk_strlen(v), sizeof(candidate->foundation))); break; } case 1: { candidate->comp_id = atoi(v); break; } case 2: { candidate->transport_str = tsk_strdup(v); break; } case 3: { candidate->priority = atoi(v); break; } case 4: { memcpy(candidate->connection_addr, v, TSK_MIN(tsk_strlen(v), sizeof(candidate->connection_addr))); break; } case 5: { tnet_family_t family; candidate->port = atoi(v); family = tnet_get_family(candidate->connection_addr, candidate->port); candidate->transport_e = _tnet_ice_candidate_get_transport_type((family == AF_INET6), candidate->transport_str); break; } case 6: { v = tsk_strtok_r(tsk_null, " ", &saveptr); tsk_strupdate(&candidate->cand_type_str, v); candidate->type_e = _tnet_ice_candtype_get_transport_type(v); break; } default: { const char* name = v; const char* value = (v = tsk_strtok_r(tsk_null, " ", &saveptr)); tsk_param_t* param = tsk_param_create(name, value); if (param){ tsk_list_push_back_data(candidate->extension_att_list, (void**)¶m); } break; } } ++k; v = tsk_strtok_r(tsk_null, " ", &saveptr); } if (k < 6){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to parse: %s", str); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(candidate); } TSK_FREE(copy); return candidate; } int tnet_ice_candidate_set_credential(tnet_ice_candidate_t* self, const char* ufrag, const char* pwd) { if (!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } tsk_strupdate(&self->ufrag, ufrag); tsk_strupdate(&self->pwd, pwd); return 0; } int tnet_ice_candidate_set_rflx_addr(tnet_ice_candidate_t* self, const char* addr, tnet_port_t port) { if (!self || !addr || !port){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid argument"); return -1; } memset(self->connection_addr, 0, sizeof(self->connection_addr)); memcpy(self->connection_addr, addr, TSK_MIN(tsk_strlen(addr), sizeof(self->connection_addr))); self->port = port; return 0; } const char* tnet_ice_candidate_get_att_value(const tnet_ice_candidate_t* self, const char* att_name) { if (!self || !att_name){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } return tsk_params_get_param_value(self->extension_att_list, att_name); } int tnet_ice_candidate_set_local_pref(tnet_ice_candidate_t* self, uint16_t local_pref) { if (!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } self->local_pref = local_pref; self->priority = tnet_ice_utils_get_priority(self->type_e, self->local_pref, self->is_rtp); return 0; } const char* tnet_ice_candidate_tostring(tnet_ice_candidate_t* self) { const char* _transport_str; char __str[16]; // always allocated: bad idea :( if (!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid argument"); return tsk_null; } if (self->type_e == tnet_ice_cand_type_relay && self->turn.ss) { enum tnet_turn_transport_e e_req_transport = tnet_turn_transport_udp; tnet_turn_session_get_req_transport(self->turn.ss, &e_req_transport); _transport_str = (e_req_transport == tnet_turn_transport_tcp) ? "tcp" : "udp"; } else { _transport_str = self->transport_str ? self->transport_str : _tnet_ice_candidate_get_transport_str(self->transport_e); if (self->is_ice_jingle){ tsk_size_t i, s = tsk_strlen(_transport_str); memset(__str, 0, sizeof(__str)); for (i = 0; i < s && i < sizeof(__str) / sizeof(__str[0]); ++i){ __str[i] = tolower(_transport_str[i]); } _transport_str = &__str[0]; } } _tnet_ice_candidate_tostring( self->foundation, self->comp_id, _transport_str, self->priority, (tsk_strnullORempty(self->connection_addr) && self->socket) ? self->socket->ip : self->connection_addr, (self->port <= 0 && self->socket) ? self->socket->port : self->port, self->cand_type_str ? self->cand_type_str : _tnet_ice_candidate_get_candtype_str(self->type_e), self->extension_att_list, &self->tostring); /* and : convey transport addresses related to the candidate, useful for diagnostics and other purposes. and MUST be present for server reflexive, peer reflexive, and relayed candidates. */ switch (self->type_e){ case tnet_ice_cand_type_srflx: case tnet_ice_cand_type_prflx: case tnet_ice_cand_type_relay: { if (self->socket){ // when called from the browser(IE, Safari, Opera or Firefox) webrtc4all tsk_strcat_2(&self->tostring, " raddr %s rport %d", self->socket->ip, self->socket->port); } break; } default: { break; } } // WebRTC (Chrome) specific if (self->is_ice_jingle){ if (!tsk_params_have_param(self->extension_att_list, "name")){ tsk_strcat_2(&self->tostring, " name %s", self->is_rtp ? (self->is_video ? "video_rtp" : "rtp") : (self->is_video ? "video_rtcp" : "rtcp")); } if (!tsk_params_have_param(self->extension_att_list, "username")){ tsk_strcat_2(&self->tostring, " username %s", self->ufrag); } if (!tsk_params_have_param(self->extension_att_list, "password")){ tsk_strcat_2(&self->tostring, " password %s", self->pwd); } if (!tsk_params_have_param(self->extension_att_list, "network_name")){ tsk_strcat_2(&self->tostring, " network_name %s", "{9EBBE687-CCE6-42D3-87F5-B57BB30DEE23}"); } if (!tsk_params_have_param(self->extension_att_list, "generation")){ tsk_strcat_2(&self->tostring, " generation %s", "0"); } } return self->tostring; } int tnet_ice_candidate_send_stun_bind_request(tnet_ice_candidate_t* self, const struct sockaddr_storage* server_addr, const char* username, const char* password) { tnet_stun_pkt_t *request = tsk_null; tsk_buffer_t *buffer = tsk_null; int ret, sendBytes; if (!self || !server_addr || !TNET_SOCKET_IS_VALID(self->socket)){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } request = _tnet_ice_candidate_stun_create_bind_request(self, username, password); if (!request){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create STUN request"); ret = -2; goto bail; } if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_write_with_padding_2(request, &buffer))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to serialize STUN request"); goto bail; } sendBytes = tnet_sockfd_sendto(self->socket->fd, (const struct sockaddr*)server_addr, buffer->data, buffer->size);// return number of sent bytes if (sendBytes == buffer->size){ memcpy(self->stun.transac_id, request->transac_id, sizeof(tnet_stun_transac_id_t)); ret = 0; } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Only %d bytes sent", sendBytes); ret = -4; goto bail; } bail: TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(request); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(buffer); return 0; } int tnet_ice_candidate_process_stun_response(tnet_ice_candidate_t* self, const tnet_stun_pkt_resp_t* response, tnet_fd_t fd) { int ret = 0; if (!self || !response){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Inavlid parameter"); return -1; } //if(!(_tnet_ice_candidate_stun_transac_id_equals(response->transac_id, self->stun.transac_id))){ // TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Transaction id mismatch"); // return -2; //} if (TNET_STUN_PKT_RESP_IS_ERROR(response)) { uint16_t u_code; if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_get_errorcode(response, &u_code))) { return ret; } if (u_code == kStunErrCodeUnauthorized || u_code == kStunErrCodeStaleNonce) { const tnet_stun_attr_vdata_t* pc_attr; if (u_code == kStunErrCodeUnauthorized) { // Make sure this is not an authentication failure (#2 401) // Do not send another req to avoid endless messages if ((tnet_stun_pkt_attr_exists(response, tnet_stun_attr_type_message_integrity))) { // already has a MESSAGE-INTEGRITY? TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("TURN authentication failed"); return -3; } } if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attr_find_first(response, tnet_stun_attr_type_nonce, (const tnet_stun_attr_t**)&pc_attr)) == 0 && pc_attr) { tsk_strupdate(&self->stun.nonce, pc_attr->p_data_ptr); } if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attr_find_first(response, tnet_stun_attr_type_realm, (const tnet_stun_attr_t**)&pc_attr)) == 0 && pc_attr) { tsk_strupdate(&self->stun.realm, pc_attr->p_data_ptr); } return 0; } else { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("STUN error: %hu", u_code); return -4; } } else if (TNET_STUN_PKT_RESP_IS_SUCCESS(response)) { const tnet_stun_attr_address_t* pc_attr_addr; if (((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attr_find_first(response, tnet_stun_attr_type_xor_mapped_address, (const tnet_stun_attr_t**)&pc_attr_addr)) == 0 && pc_attr_addr) || ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attr_find_first(response, tnet_stun_attr_type_mapped_address, (const tnet_stun_attr_t**)&pc_attr_addr)) == 0 && pc_attr_addr)) { tnet_ip_t ip; if ((ret = tnet_stun_utils_inet_ntop((pc_attr_addr->e_family == tnet_stun_address_family_ipv6), &pc_attr_addr->address, &ip))) { return ret; } tsk_strupdate(&self->stun.srflx_addr, ip); self->stun.srflx_port = pc_attr_addr->u_port; } } return ret; } const tnet_ice_candidate_t* tnet_ice_candidate_find_by_fd(tnet_ice_candidates_L_t* candidates, tnet_fd_t fd) { if (candidates){ const tsk_list_item_t *item; const tnet_ice_candidate_t* candidate; tsk_list_lock(candidates); tsk_list_foreach(item, candidates){ if (!(candidate = item->data)){ continue; } if (candidate->socket && (candidate->socket->fd == fd)){ tsk_list_unlock(candidates); return candidate; } } } return tsk_null; } const char* tnet_ice_candidate_get_ufrag(const tnet_ice_candidate_t* self) { if (self){ return self->ufrag ? self->ufrag : tnet_ice_candidate_get_att_value(self, "username"); } return tsk_null; } const char* tnet_ice_candidate_get_pwd(const tnet_ice_candidate_t* self) { if (self){ return self->pwd ? self->pwd : tnet_ice_candidate_get_att_value(self, "password"); } return tsk_null; } static int _tnet_ice_candidate_tostring( uint8_t* foundation, uint32_t comp_id, const char* transport_str, uint32_t priority, const char* connection_addr, tnet_port_t port, const char* cand_type_str, const tsk_params_L_t *extension_att_list, char** output) { if (!output){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid argument"); return -1; } tsk_sprintf(output, "%s %d %s %d %s %d typ %s", foundation, comp_id, transport_str, priority, connection_addr, port, cand_type_str); if (extension_att_list){ const tsk_list_item_t *item; tsk_list_foreach(item, extension_att_list){ tsk_strcat_2(output, " %s %s", TSK_PARAM(item->data)->name, TSK_PARAM(item->data)->value); } } return 0; } static const char* _tnet_ice_candidate_get_foundation(tnet_ice_cand_type_t type) { switch (type){ case tnet_ice_cand_type_host: return TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_FOUNDATION_HOST; case tnet_ice_cand_type_srflx: return TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_FOUNDATION_SRFLX; case tnet_ice_cand_type_prflx: return TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_FOUNDATION_PRFLX; case tnet_ice_cand_type_relay: default: return TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_FOUNDATION_RELAY; } } static tsk_bool_t _tnet_ice_candidate_stun_transac_id_equals(const tnet_stun_transac_id_t id1, const tnet_stun_transac_id_t id2) { tsk_size_t i; static const tsk_size_t size = sizeof(tnet_stun_transac_id_t); for (i = 0; i < size; i++){ if (id1[i] != id2[i]){ return tsk_false; } } return tsk_true; } static tnet_stun_pkt_t * _tnet_ice_candidate_stun_create_bind_request(tnet_ice_candidate_t* self, const char* username, const char* password) { tnet_stun_pkt_t *request = tsk_null; int ret; if (!self) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_create_empty(tnet_stun_pkt_type_binding_request, &request))) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create STUN Bind request"); goto bail; } // add attributes request->opt.dontfrag = 0; ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(request, TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_SOFTWARE_ZT(kStunSoftware), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } if (username && self->stun.realm && self->stun.nonce) { if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_auth_prepare(request, username, password, self->stun.realm, self->stun.nonce))) { goto bail; } } bail: if (ret) { TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(request); } return request; } static const char* _tnet_ice_candidate_get_transport_str(tnet_socket_type_t transport_e) { #define TRANSPORT_GET(STR) \ if(TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_##STR(transport_e)){ \ return TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_##STR; \ } TRANSPORT_GET(UDP); TRANSPORT_GET(TCP); TRANSPORT_GET(TLS); TRANSPORT_GET(SCTP); TRANSPORT_GET(WS); TRANSPORT_GET(WSS); return "UNKNOWN"; #undef TRANSPORT_GET } static tnet_socket_type_t _tnet_ice_candidate_get_transport_type(tsk_bool_t ipv6, const char* transport_str) { #define TRANSPORT_GET(STR, str) \ if(tsk_striequals(TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_TRANSPORT_##STR, transport_str)){ \ return tnet_socket_type_##str##_ipv4; \ } TRANSPORT_GET(UDP, udp); TRANSPORT_GET(TCP, tcp); TRANSPORT_GET(TLS, tls); TRANSPORT_GET(SCTP, sctp); TRANSPORT_GET(WS, ws); TRANSPORT_GET(WSS, wss); return tnet_socket_type_invalid; #undef TRANSPORT_GET } static const char* _tnet_ice_candidate_get_candtype_str(tnet_ice_cand_type_t candtype_e) { switch (candtype_e){ case tnet_ice_cand_type_unknown: default: return "unknown"; case tnet_ice_cand_type_host: return TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST; case tnet_ice_cand_type_srflx: return TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_SRFLX; case tnet_ice_cand_type_prflx: return TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PRFLX; case tnet_ice_cand_type_relay: return TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAY; } } static tnet_ice_cand_type_t _tnet_ice_candtype_get_transport_type(const char* candtype_str) { if (tsk_striequals(TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_HOST, candtype_str)){ return tnet_ice_cand_type_host; } else if (tsk_striequals(TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_SRFLX, candtype_str)){ return tnet_ice_cand_type_srflx; } else if (tsk_striequals(TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_PRFLX, candtype_str)){ return tnet_ice_cand_type_prflx; } else if (tsk_striequals(TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_TYPE_RELAY, candtype_str)){ return tnet_ice_cand_type_relay; } else{ return tnet_ice_cand_type_unknown; } }