#if HAVE_CRT #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #endif //HAVE_CRT /* * Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) * Contact for licensing options: * * The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tmedia_common.c * @brief Common functions and definitions. * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #include "tinymedia/tmedia_common.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_consumer.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_producer.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_session.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_converter_video.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_resampler.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_denoise.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_imageattr.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_defaults.h" #include "tsk_params.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" #include /* atoi() */ typedef struct fmtp_size_s{ const char* name; tmedia_pref_video_size_t pref_vs; tsk_bool_t cif_family; unsigned width; unsigned height; }fmtp_size_t; static const fmtp_size_t fmtp_sizes[] = { /* must be sorted like this */ {"2160P", tmedia_pref_video_size_2160p, tsk_false, 3840, 2160}, {"1080P", tmedia_pref_video_size_1080p, tsk_false, 1920, 1080}, {"16CIF", tmedia_pref_video_size_16cif, tsk_true, 1408, 1152}, {"720P", tmedia_pref_video_size_720p, tsk_false, 1280, 720}, {"XGA", tmedia_pref_video_size_xga, tsk_false, 1024, 768}, {"480P", tmedia_pref_video_size_480p, tsk_false, 852, 480}, {"WVGA", tmedia_pref_video_size_wvga, tsk_false, 800, 480}, {"SVGA", tmedia_pref_video_size_svga, tsk_false, 800, 600}, {"4CIF", tmedia_pref_video_size_4cif, tsk_true, 704, 576}, {"VGA", tmedia_pref_video_size_vga, tsk_false, 640, 480}, {"HVGA", tmedia_pref_video_size_hvga, tsk_false, 480, 320}, {"CIF", tmedia_pref_video_size_cif, tsk_true, 352, 288}, {"QVGA", tmedia_pref_video_size_qvga, tsk_false, 320, 240}, {"QCIF", tmedia_pref_video_size_qcif, tsk_true, 176, 144}, {"SQCIF", tmedia_pref_video_size_sqcif, tsk_true, 128, 96} }; typedef int (*plugin_register)(const void* plugin_def); typedef int (*plugin_unregister)(const void* plugin_def); typedef struct plugin_decl_s { tsk_plugin_def_type_t type; plugin_register fn_register; plugin_unregister fn_unregister; } plugin_decl_t; static const struct plugin_decl_s __plugin_def_types[] = { {tsk_plugin_def_type_consumer, tmedia_consumer_plugin_register, tmedia_consumer_plugin_unregister }, {tsk_plugin_def_type_producer, tmedia_producer_plugin_register, tmedia_producer_plugin_unregister }, {tsk_plugin_def_type_session, tmedia_session_plugin_register, tmedia_session_plugin_unregister }, {tsk_plugin_def_type_codec, tmedia_codec_plugin_register, tmedia_codec_plugin_unregister }, {tsk_plugin_def_type_converter, tmedia_converter_video_plugin_register, tmedia_converter_video_plugin_unregister }, {tsk_plugin_def_type_resampler, tmedia_resampler_plugin_register, tmedia_resampler_plugin_unregister }, {tsk_plugin_def_type_denoiser, tmedia_denoise_plugin_register, tmedia_denoise_plugin_unregister }, }; static const tsk_size_t __plugin_def_types_count = sizeof(__plugin_def_types)/sizeof(__plugin_def_types[0]); static const tsk_plugin_def_media_type_t __plugin_def_media_types[] = { tsk_plugin_def_media_type_audio, tsk_plugin_def_media_type_video, tsk_plugin_def_media_type_screencast }; static const tsk_size_t __plugin_def_media_types_count = sizeof(__plugin_def_media_types)/sizeof(__plugin_def_media_types[0]); static tsk_size_t _tmedia_plugin_register_or_unregister(struct tsk_plugin_s* plugin, enum tsk_plugin_def_type_e type, enum tsk_plugin_def_media_type_e media, tsk_bool_t _register) { tsk_size_t ret = 0, i, j, index; tsk_plugin_def_ptr_const_t plugin_def_ptr_const; if(!plugin){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return 0; } for(i = 0; i < __plugin_def_types_count; ++i){ for(j = 0; j < __plugin_def_media_types_count; ++j){ if((_register ? __plugin_def_types[i].fn_register : __plugin_def_types[i].fn_unregister) && (type & __plugin_def_types[i].type) == __plugin_def_types[i].type && (media & __plugin_def_media_types[j]) == __plugin_def_media_types[j]){ for(index = 0; (plugin_def_ptr_const = tsk_plugin_get_def_2(plugin, __plugin_def_types[i].type, __plugin_def_media_types[j], index)); ++index){ if((_register ? __plugin_def_types[i].fn_register : __plugin_def_types[i].fn_unregister)(plugin_def_ptr_const) == 0){ ++ret; } } } } } return ret; } tsk_size_t tmedia_plugin_register(struct tsk_plugin_s* plugin, enum tsk_plugin_def_type_e type, enum tsk_plugin_def_media_type_e media) { return _tmedia_plugin_register_or_unregister(plugin, type, media, tsk_true); } tsk_size_t tmedia_plugin_unregister(struct tsk_plugin_s* plugin, enum tsk_plugin_def_type_e type, enum tsk_plugin_def_media_type_e media) { return _tmedia_plugin_register_or_unregister(plugin, type, media, tsk_false); } // tmedia_type_t tmedia_type_from_sdp(const tsdp_message_t* sdp) { tmedia_type_t type = tmedia_none; const tsdp_header_M_t* M; tsk_size_t index = 0; if (!sdp) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tmedia_none; } /* * At this point it is decided what type of session this call is, since for each line M that contains the received SDP, a type of session is introduced. * This is valid, except in extraordinary cases. */ while ((M = (const tsdp_header_M_t*)tsdp_message_get_headerAt(sdp, tsdp_htype_M, index++))) { type |= tmedia_type_from_sdp_headerM(M); } return type; } tmedia_type_t tmedia_type_from_sdp_headerM(const tsdp_header_M_t* M) { const tmedia_session_plugin_def_t* plugin; const tsdp_header_A_t* A; const tsdp_fmt_t* fmt; const tsk_list_item_t *item; if (!M) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tmedia_none; } if (M->port && (plugin = tmedia_session_plugin_find_by_media(M->media))) { if (plugin->type == tmedia_audio || plugin->type == tmedia_video) { // check if it's BFCP audio/video session // content attribute described in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4796 if ((A = tsdp_header_M_findA(M, "content")) && (!tsk_striequals(A->value, "main"))) { return plugin->type == tmedia_audio ? tmedia_bfcp_audio : tmedia_bfcp_video; } } if (plugin->type == tmedia_bfcp) { tsk_list_foreach(item, M->FMTs){ fmt = item->data; if(tsk_striequals(fmt->value, "MCPTT"))//Check MCPTT media return tmedia_mcptt; } } return plugin->type; } return tmedia_none; } int tmedia_parse_rtpmap(const char* rtpmap, char** name, int32_t* rate, int32_t* channels) { /* e.g. AMR-WB/16000/2 */ int len; int index, pos = 0; if(tsk_strnullORempty(rtpmap)){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } *name = tsk_null; *rate = *channels = 0; len = (int)tsk_strlen(rtpmap); /* name */ if((index = tsk_strindexOf(rtpmap, len, "/")) != -1){ *name = tsk_strndup(rtpmap, index); len -= (index + 1), pos = (index + 1); /* rate */ if(len>0){ if((index = tsk_strindexOf((rtpmap + pos), len, "/")) != -1){ *rate = atoi(&rtpmap[pos]); len -= (index + 1), pos += (index + 1); /* channels */ if(len>0){ *channels = atoi(&rtpmap[pos]); } } else{ *rate = atoi(&rtpmap[pos]); } } } else{ *name = tsk_strdup(rtpmap); } return 0; ///* e.g. AMR-WB/16000/2 */ //if(sscanf(rtpmap, "%*s/%*d/%*d") != EOF){ // int index = tsk_strindexOf(rtpmap, len, "/"); // *name = tsk_strndup(rtpmap, index); // sscanf(&rtpmap[index+1], "%d/%d", rate, channels); // return 0; //} ///* e.g. AMR-WB/16000 */ //else if(sscanf(rtpmap, "%*s/%*d") != EOF){ // int index = tsk_strindexOf(rtpmap, len, "/"); // *name = tsk_strndup(rtpmap, index); // *rate = atoi(&rtpmap[index+1]); // return 0; //} ///* e.g. AMR-WB */ //else if(sscanf(rtpmap, "%*s") != EOF){ // *name = tsk_strdup(rtpmap); // return 0; //} //else{ // TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("%s is not a valid rtpmap value", rtpmap); // return -2; //} } int tmedia_video_get_size(tmedia_pref_video_size_t pref_vs, unsigned *width, unsigned *height) { int i; for(i=0; i= fmtp_sizes[i].height * fmtp_sizes[i].width){ *pref_vs = fmtp_sizes[i].pref_vs; return 0; } } return -2; } int tmedia_parse_video_fmtp(const char* fmtp, tmedia_pref_video_size_t pref_vs, unsigned* width, unsigned* height, unsigned* fps) { int ret = -2; tsk_params_L_t* params = tsk_null; const tsk_param_t* param = tsk_null; const tsk_list_item_t* item; int i; tmedia_pref_video_size_t best_vs; if(!fmtp || !width || !height || !fps){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } // set default values best_vs = fmtp_sizes[(sizeof(fmtp_sizes)/sizeof(fmtp_sizes[0])) - 1].pref_vs /* last = lowest resolution */; ret = tmedia_video_get_size(pref_vs, width, height); *fps = 15; if((params = tsk_params_fromstring(fmtp, ";", tsk_true))){ // set real values tsk_list_foreach(item, params){ if(!(param = TSK_PARAM(item->data)) || !param->name || !param->value){ continue; } for(i=0; i= (int)fmtp_sizes[i].pref_vs && tsk_striequals(fmtp_sizes[i].name, param->name) && ((int)best_vs <= (int)fmtp_sizes[i].pref_vs)){ *width= fmtp_sizes[i].width; *height = fmtp_sizes[i].height; *fps = atoi(param->value); *fps = *fps ? 30/(*fps) : 15; ret = 0; best_vs = fmtp_sizes[i].pref_vs; // rfc 4629 section 8.2.1: Parameters offered first are the most preferred picture mode to be received. // /!\ asterisk do not respect this :) /* goto done */; } } } /* done: */ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(params); } return ret; } static void _imageattr_get_best_size(const tmedia_imageattr_set_xt* set, xyvalue_t *width, xyvalue_t *height) { tsk_size_t i; if(set->xrange.is_range){ *width = TSK_MIN(set->xrange.range.end, *width); } else{ for(i = 0; i < set->xrange.array.count; ++i){ *width = TSK_MIN(set->xrange.array.values[i], *width); } } if(set->yrange.is_range){ *height = TSK_MIN(set->yrange.range.end, *height); } else{ for(i = 0; i < set->yrange.array.count; ++i){ *height = TSK_MIN(set->yrange.array.values[i], *height); } } } int tmedia_parse_video_imageattr(const char* imageattr, tmedia_pref_video_size_t pref_vs, unsigned* in_width, unsigned* in_height, unsigned* out_width, unsigned* out_height) { tmedia_imageattr_xt attr; int ret; tsk_size_t i; if(!imageattr || !in_width || !in_height || !out_width || !out_height){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } // set default values ret = tmedia_video_get_size(pref_vs, in_width, in_height); if(ret != 0){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("tmedia_video_get_size() failed with error code=%d", ret); return ret; } *out_width = *in_width, *out_height = *in_height; if((ret = tmedia_imageattr_parse(&attr, imageattr, (tsk_size_t)tsk_strlen(imageattr)))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to parse"); return 0; // use default values } for(i = 0; i < attr.send.count; ++i) _imageattr_get_best_size(&attr.send.sets[i], (xyvalue_t*)out_width, (xyvalue_t*)out_height); for(i = 0; i < attr.recv.count; ++i) _imageattr_get_best_size(&attr.recv.sets[i], (xyvalue_t*)in_width, (xyvalue_t*)in_height); return 0; } char* tmedia_get_video_fmtp(tmedia_pref_video_size_t pref_vs) { tsk_size_t i; char* fmtp = tsk_null; for(i = 0; i < sizeof(fmtp_sizes)/sizeof(fmtp_sizes[0]); ++i){ if(fmtp_sizes[i].cif_family && fmtp_sizes[i].pref_vs <= pref_vs){ if(!fmtp) tsk_strcat_2(&fmtp, "%s=2", fmtp_sizes[i].name); else tsk_strcat_2(&fmtp, ";%s=2", fmtp_sizes[i].name); } } return fmtp; } char* tmedia_get_video_imageattr(tmedia_pref_video_size_t pref_vs, unsigned in_width, unsigned in_height, unsigned out_width, unsigned out_height) { unsigned width, height; const fmtp_size_t* size_min = &fmtp_sizes[(sizeof(fmtp_sizes) / sizeof(fmtp_sizes[0]))-1]; char* ret = tsk_null; if(tmedia_video_get_size(pref_vs, &width, &height) == 0){ tsk_sprintf(&ret, "recv [x=[%u:16:%u],y=[%u:16:%u]] send [x=[%u:16:%u],y=[%u:16:%u]]", size_min->width, in_width, size_min->height, in_height, size_min->width, out_width, size_min->height, out_height); } return ret; } // #retval: 1(best)-31(worst) */ int tmedia_get_video_quality(tmedia_bandwidth_level_t bl) { switch(bl){ case tmedia_bl_low: default: return 13; case tmedia_bl_medium: return 9; case tmedia_bl_hight: return 5; case tmedia_bl_unrestricted: return 1; } } int32_t tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps(unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned fps, unsigned motion_rank) { return (int32_t)((width * height * fps * motion_rank * 0.07) / 1024); } int32_t tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_2(unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned fps) { return tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps(width, height, fps, tmedia_defaults_get_video_motion_rank()); } int32_t tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_3() { unsigned width = 3840; unsigned height = 2160; tmedia_video_get_size(tmedia_defaults_get_pref_video_size(), &width, &height); return tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps(width, height, tmedia_defaults_get_video_fps(), tmedia_defaults_get_video_motion_rank()); } static tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_t tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_fromstring(const char* profile) { if(tsk_strempty(profile)){ return tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_basic; } else if(tsk_strequals(profile, "basic")){ return tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_basic; } else if(tsk_strequals(profile, "premium")){ return tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_premium; } else if(tsk_strequals(profile, "professional")){ return tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_professional; } else if(tsk_strequals(profile, "government-use")){ return tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_government_use; } else{ return tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_basic; } } static const char* tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_tostring(tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_t profile) { switch(profile){ case tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_basic: return "basic"; case tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_premium: return "premium"; case tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_professional: return "professional"; case tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_government_use: return "government-use"; default: return "basic"; } } static const char* tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_tostring(tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_t strength) { switch(strength){ case tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_none: return ""; case tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_mandatory: return "mandatory"; default: return ""; } } static tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_t tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_fromstring(const char* strength) { if(tsk_strempty(strength)){ return tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_none; } else if(tsk_strequals(strength, "mandatory")){ return tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_mandatory; } else{ return tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_none; } } char* tmedia_get_poc_qoe_attribute_value(tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_t profile, tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_t strength) { char* ret = tsk_null; if(strength != tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_none){ tsk_sprintf(&ret, "%s %s", tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_tostring(profile), tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_strength_tostring(strength)); } else { tsk_sprintf(&ret, "%s", tmedia_poc_qoe_profile_tostring(profile)); } return ret; }