#if HAVE_CRT #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #endif //HAVE_CRT /* * Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) * Contact for licensing options: * * The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file thttp_session.c * @brief HTTP/HTTPS session. * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #include "tinyhttp/thttp_session.h" #include "thttp.h" #include "tinyhttp/thttp_action.h" #include "tinyhttp/headers/thttp_header_Dummy.h" #include "tinyhttp/headers/thttp_header_WWW_Authenticate.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" /**@defgroup thttp_session_group HTTP Session */ int thttp_session_signal(thttp_session_t *self, thttp_action_type_t atype); /**Sets parameters. */ int __thttp_session_set(thttp_session_t *self, va_list* app) { thttp_session_param_type_t curr; if(!self){ return -1; } while((curr=va_arg(*app, thttp_session_param_type_t)) != httpp_null){ switch(curr){ case httpp_option: { /* (thttp_session_option_t)ID_ENUM, (const char*)VALUE_STR */ thttp_session_option_t id = va_arg(*app, thttp_session_option_t); const char* value = va_arg(*app, const char *); tsk_options_add_option(&self->options, id, value); break; } case httpp_header: { /* (const char*)NAME_STR, (const char*)VALUE_STR */ const char* name = va_arg(*app, const char *); const char* value = va_arg(*app, const char *); if(value == ((const char*)-1)){ /* UNSET */ tsk_params_remove_param(self->headers, name); } else{ /* SET */ tsk_params_add_param(&self->headers, name, value); } break; } case httpp_cred: { /* (const char*)USERNAME_STR, (const char*)PASSWORD_STR */ tsk_strupdate(&self->cred.usename, va_arg(*app, const char *)); tsk_strupdate(&self->cred.password, va_arg(*app, const char *)); break; } case httpp_userdata: { /* (const void*)USERDATA_PTR */ self->userdata = va_arg(*app, const void *); break; } default: { /* va_list will be unsafe => exit */ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("NOT SUPPORTED."); goto bail; } } /* sxitch */ } /* while */ return 0; bail: return -2; } /**@ingroup thttp_session_group * Creates new session. * @param stack The HTTP/HTTPS @a stack to use. The @a stack shall be created using @ref thttp_stack_create. * @param ... Any @b THTTP_SESSION_SET_*() macros. MUST ends with @ref THTTP_SESSION_SET_NULL(). * @retval A pointer to the newly created session. * A session is a well-defined object. * * @code thttp_session_handle_t * session = thttp_session_create(stack, // session-level parameters THTTP_SESSION_SET_PARAM("timeout", "6000"), // session-level headers THTTP_SESSION_SET_HEADER("Pragma", "No-Cache"), THTTP_SESSION_SET_HEADER("Connection", "Keep-Alive"), THTTP_SESSION_SET_HEADER("User-Agent", "organization 1.0"), THTTP_SESSION_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref thttp_session_set */ thttp_session_handle_t* thttp_session_create(const thttp_stack_handle_t* stack, ...) { thttp_session_handle_t* ret = tsk_null; if((ret = tsk_object_new(thttp_session_def_t, stack))){ va_list ap; va_start(ap, stack); if(__thttp_session_set(ret, &ap)){ TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(ret); } va_end(ap); } else{ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("failed to create new HTTP/HTTPS session."); } return ret; } /**@ingroup thttp_session_group * Updates the session parameters. * @param self The session to update. The session shall be created using @ref thttp_session_create(). * @param ... Any @b THTTP_SESSION_SET_*() macros. MUST ends with @ref THTTP_SESSION_SET_NULL(). * @retval Zero if succeed and non zero error code otherwise. * * @code int ret = thttp_session_set(session, // session-level parameters THTTP_SESSION_SET_OPTION(THTTP_SESSION_OPTION_TIMEOUT, "6000"), // session-level headers THTTP_SESSION_SET_HEADER("Pragma", "No-Cache"), THTTP_SESSION_SET_HEADER("Connection", "Keep-Alive"), THTTP_SESSION_SET_HEADER("User-Agent", "organization 1.0"), THTTP_SESSION_SET_NULL()); * @endcode * * @sa @ref thttp_session_create */ int thttp_session_set(thttp_session_handle_t *self, ...) { if(self){ int ret; va_list ap; thttp_session_t *session = self; if(session->id == THTTP_SESSION_INVALID_ID){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Using invalid session."); return -2; } va_start(ap, self); ret = __thttp_session_set(session, &ap); va_end(ap); return ret; } return -1; } /**@ingroup thttp_session_group * Gets the session id. * @param self The session for which to get the id. * @retval The id of the session. */ thttp_session_id_t thttp_session_get_id(const thttp_session_handle_t *self) { const thttp_session_t *session = self; if(session){ return session->id; } return THTTP_SESSION_INVALID_ID; } /**@ingroup thttp_session_group * Gets the user context (user/application data). * @param self A pointer to the session from which to get the context. * @retval A pointer to the context. Previously defined by using @ref THTTP_SESSION_SET_USERDATA() macro. * @sa @ref THTTP_SESSION_SET_USERDATA() */ const void* thttp_session_get_userdata(const thttp_session_handle_t *self) { if(self){ return ((const thttp_session_t*)self)->userdata; } return tsk_null; } int thttp_session_closefd(thttp_session_handle_t *_self) { int ret = 0; thttp_session_t* self = _self; if(self->fd != TNET_INVALID_FD){ if((ret = tnet_transport_remove_socket(self->stack->transport, &self->fd))){ ret = tnet_sockfd_close(&self->fd); } } return ret; } /** Updates authentications headers. */ int thttp_session_update_challenges(thttp_session_t *self, const thttp_response_t* response, tsk_bool_t answered) { int ret = 0; tsk_size_t i; tsk_list_item_t *item; thttp_challenge_t *challenge; const thttp_header_WWW_Authenticate_t *WWW_Authenticate; const thttp_header_Proxy_Authenticate_t *Proxy_Authenticate; tsk_safeobj_lock(self); /* RFC 2617 - Digest Operation * (A) The client response to a WWW-Authenticate challenge for a protection space starts an authentication session with that protection space. The authentication session lasts until the client receives another WWW-Authenticate challenge from any server in the protection space. (B) The server may return a 401 response with a new nonce value, causing the client to retry the request; by specifying stale=TRUE with this response, the server tells the client to retry with the new nonce, but without prompting for a new username and password. */ /* RFC 2617 - 1.2 Access Authentication Framework The realm directive (case-insensitive) is required for all authentication schemes that issue a challenge. */ /* FIXME: As we perform the same task ==> Use only one loop. */ for(i =0; (WWW_Authenticate = (const thttp_header_WWW_Authenticate_t*)thttp_message_get_headerAt(response, thttp_htype_WWW_Authenticate, i)); i++) { tsk_bool_t isnew = tsk_true; tsk_list_foreach(item, self->challenges) { challenge = item->data; if(challenge->isproxy){ continue; } if(tsk_striequals(challenge->realm, WWW_Authenticate->realm) && (WWW_Authenticate->stale || !answered)){ /*== (B) ==*/ if((ret = thttp_challenge_update(challenge, WWW_Authenticate->scheme, WWW_Authenticate->realm, WWW_Authenticate->nonce, WWW_Authenticate->opaque, WWW_Authenticate->algorithm, WWW_Authenticate->qop))){ return ret; } else{ isnew = tsk_false; continue; } } else{ ret = -1; goto bail; } } if(isnew){ if((challenge = thttp_challenge_create(tsk_false, /* Not proxy */ WWW_Authenticate->scheme, WWW_Authenticate->realm, WWW_Authenticate->nonce, WWW_Authenticate->opaque, WWW_Authenticate->algorithm, WWW_Authenticate->qop))){ tsk_list_push_back_data(self->challenges, (void**)&challenge); } else{ ret = -1; goto bail; } } } for(i=0; (Proxy_Authenticate = (const thttp_header_Proxy_Authenticate_t*)thttp_message_get_headerAt(response, thttp_htype_Proxy_Authenticate, i)); i++) { tsk_bool_t isnew = tsk_true; tsk_list_foreach(item, self->challenges){ challenge = item->data; if(!challenge->isproxy){ continue; } if(tsk_striequals(challenge->realm, Proxy_Authenticate->realm) && (Proxy_Authenticate->stale || !answered)){ /*== (B) ==*/ if((ret = thttp_challenge_update(challenge, Proxy_Authenticate->scheme, Proxy_Authenticate->realm, Proxy_Authenticate->nonce, Proxy_Authenticate->opaque, Proxy_Authenticate->algorithm, Proxy_Authenticate->qop))) { goto bail; } else{ isnew = tsk_false; continue; } } else{ ret = -1; goto bail; } } if(isnew){ if((challenge = thttp_challenge_create(tsk_true, /* Proxy */ Proxy_Authenticate->scheme, Proxy_Authenticate->realm, Proxy_Authenticate->nonce, Proxy_Authenticate->opaque, Proxy_Authenticate->algorithm, Proxy_Authenticate->qop))) { tsk_list_push_back_data(self->challenges, (void**)&challenge); } else{ ret = -1; goto bail; } } } bail: tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); return ret; } /* internal function */ int thttp_session_signal(thttp_session_t *self, thttp_action_type_t atype) { tsk_list_item_t *item; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } tsk_safeobj_lock(self); again: tsk_list_foreach(item, self->dialogs){ item = tsk_object_ref(item); thttp_dialog_fsm_act((thttp_dialog_t*)item->data, atype, tsk_null, tsk_null); /* As the above action could terminate the dialog (which means change the content of self->dialogs) * => list becomes unsafe */ if(!(item = tsk_object_unref(item))){ goto again; } } switch(atype){ case thttp_thttp_atype_closed: self->fd = TNET_INVALID_FD; break; default: break; } tsk_safeobj_unlock(self); return 0; } /** Signals to all dialogs that the connection have been closed. */ int thttp_session_signal_closed(thttp_session_t *self) { return thttp_session_signal(self, thttp_thttp_atype_closed); } /** Signals to all dialogss that we got an error */ int thttp_session_signal_error(thttp_session_t *self) { return thttp_session_signal(self, thttp_atype_error); } /** Retrieves a session by fd */ thttp_session_t* thttp_session_get_by_fd(thttp_sessions_L_t* sessions, tnet_fd_t fd) { thttp_session_t* ret = tsk_null; const tsk_list_item_t *item; if(!sessions){ goto bail; } tsk_list_foreach(item, sessions){ if(((thttp_session_t*)item->data)->fd == fd){ ret = tsk_object_ref(item->data); goto bail; } } bail: return ret; } //======================================================== // HTTP SESSION object definition // static tsk_object_t* _thttp_session_create(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { thttp_session_t *session = self; static thttp_session_id_t unique_id = THTTP_SESSION_INVALID_ID; if(session){ tsk_safeobj_init(session); session->stack = va_arg(*app, const thttp_stack_handle_t*); session->options = tsk_list_create(); session->headers = tsk_list_create(); session->challenges = tsk_list_create(); session->dialogs = tsk_list_create(); session->fd = TNET_INVALID_FD; session->id = THTTP_SESSION_INVALID_ID; /* add the session to the stack */ if(session->stack){ session->id = ++unique_id; tsk_list_push_back_data(session->stack->sessions, (void**)&session); } } return self; } static tsk_object_t* thttp_session_destroy(tsk_object_t * self) { thttp_session_t *session = self; if(session){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("*** HTTP/HTTPS Session destroyed ***"); /* remove from the stack */ if(session->stack){ tsk_list_remove_item_by_data(session->stack->sessions, session); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(session->options); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(session->headers); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(session->challenges); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(session->dialogs); // cred TSK_FREE(session->cred.usename); TSK_FREE(session->cred.password); // fd if(session->fd != TNET_INVALID_FD){ if(tnet_transport_remove_socket(session->stack->transport, &session->fd)){ tnet_sockfd_close(&session->fd); } } tsk_safeobj_deinit(session); } return self; } static int thttp_session_cmp(const tsk_object_t *_session1, const tsk_object_t *_session2) { const thttp_session_t *session1 = _session1; const thttp_session_t *session2 = _session2; if(session1 && session2){ return (int)(session1->id-session2->id); } return -1; } static const tsk_object_def_t thttp_session_def_s = { sizeof(thttp_session_t), _thttp_session_create, thttp_session_destroy, thttp_session_cmp, }; const tsk_object_def_t *thttp_session_def_t = &thttp_session_def_s;