#if HAVE_CRT #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include #include #endif //HAVE_CRT /* * Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) * Contact for licensing options: * * The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ /**@file tdav_codec_h264.c * @brief H.264 codec plugin using FFmpeg for decoding and x264 for encoding * RTP payloader/depayloader follows RFC 3984 * * @author Mamadou Diop * */ #include "tinydav/codecs/h264/tdav_codec_h264.h" #if HAVE_FFMPEG || HAVE_H264_PASSTHROUGH #include "tinydav/codecs/h264/tdav_codec_h264_rtp.h" #include "tinydav/video/tdav_converter_video.h" #include "tinyrtp/rtp/trtp_rtp_packet.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_params.h" #include "tinymedia/tmedia_defaults.h" #include "tsk_params.h" #include "tsk_memory.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" #if HAVE_FFMPEG # include # if (LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(51, 35, 0)) # include # endif #endif typedef struct tdav_codec_h264_s { TDAV_DECLARE_CODEC_H264_COMMON; // Encoder struct{ #if HAVE_FFMPEG AVCodec* codec; AVCodecContext* context; AVFrame* picture; #endif void* buffer; int64_t frame_count; tsk_bool_t force_idr; int32_t quality; // [1-31] int rotation; int32_t max_bw_kpbs; tsk_bool_t passthrough; // whether to bypass encoding } encoder; // decoder struct{ #if HAVE_FFMPEG AVCodec* codec; AVCodecContext* context; AVFrame* picture; #endif void* accumulator; tsk_size_t accumulator_pos; tsk_size_t accumulator_size; uint16_t last_seq; tsk_bool_t passthrough; // whether to bypass decoding } decoder; } tdav_codec_h264_t; #define TDAV_H264_GOP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS 25 static int tdav_codec_h264_init(tdav_codec_h264_t* self, profile_idc_t profile); static int tdav_codec_h264_deinit(tdav_codec_h264_t* self); static int tdav_codec_h264_open_encoder(tdav_codec_h264_t* self); static int tdav_codec_h264_close_encoder(tdav_codec_h264_t* self); static int tdav_codec_h264_open_decoder(tdav_codec_h264_t* self); static int tdav_codec_h264_close_decoder(tdav_codec_h264_t* self); /* ============ H.264 Base/Main Profile X.X Plugin interface functions ================= */ static int tdav_codec_h264_set(tmedia_codec_t* self, const tmedia_param_t* param) { tdav_codec_h264_t* h264 = (tdav_codec_h264_t*)self; if (param->value_type == tmedia_pvt_int32) { if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "action")){ tmedia_codec_action_t action = (tmedia_codec_action_t)TSK_TO_INT32((uint8_t*)param->value); switch(action){ case tmedia_codec_action_encode_idr: { h264->encoder.force_idr = tsk_true; break; } case tmedia_codec_action_bw_down: { h264->encoder.quality = TSK_CLAMP(1, (h264->encoder.quality + 1), 31); #if HAVE_FFMPEG if (h264->encoder.context) { h264->encoder.context->global_quality = FF_QP2LAMBDA * h264->encoder.quality; } #endif break; } case tmedia_codec_action_bw_up: { h264->encoder.quality = TSK_CLAMP(1, (h264->encoder.quality - 1), 31); #if HAVE_FFMPEG if (h264->encoder.context) { h264->encoder.context->global_quality = FF_QP2LAMBDA * h264->encoder.quality; } #endif break; } } return 0; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "bw_kbps")){ int32_t max_bw_userdefine = self->bandwidth_max_upload; int32_t max_bw_new = *((int32_t*)param->value); if (max_bw_userdefine > 0) { // do not use more than what the user defined in it's configuration h264->encoder.max_bw_kpbs = TSK_MIN(max_bw_new, max_bw_userdefine); } else { h264->encoder.max_bw_kpbs = max_bw_new; } return 0; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "bypass-encoding")){ h264->encoder.passthrough = *((int32_t*)param->value) ? tsk_true : tsk_false; TSK_DEBUG_INFO("[H.264] bypass-encoding = %d", h264->encoder.passthrough); return 0; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "bypass-decoding")){ h264->decoder.passthrough = *((int32_t*)param->value) ? tsk_true : tsk_false; TSK_DEBUG_INFO("[H.264] bypass-decoding = %d", h264->decoder.passthrough); return 0; } else if(tsk_striequals(param->key, "rotation")){ int32_t rotation = *((int32_t*)param->value); if(h264->encoder.rotation != rotation){ if(self->opened){ int ret; h264->encoder.rotation = rotation; if((ret = tdav_codec_h264_close_encoder(h264))){ return ret; } if((ret = tdav_codec_h264_open_encoder(h264))){ return ret; } #if 0 // Not working if((ret = avcodec_close(h264->encoder.context))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to close [%s] codec", TMEDIA_CODEC(h264)->plugin->desc); return ret; } h264->encoder.context->width = (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) ? TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.height : TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.width; h264->encoder.context->height = (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270) ? TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.width : TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.height; if((ret = avcodec_open(h264->encoder.context, h264->encoder.codec)) < 0){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to open [%s] codec", TMEDIA_CODEC(h264)->plugin->desc); return ret; } h264->encoder.force_idr = tsk_true; #endif } } return 0; } } return -1; } static int tdav_codec_h264_open(tmedia_codec_t* self) { int ret; tdav_codec_h264_t* h264 = (tdav_codec_h264_t*)self; if(!h264){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } /* the caller (base class) already checked that the codec is not opened */ // Encoder if((ret = tdav_codec_h264_open_encoder(h264))){ return ret; } // Decoder if((ret = tdav_codec_h264_open_decoder(h264))){ return ret; } return 0; } static int tdav_codec_h264_close(tmedia_codec_t* self) { tdav_codec_h264_t* h264 = (tdav_codec_h264_t*)self; if(!h264){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } /* the caller (base class) alreasy checked that the codec is opened */ // Encoder tdav_codec_h264_close_encoder(h264); // Decoder tdav_codec_h264_close_decoder(h264); return 0; } static tsk_size_t tdav_codec_h264_encode(tmedia_codec_t* self, const void* in_data, tsk_size_t in_size, void** out_data, tsk_size_t* out_max_size) { int ret = 0; #if HAVE_FFMPEG int size; tsk_bool_t send_idr, send_hdr; #endif tdav_codec_h264_t* h264 = (tdav_codec_h264_t*)self; if(!self || !in_data || !in_size){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return 0; } if(!self->opened){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Codec not opened"); return 0; } if(h264->encoder.passthrough) { tdav_codec_h264_rtp_encap(TDAV_CODEC_H264_COMMON(h264), (const uint8_t*)in_data, in_size); } else { // !h264->encoder.passthrough #if HAVE_FFMPEG // wrap yuv420 buffer size = avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)h264->encoder.picture, (uint8_t*)in_data, PIX_FMT_YUV420P, h264->encoder.context->width, h264->encoder.context->height); if (size != in_size){ /* guard */ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid size: %u<>%u", size, in_size); return 0; } // send IDR for: // - the first frame // - remote peer requested an IDR // - every second within the first 4seconds send_idr = ( h264->encoder.frame_count++ == 0 || h264 ->encoder.force_idr //|| ( (h264->encoder.frame_count < (int)TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.fps * 4) && ((h264->encoder.frame_count % TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.fps)==0) ) ); // send SPS and PPS headers for: // - IDR frames (not required but it's the easiest way to deal with pkt loss) // - every 5 seconds after the first 4seconds send_hdr = ( send_idr //|| ( (h264->encoder.frame_count % (TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->out.fps * 5))==0 ) ); if(send_hdr){ tdav_codec_h264_rtp_encap(TDAV_CODEC_H264_COMMON(h264), h264->encoder.context->extradata, (tsk_size_t)h264->encoder.context->extradata_size); } // Encode data #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR <= 53 h264->encoder.picture->pict_type = send_idr ? FF_I_TYPE : 0; #else h264->encoder.picture->pict_type = send_idr ? AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I : AV_PICTURE_TYPE_NONE; #endif h264->encoder.picture->key_frame = send_idr ? 1 : 0; h264->encoder.picture->pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; h264->encoder.picture->quality = h264->encoder.context->global_quality; // h264->encoder.picture->pts = h264->encoder.frame_count; MUST NOT ret = avcodec_encode_video(h264->encoder.context, h264->encoder.buffer, size, h264->encoder.picture); if(ret > 0){ tdav_codec_h264_rtp_encap(TDAV_CODEC_H264_COMMON(h264), h264->encoder.buffer, (tsk_size_t)ret); } h264 ->encoder.force_idr = tsk_false; #endif }// else(!h264->encoder.passthrough) return 0; } static tsk_size_t tdav_codec_h264_decode(tmedia_codec_t* self, const void* in_data, tsk_size_t in_size, void** out_data, tsk_size_t* out_max_size, const tsk_object_t* proto_hdr) { tdav_codec_h264_t* h264 = (tdav_codec_h264_t*)self; const trtp_rtp_header_t* rtp_hdr = (const trtp_rtp_header_t*)proto_hdr; const uint8_t* pay_ptr = tsk_null; tsk_size_t pay_size = 0; int ret; tsk_bool_t sps_or_pps, append_scp, end_of_unit; tsk_size_t retsize = 0, size_to_copy = 0; static const tsk_size_t xmax_size = (3840 * 2160 * 3) >> 3; // >>3 instead of >>1 (not an error) static tsk_size_t start_code_prefix_size = sizeof(H264_START_CODE_PREFIX); #if HAVE_FFMPEG int got_picture_ptr = 0; #endif if(!h264 || !in_data || !in_size || !out_data #if HAVE_FFMPEG || !h264->decoder.context #endif ) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return 0; } //TSK_DEBUG_INFO("SeqNo=%hu", rtp_hdr->seq_num); /* Packet lost? */ if((h264->decoder.last_seq + 1) != rtp_hdr->seq_num && h264->decoder.last_seq){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("[H.264] Packet loss, seq_num=%d", (h264->decoder.last_seq + 1)); } h264->decoder.last_seq = rtp_hdr->seq_num; /* 5.3. NAL Unit Octet Usage +---------------+ |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |F|NRI| Type | +---------------+ */ if(*((uint8_t*)in_data) & 0x80){ TSK_DEBUG_WARN("F=1"); /* reset accumulator */ h264->decoder.accumulator_pos = 0; return 0; } /* get payload */ if((ret = tdav_codec_h264_get_pay(in_data, in_size, (const void**)&pay_ptr, &pay_size, &append_scp, &end_of_unit)) || !pay_ptr || !pay_size){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Depayloader failed to get H.264 content"); return 0; } //append_scp = tsk_true; size_to_copy = pay_size + (append_scp ? start_code_prefix_size : 0); // whether it's SPS or PPS (append_scp is false for subsequent FUA chuncks) sps_or_pps = append_scp && pay_ptr && ((pay_ptr[0] & 0x1F) == 7 || (pay_ptr[0] & 0x1F) == 8); // start-accumulator if(!h264->decoder.accumulator){ if(size_to_copy > xmax_size){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("%u too big to contain valid encoded data. xmax_size=%u", size_to_copy, xmax_size); return 0; } #if HAVE_CRT //Debug memory if(!(h264->decoder.accumulator = calloc(size_to_copy, sizeof(uint8_t)))){ #else if(!(h264->decoder.accumulator = tsk_calloc(size_to_copy, sizeof(uint8_t)))){ #endif //HAVE_CRT TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocated new buffer"); return 0; } h264->decoder.accumulator_size = size_to_copy; } if((h264->decoder.accumulator_pos + size_to_copy) >= xmax_size){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("BufferOverflow"); h264->decoder.accumulator_pos = 0; return 0; } if((h264->decoder.accumulator_pos + size_to_copy) > h264->decoder.accumulator_size){ if(!(h264->decoder.accumulator = tsk_realloc(h264->decoder.accumulator, (h264->decoder.accumulator_pos + size_to_copy)))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to reallocated new buffer"); h264->decoder.accumulator_pos = 0; h264->decoder.accumulator_size = 0; return 0; } h264->decoder.accumulator_size = (h264->decoder.accumulator_pos + size_to_copy); } if(append_scp){ memcpy(&((uint8_t*)h264->decoder.accumulator)[h264->decoder.accumulator_pos], H264_START_CODE_PREFIX, start_code_prefix_size); h264->decoder.accumulator_pos += start_code_prefix_size; } memcpy(&((uint8_t*)h264->decoder.accumulator)[h264->decoder.accumulator_pos], pay_ptr, pay_size); h264->decoder.accumulator_pos += pay_size; // end-accumulator if(sps_or_pps){ // http://libav-users.943685.n4.nabble.com/Decode-H264-streams-how-to-fill-AVCodecContext-from-SPS-PPS-td2484472.html // SPS and PPS should be bundled with IDR TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Receiving SPS or PPS ...to be tied to an IDR"); } else if(rtp_hdr->marker){ if(h264->decoder.passthrough){ if(*out_max_size < h264->decoder.accumulator_pos){ if((*out_data = tsk_realloc(*out_data, h264->decoder.accumulator_pos))){ *out_max_size = h264->decoder.accumulator_pos; } else{ *out_max_size = 0; return 0; } } memcpy(*out_data, h264->decoder.accumulator, h264->decoder.accumulator_pos); retsize = h264->decoder.accumulator_pos; } else { // !h264->decoder.passthrough #if HAVE_FFMPEG AVPacket packet; /* decode the picture */ av_init_packet(&packet); packet.dts = packet.pts = AV_NOPTS_VALUE; packet.size = (int)h264->decoder.accumulator_pos; packet.data = h264->decoder.accumulator; ret = avcodec_decode_video2(h264->decoder.context, h264->decoder.picture, &got_picture_ptr, &packet); if(ret <0){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Failed to decode the buffer with error code =%d, size=%u, append=%s", ret, h264->decoder.accumulator_pos, append_scp ? "yes" : "no"); if(TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.callback){ TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.result.type = tmedia_video_decode_result_type_error; TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.result.proto_hdr = proto_hdr; TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.callback(&TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.result); } } else if(got_picture_ptr){ tsk_size_t xsize; /* IDR ? */ if(((pay_ptr[0] & 0x1F) == 0x05) && TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.callback){ TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Decoded H.264 IDR"); TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.result.type = tmedia_video_decode_result_type_idr; TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.result.proto_hdr = proto_hdr; TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.callback(&TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.result); } /* fill out */ xsize = avpicture_get_size(h264->decoder.context->pix_fmt, h264->decoder.context->width, h264->decoder.context->height); if(*out_max_sizein.width = h264->decoder.context->width; TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(h264)->in.height = h264->decoder.context->height; avpicture_layout((AVPicture *)h264->decoder.picture, h264->decoder.context->pix_fmt, (int)h264->decoder.context->width, (int)h264->decoder.context->height, *out_data, (int)retsize); } #endif /* HAVE_FFMPEG */ } // else(h264->decoder.passthrough) h264->decoder.accumulator_pos = 0; } // else if(rtp_hdr->marker) return retsize; } static tsk_bool_t tdav_codec_h264_sdp_att_match(const tmedia_codec_t* self, const char* att_name, const char* att_value) { return tdav_codec_h264_common_sdp_att_match((tdav_codec_h264_common_t*)self, att_name, att_value); } static char* tdav_codec_h264_sdp_att_get(const tmedia_codec_t* self, const char* att_name) { char* att = tdav_codec_h264_common_sdp_att_get((const tdav_codec_h264_common_t*)self, att_name); if(att && tsk_striequals(att_name, "fmtp")) { tsk_strcat_2(&att, "; impl=%s", #if HAVE_FFMPEG "FFMPEG" #elif HAVE_H264_PASSTHROUGH "PASSTHROUGH" #endif ); } return att; } /* ============ H.264 Base Profile Plugin interface ================= */ /* constructor */ static tsk_object_t* tdav_codec_h264_base_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { tdav_codec_h264_t *h264 = (tdav_codec_h264_t*)self; if(h264){ /* init base: called by tmedia_codec_create() */ /* init self */ if(tdav_codec_h264_init(h264, profile_idc_baseline) != 0){ return tsk_null; } } return self; } /* destructor */ static tsk_object_t* tdav_codec_h264_base_dtor(tsk_object_t * self) { tdav_codec_h264_t *h264 = (tdav_codec_h264_t*)self; if(h264){ /* deinit base */ tdav_codec_h264_common_deinit((tdav_codec_h264_common_t*)self); /* deinit self */ tdav_codec_h264_deinit(h264); } return self; } /* object definition */ static const tsk_object_def_t tdav_codec_h264_base_def_s = { sizeof(tdav_codec_h264_t), tdav_codec_h264_base_ctor, tdav_codec_h264_base_dtor, tmedia_codec_cmp, }; /* plugin definition*/ static const tmedia_codec_plugin_def_t tdav_codec_h264_base_plugin_def_s = { &tdav_codec_h264_base_def_s, tmedia_video, tmedia_codec_id_h264_bp, "H264", "H264 Base Profile (FFmpeg, x264)", TMEDIA_CODEC_FORMAT_H264_BP, tsk_true, 90000, // rate /* audio */ { 0 }, /* video (width, height, fps) */ {176, 144, 0}, // fps is @deprecated tdav_codec_h264_set, tdav_codec_h264_open, tdav_codec_h264_close, tdav_codec_h264_encode, tdav_codec_h264_decode, tdav_codec_h264_sdp_att_match, tdav_codec_h264_sdp_att_get }; const tmedia_codec_plugin_def_t *tdav_codec_h264_base_plugin_def_t = &tdav_codec_h264_base_plugin_def_s; /* ============ H.264 Main Profile Plugin interface ================= */ /* constructor */ static tsk_object_t* tdav_codec_h264_main_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { tdav_codec_h264_t *h264 = (tdav_codec_h264_t*)self; if(h264){ /* init base: called by tmedia_codec_create() */ /* init self */ if(tdav_codec_h264_init(h264, profile_idc_main) != 0){ return tsk_null; } } return self; } /* destructor */ static tsk_object_t* tdav_codec_h264_main_dtor(tsk_object_t * self) { tdav_codec_h264_t *h264 = (tdav_codec_h264_t*)self; if(h264){ /* deinit base */ tdav_codec_h264_common_deinit((tdav_codec_h264_common_t*)self); /* deinit self */ tdav_codec_h264_deinit(h264); } return self; } /* object definition */ static const tsk_object_def_t tdav_codec_h264_main_def_s = { sizeof(tdav_codec_h264_t), tdav_codec_h264_main_ctor, tdav_codec_h264_main_dtor, tmedia_codec_cmp, }; /* plugin definition*/ static const tmedia_codec_plugin_def_t tdav_codec_h264_main_plugin_def_s = { &tdav_codec_h264_main_def_s, tmedia_video, tmedia_codec_id_h264_mp, "H264", "H264 Main Profile (FFmpeg, x264)", TMEDIA_CODEC_FORMAT_H264_MP, tsk_true, 90000, // rate /* audio */ { 0 }, /* video (width, height, fps)*/ {176, 144, 0},// fps is @deprecated tdav_codec_h264_set, tdav_codec_h264_open, tdav_codec_h264_close, tdav_codec_h264_encode, tdav_codec_h264_decode, tdav_codec_h264_sdp_att_match, tdav_codec_h264_sdp_att_get }; const tmedia_codec_plugin_def_t *tdav_codec_h264_main_plugin_def_t = &tdav_codec_h264_main_plugin_def_s; /* ============ Common To all H264 codecs ================= */ int tdav_codec_h264_open_encoder(tdav_codec_h264_t* self) { #if HAVE_FFMPEG int ret; tsk_size_t size; if(self->encoder.context){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Encoder already opened"); return -1; } #if (LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(51, 35, 0)) if((self->encoder.context = avcodec_alloc_context3(self->encoder.codec))){ avcodec_get_context_defaults3(self->encoder.context, self->encoder.codec); } #else if((self->encoder.context = avcodec_alloc_context())){ avcodec_get_context_defaults(self->encoder.context); } #endif if(!self->encoder.context){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocate context"); return -1; } #if TDAV_UNDER_X86 && LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR <= 53 self->encoder.context->dsp_mask = (FF_MM_MMX | FF_MM_MMXEXT | FF_MM_SSE); #endif self->encoder.context->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; self->encoder.context->time_base.num = 1; self->encoder.context->time_base.den = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.fps; self->encoder.context->width = (self->encoder.rotation == 90 || self->encoder.rotation == 270) ? TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.height : TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.width; self->encoder.context->height = (self->encoder.rotation == 90 || self->encoder.rotation == 270) ? TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.width : TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.height; self->encoder.max_bw_kpbs = TSK_CLAMP( 0, tmedia_get_video_bandwidth_kbps_2(TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.width, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.height, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.fps), TMEDIA_CODEC(self)->bandwidth_max_upload ); self->encoder.context->bit_rate = (self->encoder.max_bw_kpbs * 1024);// bps self->encoder.context->rc_min_rate = (self->encoder.context->bit_rate >> 3); self->encoder.context->rc_max_rate = self->encoder.context->bit_rate; #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR <= 53 self->encoder.context->rc_lookahead = 0; #endif self->encoder.context->global_quality = FF_QP2LAMBDA * self->encoder.quality; #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR <= 53 self->encoder.context->partitions = X264_PART_I4X4 | X264_PART_I8X8 | X264_PART_P8X8 | X264_PART_B8X8; #endif self->encoder.context->me_method = ME_UMH; self->encoder.context->me_range = 16; self->encoder.context->qmin = 10; self->encoder.context->qmax = 51; #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_MAJOR <= 53 self->encoder.context->mb_qmin = self->encoder.context->qmin; self->encoder.context->mb_qmax = self->encoder.context->qmax; #endif /* METROPOLIS = G2J.COM TelePresence client. Check Issue 378: No video when calling "TANDBERG/4129 (X8.1.1)" */ #if !METROPOLIS && 0 self->encoder.context->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; #endif self->encoder.context->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_LOW_DELAY; if (self->encoder.context->profile == FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE) { self->encoder.context->max_b_frames = 0; } switch(TDAV_CODEC_H264_COMMON(self)->profile){ case profile_idc_baseline: default: self->encoder.context->profile = FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE; self->encoder.context->level = TDAV_CODEC_H264_COMMON(self)->level; break; case profile_idc_main: self->encoder.context->profile = FF_PROFILE_H264_MAIN; self->encoder.context->level = TDAV_CODEC_H264_COMMON(self)->level; break; } /* Comment from libavcodec/libx264.c: * Allow x264 to be instructed through AVCodecContext about the maximum * size of the RTP payload. For example, this enables the production of * payload suitable for the H.264 RTP packetization-mode 0 i.e. single * NAL unit per RTP packet. */ self->encoder.context->rtp_payload_size = H264_RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE; self->encoder.context->opaque = tsk_null; self->encoder.context->gop_size = (TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.fps * TDAV_H264_GOP_SIZE_IN_SECONDS); #if (LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(51, 35, 0)) if((ret = av_opt_set_int(self->encoder.context->priv_data, "slice-max-size", H264_RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE, 0))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to set x264 slice-max-size to %d", H264_RTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE); } if((ret = av_opt_set(self->encoder.context->priv_data, "profile", (self->encoder.context->profile == FF_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE ? "baseline" : "main"), 0))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to set x264 profile"); } if((ret = av_opt_set(self->encoder.context->priv_data, "preset", "veryfast", 0))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to set x264 preset to veryfast"); } if((ret = av_opt_set_int(self->encoder.context->priv_data, "rc-lookahead", 0, 0)) && (ret = av_opt_set_int(self->encoder.context->priv_data, "rc_lookahead", 0, 0))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to set x264 rc_lookahead=0"); } if((ret = av_opt_set(self->encoder.context->priv_data, "tune", "animation+zerolatency", 0))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to set x264 tune to zerolatency"); } #endif // Picture (YUV 420) if(!(self->encoder.picture = avcodec_alloc_frame())){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create encoder picture"); return -2; } avcodec_get_frame_defaults(self->encoder.picture); size = avpicture_get_size(PIX_FMT_YUV420P, self->encoder.context->width, self->encoder.context->height); #if HAVE_CRT //Debug memory if(!(self->encoder.buffer =calloc(size, sizeof(uint8_t)))){ #else if(!(self->encoder.buffer = tsk_calloc(size, sizeof(uint8_t)))){ #endif //HAVE_CRT TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocate encoder buffer"); return -2; } // Open encoder if((ret = avcodec_open(self->encoder.context, self->encoder.codec)) < 0){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to open [%s] codec", TMEDIA_CODEC(self)->plugin->desc); return ret; } TSK_DEBUG_INFO("[H.264] bitrate=%d bps", self->encoder.context->bit_rate); return ret; #elif HAVE_H264_PASSTHROUGH return 0; #endif TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Not expected code called"); return -1; } int tdav_codec_h264_close_encoder(tdav_codec_h264_t* self) { #if HAVE_FFMPEG if(self->encoder.context){ avcodec_close(self->encoder.context); av_free(self->encoder.context); self->encoder.context = tsk_null; } if(self->encoder.picture){ av_free(self->encoder.picture); self->encoder.picture = tsk_null; } #endif if(self->encoder.buffer){ TSK_FREE(self->encoder.buffer); } self->encoder.frame_count = 0; return 0; } int tdav_codec_h264_open_decoder(tdav_codec_h264_t* self) { #if HAVE_FFMPEG int ret; if(self->decoder.context){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Decoder already opened"); return -1; } self->decoder.context = avcodec_alloc_context(); avcodec_get_context_defaults(self->decoder.context); self->decoder.context->pix_fmt = PIX_FMT_YUV420P; self->decoder.context->flags2 |= CODEC_FLAG2_FAST; self->decoder.context->width = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.width; self->decoder.context->height = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.height; // Picture (YUV 420) if(!(self->decoder.picture = avcodec_alloc_frame())){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create decoder picture"); return -2; } avcodec_get_frame_defaults(self->decoder.picture); // Open decoder if((ret = avcodec_open(self->decoder.context, self->decoder.codec)) < 0){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to open [%s] codec", TMEDIA_CODEC(self)->plugin->desc); return ret; } return ret; #elif HAVE_H264_PASSTHROUGH return 0; #endif TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Unexpected code called"); return -1; } int tdav_codec_h264_close_decoder(tdav_codec_h264_t* self) { #if HAVE_FFMPEG if(self->decoder.context){ avcodec_close(self->decoder.context); av_free(self->decoder.context); self->decoder.context = tsk_null; } if(self->decoder.picture){ av_free(self->decoder.picture); self->decoder.picture = tsk_null; } #endif TSK_FREE(self->decoder.accumulator); self->decoder.accumulator_pos = 0; return 0; } int tdav_codec_h264_init(tdav_codec_h264_t* self, profile_idc_t profile) { int ret = 0; level_idc_t level; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if((ret = tdav_codec_h264_common_init(TDAV_CODEC_H264_COMMON(self)))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("tdav_codec_h264_common_init() faile with error code=%d", ret); return ret; } if((ret = tdav_codec_h264_common_level_from_size(TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.width, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.height, &level))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to find level for size=[%u, %u]", TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.width, TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.height); return ret; } (self)->encoder.max_bw_kpbs = TMEDIA_CODEC(self)->bandwidth_max_upload; TDAV_CODEC_H264_COMMON(self)->pack_mode_local = H264_PACKETIZATION_MODE; TDAV_CODEC_H264_COMMON(self)->profile = profile; TDAV_CODEC_H264_COMMON(self)->level = level; TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.max_mbps = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.max_mbps = H264_MAX_MBPS*1000; TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->in.max_br = TMEDIA_CODEC_VIDEO(self)->out.max_br = H264_MAX_BR*1000; #if HAVE_FFMPEG if(!(self->encoder.codec = avcodec_find_encoder(CODEC_ID_H264))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to find H.264 encoder"); ret = -2; } if(!(self->decoder.codec = avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_H264))){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to find H.264 decoder"); ret = -3; } #endif #if HAVE_H264_PASSTHROUGH TMEDIA_CODEC(self)->passthrough = tsk_true; self->decoder.passthrough = tsk_true; self->encoder.passthrough = tsk_true; #endif self->encoder.quality = 1; /* allocations MUST be done by open() */ return ret; } int tdav_codec_h264_deinit(tdav_codec_h264_t* self) { if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } #if HAVE_FFMPEG self->encoder.codec = tsk_null; self->decoder.codec = tsk_null; // FFMpeg resources are destroyed by close() #endif return 0; } tsk_bool_t tdav_codec_ffmpeg_h264_is_supported() { #if HAVE_FFMPEG return (avcodec_find_encoder(CODEC_ID_H264) && avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_H264)); #else return tsk_false; #endif } tsk_bool_t tdav_codec_passthrough_h264_is_supported() { #if HAVE_H264_PASSTHROUGH return tsk_true; #else return tsk_false; #endif } #endif /* HAVE_FFMPEG || HAVE_H264_PASSTHROUGH */