* Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
* Contact for licensing options: <licensing-mcpttclient(at)mcopenplatform(dot)com>
* The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom <http://doubango.org>
* This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework.
* DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with DOUBANGO.
#ifndef _TEST_LISTS_H_
#define _TEST_LISTS_H_

// (well-defined object declaration)
typedef struct student_s 

	char *id;
	char *name;
// (constructor)
static tsk_object_t* student_ctor(tsk_object_t* self, va_list * app)
	student_t* student = (tsk_object_t*)self;
	return self;
// (destructor)
static tsk_object_t* student_dtor(tsk_object_t* self)
	student_t* student = (tsk_object_t*)self;
	return self;
// (case insensitive comparator)
static int student_icmp(const tsk_object_t *self, const tsk_object_t *object)
	const student_t* student1 = (const tsk_object_t*)self;
	const student_t* student2 = (const tsk_object_t*)object;

	if(!student1 || !student2){
		return 0;// must never happen

	return tsk_stricmp(student1->id, student2->id);
// (well-defined object declaration)
static const tsk_object_def_t student_def_s =
// create a stun object
static student_t* student_create(const char* id, const char* name)
	student_t* student;
	if((student = (student_t*)tsk_object_new(&student_def_s))){
		student->id = tsk_strdup(id);
		student->name = tsk_strdup(name);
	return student;

// predicate function to find a student by name
static int pred_find_student_by_name(const tsk_list_item_t *item, const void *name)
	if(item && item->data){
		student_t *student = item->data;
		return tsk_striequals(student->name, name);
	return -1;

// predicate function to find a student by id
static int pred_find_student_by_id(const tsk_list_item_t *item, const void *id)
	if(item && item->data){
		student_t *student = item->data;
		return tsk_striequals(student->id, id);
	return -1;

/* testing basic linked list */
void test_basic_list()
	tsk_list_t *list = tsk_list_create();
	tsk_list_item_t *item = tsk_list_item_create();
	/* add items to the list */
	item->data = tsk_string_create("First item");
	tsk_list_push_front_item(list, &item);

	item = tsk_list_item_create();
	item->data = tsk_string_create("Second item");
	tsk_list_push_back_item(list, &item);

	item = tsk_list_item_create();
	item->data = tsk_string_create("Third item");
	tsk_list_push_front_item(list, &item);

	item = tsk_list_item_create();
	item->data = tsk_string_create("Fourth item");
	tsk_list_push_back_item(list, &item);

	/* dump all items */
	tsk_list_foreach(item, list){
		tsk_string_t* item_data = ((tsk_string_t*)item->data);
		printf("test_basic_list/// --> [%s]\n", item_data->value);

	tsk_list_remove_item(list, list->tail);
	tsk_list_remove_item(list, list->tail);
	tsk_list_remove_item(list, list->tail);
	tsk_list_remove_item(list, list->tail);

	/* delete all items in the list */

void test_filtered_list()
	tsk_list_t *list = tsk_list_create();
	tsk_list_item_t *item = 0;

	/* add items to the list */
		student_t *student2 = student_create("2", "student2");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student2));
		student_t *student6 = student_create("6", "student6");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student6));
		student_t *student1 = student_create("1", "student1");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student1));
		student_t *student6 = student_create("6", "student6");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student6));
		student_t *student6 = student_create("6", "student6");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student6));
		student_t *student2 = student_create("2", "student2");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student2));
		student_t *student2 = student_create("2", "student2");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student2));
		student_t *student5 = student_create("5", "student5");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student5));
		student_t *student4 = student_create("4", "student4");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student4));
		student_t *student1 = student_create("1", "student1");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student1));
		student_t *student1 = student_create("1", "student1");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student1));
		student_t *student3 = student_create("3", "student3");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student3));
		student_t *student6 = student_create("6", "student6");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student6));
		student_t *student1 = student_create("1", "student1");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student1));
		student_t *student3 = student_create("3", "student3");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student3));
		student_t *student6 = student_create("6", "student6");
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(list, ((void**) &student6));

	/* dump all items */
	tsk_list_foreach(item, list)
		student_t* item_data = item->data;
		TSK_DEBUG_INFO("test_filtered_list/// --> [id=%s and name=%s]", item_data->id, item_data->name);

	/* delete all items in the list */

void test_complex_list()
	tsk_list_t *list = tsk_list_create();
	tsk_list_item_t *item = 0;

	/* add items to the list */
		student_t *student1 = student_create("1", "student1");
		tsk_list_push_back_data(list, ((void**) &student1));
		student_t *student2 = student_create("2", "student2");
		tsk_list_push_front_data(list, ((void**) &student2));
		student_t *student3 = student_create("3", "student3");
		tsk_list_push_front_data(list, ((void**) &student3));

	/* dump all items */
	tsk_list_foreach(item, list)
		student_t* item_data = item->data;
		TSK_DEBUG_INFO("test_complex_list/// --> [id=%s and name=%s]", item_data->id, item_data->name);

	/* Find student using tsk_object* */
		student_t *student_to_find = student_create("1", "student1");
		const tsk_list_item_t *item_const = tsk_list_find_item_by_data(list, student_to_find);
			const student_t* item_data_const = item_const->data;
			TSK_DEBUG_INFO("test_complex_list/// using tsk_object --> student with name==\"student1\" and id=\"%s\"", item_data_const->id);

	/* Find student named "student2" using predicate */
		const tsk_list_item_t *item_const = tsk_list_find_item_by_pred(list, pred_find_student_by_name, "student2");
			const student_t* item_data_const = item_const->data;
			TSK_DEBUG_INFO("test_complex_list/// using predicate --> student with name==\"student2\" and id=\"%s\"", item_data_const->id);

	/* delete all items in the list */

#endif /* _TEST_LISTS_H_ */