#if HAVE_CRT #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include <stdlib.h> #include <crtdbg.h> #endif //HAVE_CRT /* * Copyright (C) 2017, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) * Contact for licensing options: <licensing-mcpttclient(at)mcopenplatform(dot)com> * * The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop. * Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom <http://doubango.org> * * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework. * * DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DOUBANGO. * */ #include "tnet_ice_pair.h" #include "tnet_ice_utils.h" #include "tnet_ice_candidate.h" #include "stun/tnet_stun.h" #include "stun/tnet_stun_message.h" #include "stun/tnet_stun_types.h" #include "turn/tnet_turn_session.h" #include "tnet_endianness.h" #include "tnet_utils.h" #include "tsk_hmac.h" #include "tsk_memory.h" #include "tsk_string.h" #include "tsk_debug.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> /* INT_MIN, INT_MAX */ #if !defined(TNET_ICE_PAIR_FULL_DEBUG) # define TNET_ICE_PAIR_FULL_DEBUG 0 #endif /* TNET_ICE_PAIR_FULL_DEBUG */ #if TNET_ICE_PAIR_FULL_DEBUG #define TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO TSK_DEBUG_INFO #else #define TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO(...) ((void)0) #endif static int __pred_find_by_pair(const tsk_list_item_t *item, const void *pair) { if(item && item->data){ int ret; tsk_subsat_int32_ptr(item->data, pair, &ret); return ret; } return -1; } static tsk_object_t* tnet_ice_pair_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app) { tnet_ice_pair_t *pair = self; if(pair){ pair->state_offer = tnet_ice_pair_state_frozen; pair->state_answer = tnet_ice_pair_state_frozen; } return self; } static tsk_object_t* tnet_ice_pair_dtor(tsk_object_t * self) { tnet_ice_pair_t *pair = self; if (pair) { TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(pair->candidate_offer); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(pair->candidate_answer); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(pair->last_request); } return self; } static int tnet_ice_pair_cmp(const tsk_object_t *_p1, const tsk_object_t *_p2) { const tnet_ice_pair_t *p1 = _p1; const tnet_ice_pair_t *p2 = _p2; if (p1 && p2) { static const int64_t __int_min = INT_MIN; static const int64_t __int_max = INT_MAX; return (int)(TSK_CLAMP(__int_min, (int64_t)(p1->priority - p2->priority), __int_max)); } else if (!p1 && !p2) return 0; else return -1; } static const tsk_object_def_t tnet_ice_pair_def_s = { sizeof(tnet_ice_pair_t), tnet_ice_pair_ctor, tnet_ice_pair_dtor, tnet_ice_pair_cmp, }; tnet_ice_pair_t* tnet_ice_pair_create(const tnet_ice_candidate_t* candidate_offer, const tnet_ice_candidate_t* candidate_answer, tsk_bool_t is_controlling, uint64_t tie_breaker, tsk_bool_t is_ice_jingle) { tnet_ice_pair_t *pair; if(!candidate_offer || !candidate_answer){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } if((pair = tsk_object_new(&tnet_ice_pair_def_s))){ pair->candidate_offer = tsk_object_ref((tsk_object_t*)candidate_offer); pair->candidate_answer = tsk_object_ref((tsk_object_t*)candidate_answer); pair->is_controlling = is_controlling; pair->tie_breaker = tie_breaker; pair->is_ice_jingle = is_ice_jingle; pair->priority = (((uint64_t)TSK_MIN(candidate_offer->priority, candidate_answer->priority)) << 32) + (TSK_MAX(candidate_offer->priority, candidate_answer->priority) << 1) + ((candidate_offer->priority > candidate_answer->priority) ? 1 : 0); pair->turn_peer_id = kTurnPeerIdInvalid; } return pair; } // rfc 5245 - Discovering Peer Reflexive Candidates tnet_ice_pair_t* tnet_ice_pair_prflx_create(tnet_ice_pairs_L_t* pairs, uint16_t local_fd, const struct sockaddr_storage *remote_addr) { int ret; const tsk_list_item_t *item; const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair_local = tsk_null, *pair = tsk_null; tnet_ip_t remote_ip; tnet_port_t remote_port; if (!pairs || !remote_addr) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } tsk_list_foreach(item, pairs) { if (!(pair = item->data) || !pair->candidate_offer || !pair->candidate_answer || !pair->candidate_offer->socket || pair->candidate_offer->socket->fd != local_fd) { continue; } pair_local = pair; break; } if ((ret = tnet_get_sockip_n_port((const struct sockaddr*)remote_addr, &remote_ip, &remote_port))) { TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("tnet_get_sockip_n_port() failed"); return tsk_null; } if (!pair_local) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Cannot create prflx candidate with remote ip = %s and remote port = %u", remote_ip, remote_port); return tsk_null; } else { tnet_ice_pair_t* pair_peer = tsk_null; tnet_ice_candidate_t* cand_local; tnet_ice_candidate_t* cand_remote; cand_local = tnet_ice_candidate_create(tnet_ice_cand_type_prflx, pair_local->candidate_offer->socket, pair_local->is_ice_jingle, pair_local->candidate_offer->is_rtp, pair_local->candidate_offer->is_video, pair_local->candidate_offer->ufrag, pair_local->candidate_offer->pwd, pair_local->candidate_offer->foundation); cand_remote = tnet_ice_candidate_create(tnet_ice_cand_type_prflx, tsk_null, pair_local->is_ice_jingle, pair_local->candidate_answer->is_rtp, pair_local->candidate_answer->is_video, pair_local->candidate_answer->ufrag, pair_local->candidate_answer->pwd, pair_local->candidate_answer->foundation); if (cand_local && cand_remote) { tsk_strupdate(&cand_remote->transport_str, pair_local->candidate_offer->transport_str); cand_remote->comp_id = pair_local->candidate_offer->comp_id; memcpy(cand_remote->connection_addr, remote_ip, sizeof(tnet_ip_t)); cand_remote->port = remote_port; TSK_DEBUG_INFO("ICE Pair (Peer Reflexive Candidate): [%s %u %s %d] -> [%s %u %s %d]", cand_local->foundation, cand_local->comp_id, cand_local->connection_addr, cand_local->port, cand_remote->foundation, cand_remote->comp_id, cand_remote->connection_addr, cand_remote->port); pair_peer = tnet_ice_pair_create(cand_local, cand_remote, pair_local->is_controlling, pair_local->tie_breaker, pair_local->is_ice_jingle); } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(cand_local); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(cand_remote); return pair_peer; } return tsk_null; } int tnet_ice_pair_send_conncheck(tnet_ice_pair_t *self) { int ret; if(!self){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if (self->candidate_offer->turn.ss) { enum tnet_stun_state_e e_state; enum tnet_turn_transport_e e_req_transport; if ((ret = tnet_turn_session_get_state_createperm(self->candidate_offer->turn.ss, self->turn_peer_id, &e_state))) { goto bail; } if (e_state != tnet_stun_state_ok) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("TURN CreatePerm not ready yet... to send STUN ConnCheck (peer-id=%ld)", self->turn_peer_id); goto bail; } if ((ret = tnet_turn_session_get_req_transport(self->candidate_offer->turn.ss, &e_req_transport))) { goto bail; } if (e_req_transport == tnet_turn_transport_tcp) { // Make sure "ConnectionBind" sent and underlaying socket is connected tsk_bool_t b_connected; if ((ret = tnet_turn_session_is_stream_connected(self->candidate_offer->turn.ss, self->turn_peer_id, &b_connected))) { goto bail; } if (!b_connected) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("TURN/TCP not connected yet... to send STUN ConnCheck"); goto bail; } } } if (!self->last_request) { uint32_t priority; // Init remote address if ((ret = tnet_sockaddr_init(self->candidate_answer->connection_addr, self->candidate_answer->port, self->candidate_offer->socket->type, &self->remote_addr))) { TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("tnet_sockaddr_init(%s:%d) failed", self->candidate_answer->connection_addr, self->candidate_answer->port); goto bail; } if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_create_empty(tnet_stun_pkt_type_binding_request, &self->last_request))) { goto bail; } // Forming Credentials // username= "RFRAG:LFRAG" // password= "RPASS" { char* p_uname = tsk_null; const char* pc_pwd; if (self->is_ice_jingle) { tsk_sprintf(&p_uname, "%s%s", tnet_ice_candidate_get_ufrag(self->candidate_answer), tnet_ice_candidate_get_ufrag(self->candidate_offer)); } else{ tsk_sprintf(&p_uname, "%s:%s", tnet_ice_candidate_get_ufrag(self->candidate_answer), tnet_ice_candidate_get_ufrag(self->candidate_offer)); } pc_pwd = tnet_ice_candidate_get_pwd(self->candidate_answer); ret = tnet_stun_pkt_auth_prepare_shortterm(self->last_request, p_uname, pc_pwd); TSK_FREE(p_uname); if (ret) { goto bail; } } priority = tnet_ice_utils_get_priority(tnet_ice_cand_type_prflx, self->candidate_offer->local_pref, self->candidate_offer->is_rtp); // add attributes self->last_request->opt.dontfrag = 0; ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(self->last_request, TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_SOFTWARE_ZT(kStunSoftware), // PRIORITY TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_ICE_PRIORITY(priority), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } // ICE-CONTROLLING / ICE-CONTROLLED if (self->is_controlling) { ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(self->last_request, // ICE-CONTROLLING TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_ICE_CONTROLLING(self->tie_breaker), // USE-CANDIDATE - aggressive mode TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_ICE_USE_CANDIDATE(), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } } else { ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(self->last_request, // ICE-CONTROLLED TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_ICE_CONTROLLED(self->tie_breaker), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } } } else { tsk_bool_t b_changed = tsk_false; if (self->is_controlling) { tnet_stun_pkt_attr_remove(self->last_request, tnet_stun_attr_type_ice_controlled); if (!tnet_stun_pkt_attr_exists(self->last_request, tnet_stun_attr_type_ice_controlling)) { ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(self->last_request, TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_ICE_CONTROLLING(self->tie_breaker), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } b_changed = tsk_true; } if (!tnet_stun_pkt_attr_exists(self->last_request, tnet_stun_attr_type_ice_use_candidate)) { ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(self->last_request, TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_ICE_USE_CANDIDATE(), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } b_changed = tsk_true; } } else { tnet_stun_pkt_attr_remove(self->last_request, tnet_stun_attr_type_ice_use_candidate); tnet_stun_pkt_attr_remove(self->last_request, tnet_stun_attr_type_ice_controlling); if (!tnet_stun_pkt_attr_exists(self->last_request, tnet_stun_attr_type_ice_controlled)) { ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(self->last_request, TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_ICE_CONTROLLED(self->tie_breaker), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } b_changed = tsk_true; } } // update transac-id if the request structure changed if ((b_changed && (ret = tnet_stun_utils_transac_id_rand(&self->last_request->transac_id)))) { goto bail; } } // Send request { tsk_buffer_t *req_buffer = tsk_null; self->last_request->opt.fingerprint = !self->is_ice_jingle; if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_write_with_padding_2(self->last_request, &req_buffer))) { goto bail; } if (self->candidate_offer->turn.ss) { // Send using TURN session. Above, we already checked that the TURN session is ready (Alloc=OK, Permission=OK) ret = tnet_turn_session_send_data(self->candidate_offer->turn.ss, self->turn_peer_id, req_buffer->data, (uint16_t)req_buffer->size); } else { int sendBytes = tnet_sockfd_sendto(self->candidate_offer->socket->fd, (const struct sockaddr*)&self->remote_addr, req_buffer->data, req_buffer->size); ret = (sendBytes == req_buffer->size) ? 0 : -9; } TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(req_buffer); if (ret) { goto bail; } } bail: if (ret == 0 && self->state_offer == tnet_ice_pair_state_frozen) { self->state_offer = tnet_ice_pair_state_in_progress; } return ret; } int tnet_ice_pair_send_response(tnet_ice_pair_t *self, const tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* request, const short code, const char* phrase, const struct sockaddr_storage *remote_addr) { tnet_stun_pkt_t* message = tsk_null; const char *password, *username; int ret = -1; tnet_stun_attr_t *stun_att = tsk_null; tsk_bool_t is_error = ((code / 100) != 2); if(!self || !phrase || !request || !self->candidate_offer || !self->candidate_answer){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid paramter"); return -1; } // FIXME: "username" and "password" not used username = tsk_null; password = tnet_ice_candidate_get_pwd(self->candidate_offer); if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_create_empty(is_error ? tnet_stun_pkt_type_binding_error_response : tnet_stun_pkt_type_binding_success_response, &message)) == 0) { tsk_buffer_t *req_buffer = tsk_null; memcpy(message->transac_id, request->transac_id, sizeof(request->transac_id)); message->opt.fingerprint = !self->is_ice_jingle; message->opt.dontfrag = 0; // SOFWARE ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(message, TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_SOFTWARE_ZT(kStunSoftware), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } // SHORT-TERM authentication even for responses if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_auth_prepare_shortterm_2(message, password))) { goto bail; } // ERROR if (is_error) { ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(message, TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_ERROR_CODE(((code / 100) & 0x07), (code - ((code / 100) * 100)), phrase), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } } else { tnet_ip_t remote_ip; tnet_port_t remote_port; if (self->is_ice_jingle) { const tnet_stun_attr_vdata_t *pc_attr_vdata; // USERNAME if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attr_find_first(request, tnet_stun_attr_type_username, (const tnet_stun_attr_t **)&pc_attr_vdata)) == 0 && pc_attr_vdata) { ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(message, TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_USERNAME(pc_attr_vdata->p_data_ptr, pc_attr_vdata->u_data_size), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } } } // MAPPED-ADDRESS and XOR-MAPPED-ADDRESS if ((ret = tnet_get_sockip_n_port((const struct sockaddr*)remote_addr, &remote_ip, &remote_port)) == 0) { tnet_stun_addr_t _addr; tnet_stun_address_family_t _familly = (remote_addr->ss_family == AF_INET6) ? tnet_stun_address_family_ipv6 : tnet_stun_address_family_ipv4; if ((ret = tnet_stun_utils_inet_pton((_familly == tnet_stun_address_family_ipv6), remote_ip, &_addr)) == 0) { ret = tnet_stun_pkt_attrs_add(message, TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_MAPPED_ADDRESS(_familly, remote_port, &_addr), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_XOR_MAPPED_ADDRESS(_familly, remote_port, &_addr), TNET_STUN_PKT_ATTR_ADD_NULL()); if (ret) { goto bail; } } } } if (self->candidate_offer->turn.ss) { enum tnet_stun_state_e e_state; if ((ret = tnet_turn_session_get_state_createperm(self->candidate_offer->turn.ss, self->turn_peer_id, &e_state))) { goto bail; } if (e_state != tnet_stun_state_ok) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("TURN CreatePerm not ready yet... to send STUN response (peer-id=%ld)", self->turn_peer_id); goto bail; } if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_write_with_padding_2(message, &req_buffer))) { goto bail; } if ((ret = tnet_turn_session_send_data(self->candidate_offer->turn.ss, self->turn_peer_id, req_buffer->data, (uint16_t)req_buffer->size))) { goto bail; } } else { struct sockaddr_storage dest_addr; int sendBytes; if ((ret = tnet_sockaddr_init(self->candidate_answer->connection_addr, self->candidate_answer->port, self->candidate_offer->socket->type, &dest_addr))) { TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("tnet_sockaddr_init(%s:%d) failed", self->candidate_answer->connection_addr, self->candidate_answer->port); goto bail; } if ((ret = tnet_stun_pkt_write_with_padding_2(message, &req_buffer))) { goto bail; } sendBytes = tnet_sockfd_sendto(self->candidate_offer->socket->fd, (const struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, req_buffer->data, req_buffer->size); TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(req_buffer); ret = (sendBytes > 0) ? 0 : -2; if (ret != 0) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("ICE pair-answer: failed to send response"); } } } if (ret == 0 && !is_error) { tsk_bool_t change_state = self->is_ice_jingle || // ICE-JINGLE don't have ICE-CONTROLLING/ICE-CONTROLLED attributes (!self->is_controlling && tnet_stun_pkt_attr_exists(request, tnet_stun_attr_type_ice_use_candidate)) || // Sender is controlling and uses "ICE-USE-CANDIDATE" attribute (self->is_controlling) // We always use agressive nomination and final check-list will have high-priority pairs on the top ; TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("ICE pair-answer changing state to 'succeed' ? %s, comp-id=%d, found=%s, addr=%s", change_state?"yes":"no", self->candidate_answer->comp_id, self->candidate_answer->foundation, self->candidate_answer->connection_addr ); if (change_state) { self->state_answer = tnet_ice_pair_state_succeed; } } bail: TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(message); return ret; } int tnet_ice_pair_auth_conncheck(const tnet_ice_pair_t *self, const tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* request, const void* request_buff, tsk_size_t request_buff_size, short* resp_code, char** resp_phrase) { const uint8_t* _request_buff = (const uint8_t*)request_buff; const tnet_stun_attr_t* stun_att; const tnet_stun_attr_vdata_t *stun_att_usr_name; const tnet_stun_attr_vdata_t *stun_att_fingerprint; const tnet_stun_attr_vdata_t *stun_att_integrity; const tsk_list_item_t *item; tsk_sha1digest_t hmac; const char* pwd; tsk_size_t msg_integrity_start = 0, length, i; if(!self || !request || !request_buff || !request_buff_size || !resp_code || !resp_phrase){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } if(!TNET_STUN_BUFF_IS_STUN2(_request_buff, request_buff_size)){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Not STUN buffer"); return -1; } pwd = tnet_ice_candidate_get_pwd(self->candidate_offer); stun_att_usr_name = tsk_null; stun_att_fingerprint = tsk_null; stun_att_integrity = tsk_null; tsk_list_foreach(item, request->p_list_attrs) { if ((!(stun_att = (const tnet_stun_attr_t*)item->data))) { continue; } switch (stun_att->hdr.e_type) { case tnet_stun_attr_type_username: { stun_att_usr_name = (const tnet_stun_attr_vdata_t *)stun_att; break; } case tnet_stun_attr_type_fingerprint: { stun_att_fingerprint = (const tnet_stun_attr_vdata_t *)stun_att; break; } case tnet_stun_attr_type_message_integrity: { stun_att_integrity = (const tnet_stun_attr_vdata_t *)stun_att; break; } default: break; } if (!stun_att_integrity) { if ((length = (kStunAttrHdrSizeInOctets + stun_att->hdr.u_length)) & 0x03) { length += (4 - (length & 0x03)); } msg_integrity_start += length; } } if (!stun_att_usr_name) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("USERNAME is missing"); *resp_code = 400; tsk_strupdate(resp_phrase, "USERNAME is missing"); return -2; } if (!stun_att_integrity || stun_att_integrity->u_data_size != TSK_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE) { if (self->is_ice_jingle) { // Bug introduced in Chrome 20.0.1120.0 (Not security issue as ICE-JINGLE is deprecated and will never be ON) *resp_code = 200; tsk_strupdate(resp_phrase, "MESSAGE-INTEGRITY is missing but accepted"); return 0; } else { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("MESSAGE-INTEGRITY is missing"); *resp_code = 400; tsk_strupdate(resp_phrase, "MESSAGE-INTEGRITY is missing"); return -3; } } if ((kStunPktHdrSizeInOctets + msg_integrity_start) >= request_buff_size) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid length"); *resp_code = 400; tsk_strupdate(resp_phrase, "Invalid length"); return -20; } if (request->u_length != msg_integrity_start) { tsk_size_t size = (kStunPktHdrSizeInOctets + msg_integrity_start); #if HAVE_CRT //Debug memory uint8_t* new_buffer = (uint8_t*)calloc(size, 1); #else uint8_t* new_buffer = (uint8_t*)tsk_calloc(size, 1); #endif //HAVE_CRT if (!new_buffer) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to allocate buffer with size = %u", msg_integrity_start); return -30; } memcpy(new_buffer, request_buff, size); length = msg_integrity_start + (kStunAttrHdrSizeInOctets + TSK_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE /* INTEGRITY VALUE*/); new_buffer[2] = (length >> 8) & 0xFF; new_buffer[3] = (length & 0xFF); hmac_sha1digest_compute(new_buffer, size, pwd, tsk_strlen(pwd), hmac); TSK_FREE(new_buffer); } else { // must never happen hmac_sha1digest_compute(request_buff, request_buff_size, pwd, tsk_strlen(pwd), hmac); } for (i = 0; i < TSK_SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE; ++i) { if (hmac[i] != stun_att_integrity->p_data_ptr[i]) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("MESSAGE-INTEGRITY mismatch"); *resp_code = 401; tsk_strupdate(resp_phrase, "MESSAGE-INTEGRITY mismatch"); return -40; } } *resp_code = 200; tsk_strupdate(resp_phrase, "Ok"); return 0; } int tnet_ice_pair_recv_response(tnet_ice_pair_t *self, const tnet_stun_pkt_resp_t* response) { if(self && response){ if(self->last_request && tnet_stun_utils_transac_id_equals(self->last_request->transac_id, response->transac_id)){ // ignore errors (e.g. STALE-CREDENTIALS) which could happen in some special cases before success if(TNET_STUN_PKT_RESP_IS_SUCCESS(response)){ self->state_offer = tnet_ice_pair_state_succeed; TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("ICE pair-offer changing state to 'succeed', comp-id=%d, found=%s, addr=%s", self->candidate_offer->comp_id, self->candidate_offer->foundation, self->candidate_offer->connection_addr ); } } } return 0; } const tnet_ice_pair_t* tnet_ice_pairs_find_by_response(tnet_ice_pairs_L_t* pairs, const tnet_stun_pkt_t* response) { if(pairs && response){ const tsk_list_item_t *item; const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair; tnet_port_t mapped_port; tnet_ip_t mapped_ip; tsk_list_foreach(item, pairs){ if(!(pair = item->data) || !pair->candidate_answer || !pair->candidate_offer){ continue; } if(pair->last_request && tnet_stun_utils_transac_id_equals(pair->last_request->transac_id, response->transac_id)){ // check that mapped/xmapped address match destination const tnet_stun_attr_address_t *xmapped_addr = tsk_null; const tnet_stun_attr_address_t* mapped_addr = tsk_null; const tnet_stun_attr_address_t* _addr; tnet_stun_pkt_attr_find_first(response, tnet_stun_attr_type_xor_mapped_address, (const tnet_stun_attr_t **)&xmapped_addr); tnet_stun_pkt_attr_find_first(response, tnet_stun_attr_type_mapped_address, (const tnet_stun_attr_t **)&mapped_addr); _addr = xmapped_addr ? xmapped_addr : mapped_addr; if (!_addr) { return pair; // do nothing if the client doesn't return mapped address STUN attribute } /* rfc 5245 Discovering Peer Reflexive Candidates The agent checks the mapped address from the STUN response. If the transport address does not match any of the local candidates that the agent knows about, the mapped address represents a new candidate -- a peer reflexive candidate. Like other candidates, it has a type, base, priority, and foundation. They are computed as follows: o Its type is equal to peer reflexive. o Its base is set equal to the local candidate of the candidate pair from which the STUN check was sent. o Its priority is set equal to the value of the PRIORITY attribute in the Binding request. o Its foundation is selected as described in Section This peer reflexive candidate is then added to the list of local candidates for the media stream. Its username fragment and password are the same as all other local candidates for that media stream. */ tnet_stun_utils_inet_ntop((_addr->e_family == tnet_stun_address_family_ipv6), &_addr->address, &mapped_ip); mapped_port = _addr->u_port; if ((mapped_port != pair->candidate_offer->port || !tsk_striequals(mapped_ip, pair->candidate_offer->connection_addr))) { TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Mapped address different than local connection address...probably symetric NAT: %s#%s or %u#%u", pair->candidate_offer->connection_addr, mapped_ip, pair->candidate_offer->port, mapped_port); // do we really need to add new local candidate? // continue; } return pair; } } } return tsk_null; } const tnet_ice_pair_t* tnet_ice_pairs_find_by_fd_and_addr(tnet_ice_pairs_L_t* pairs, uint16_t local_fd, const struct sockaddr_storage *remote_addr) { int ret; const tsk_list_item_t *item; const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair; tnet_ip_t remote_ip; tnet_port_t remote_port; if(!pairs || !remote_addr){ TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return tsk_null; } if((ret = tnet_get_sockip_n_port((const struct sockaddr*)remote_addr, &remote_ip, &remote_port))){ TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("tnet_get_sockip_n_port() failed"); return tsk_null; } tsk_list_foreach(item, pairs){ if (!(pair = item->data) || !pair->candidate_offer || !pair->candidate_offer->socket || pair->candidate_offer->socket->fd != local_fd) { continue; } if (!tsk_striequals(pair->candidate_answer->connection_addr, remote_ip) || pair->candidate_answer->port != remote_port) { continue; } return pair; } TSK_DEBUG_INFO("No ICE candidate with remote ip = %s and port = %u could be found...probably symetric NAT", remote_ip, remote_port); return tsk_null; } static tsk_bool_t _tnet_ice_pairs_none_succeed(const tnet_ice_pairs_L_t* pairs, uint32_t comp_id, const char* foundation, tsk_bool_t answer){ if(pairs && foundation){ const tsk_list_item_t *item; const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair; const tnet_ice_candidate_t* candidate; tsk_list_foreach(item, pairs){ if(!(pair = item->data) || !(candidate = (answer ? pair->candidate_answer : pair->candidate_offer))){ continue; } if(candidate->comp_id != comp_id || !tsk_striequals(candidate->foundation, foundation)){ continue; } if((answer ? pair->state_answer : pair->state_offer) == tnet_ice_pair_state_succeed){ TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("_tnet_ice_pairs_none_succeed_%s(%u, %s):false", answer?"anwser":"offer", comp_id, foundation); return tsk_false; } } } TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("_tnet_ice_pairs_none_succeed_%s(%u, %s):true", answer?"anwser":"offer", comp_id, foundation); return tsk_true; } #define _tnet_ice_pairs_none_succeed_answer(pairs, comp_id, foundation) _tnet_ice_pairs_none_succeed((pairs), (comp_id), (foundation), tsk_true) #define _tnet_ice_pairs_none_succeed_offer(pairs, comp_id, foundation) _tnet_ice_pairs_none_succeed((pairs), (comp_id), (foundation), tsk_false) // both RTP and RTCP have succeeded #define _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_offer_at(pairs, index, comp_id, check_fullness, ret) _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_at((pairs), offer, answer, (index), (comp_id), (check_fullness), (ret)) #define _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_answer_at(pairs, index, comp_id, check_fullness, ret) _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_at((pairs), answer, offer, (index), (comp_id), (check_fullness), (ret)) #define _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_at(pairs, dir_1, dir_2, index, _comp_id, check_fullness, ret) \ { \ ret = tsk_null; \ if (pairs) { \ const tsk_list_item_t *item; \ const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair; \ tsk_size_t pos = 0; \ tsk_bool_t nominated; \ tsk_list_foreach(item, pairs) { \ if (!(pair = item->data)) { \ continue; \ } \ TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("ICE pair(%d,dir_1) state=%d, compid=%d, found=%s, addr=%s", _comp_id, pair->state_##dir_1, pair->candidate_##dir_1->comp_id, pair->candidate_##dir_1->foundation, pair->candidate_##dir_1->connection_addr); \ TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("ICE pair(%d,dir_2) state=%d, compid=%d, found=%s, addr=%s", _comp_id, pair->state_##dir_2, pair->candidate_##dir_2->comp_id, pair->candidate_##dir_2->foundation, pair->candidate_##dir_2->connection_addr); \ if (pair->state_##dir_1 == tnet_ice_pair_state_succeed && pair->candidate_##dir_1->comp_id == _comp_id) { \ nominated = tsk_true; \ if (check_fullness) { \ /* find another pair with same foundation but different comp-id (e.g. RTCP) */ \ const tsk_list_item_t *item2; \ const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair2; \ tsk_list_foreach(item2, pairs) { \ if (!(pair2 = item2->data)) { \ continue; \ } \ TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("ICE pair2(dir_1) state=%d, compid=%d, found=%s, addr=%s", pair2->state_##dir_1, pair2->candidate_##dir_1->comp_id, pair2->candidate_##dir_1->foundation, pair2->candidate_##dir_1->connection_addr); \ TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("ICE pair2(dir_2) state=%d, compid=%d, found=%s, addr=%s", pair2->state_##dir_2, pair2->candidate_##dir_2->comp_id, pair2->candidate_##dir_2->foundation, pair2->candidate_##dir_2->connection_addr); \ if ((tsk_striequals(pair2->candidate_##dir_2->foundation, pair->candidate_##dir_2->foundation)) \ && (pair2->candidate_##dir_2->comp_id != pair->candidate_##dir_2->comp_id)) { \ /* nominated = (pair2->state_##dir_2 == tnet_ice_pair_state_succeed); */ \ nominated = !_tnet_ice_pairs_none_succeed_##dir_2(pairs, pair2->candidate_##dir_2->comp_id, pair2->candidate_##dir_2->foundation); \ break; \ } \ } \ } \ \ if (nominated && (pos++ >= index)) { \ ret = pair; \ break; \ }\ } \ } \ } \ } \ // true only if both RTP and RTCP are nominated tsk_bool_t tnet_ice_pairs_have_nominated_offer(const tnet_ice_pairs_L_t* pairs, tsk_bool_t check_rtcp) { const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair_ = tsk_null; tsk_bool_t is_nominated_rtp, is_nominated_rtcp = tsk_true; TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("tnet_ice_pairs_have_nominated_offer()"); _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_offer_at((pairs), 0, TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPID_RTP, check_rtcp, (pair_)); if((is_nominated_rtp = (pair_ != tsk_null)) && check_rtcp){ _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_offer_at((pairs), 0, TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPID_RTCP, check_rtcp, (pair_)); is_nominated_rtcp =(pair_ != tsk_null); } TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("is_nominated_rtp_offer=%s, is_nominated_rtcp_offer=%s", is_nominated_rtp?"yes":"no", is_nominated_rtcp?"yes":"no"); return (is_nominated_rtp && is_nominated_rtcp); } // true only if both RTP and RTCP are nominated tsk_bool_t tnet_ice_pairs_have_nominated_answer(const tnet_ice_pairs_L_t* pairs, tsk_bool_t check_rtcp) { const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair_ = tsk_null; tsk_bool_t is_nominated_rtp, is_nominated_rtcp = tsk_true; TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("tnet_ice_pairs_have_nominated_answer()"); _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_answer_at((pairs), 0, TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPID_RTP, check_rtcp, (pair_)); if((is_nominated_rtp = (pair_ != tsk_null)) && check_rtcp){ _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_answer_at((pairs), 0, TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPID_RTCP, check_rtcp, (pair_)); is_nominated_rtcp =(pair_ != tsk_null); } TNET_ICE_PAIR_DEBUG_INFO("is_nominated_rtp_answer=%s, is_nominated_rtcp_answer=%s", is_nominated_rtp?"yes":"no", is_nominated_rtcp?"yes":"no"); return (is_nominated_rtp && is_nominated_rtcp); } // true only if both RTP and RTCP are nominated in symetric way tsk_bool_t tnet_ice_pairs_have_nominated_symetric_2(const tnet_ice_pairs_L_t* pairs, tsk_bool_t check_rtcp, tsk_bool_t *got_hosts) { const tnet_ice_candidate_t *candidate_offer, *candidate_answer_src, *candidate_answer_dest; tsk_bool_t is_nominated_rtp, is_nominated_rtcp = tsk_true; int ret; if (got_hosts) { *got_hosts = tsk_false; } ret = tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_symetric_candidates(pairs, TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPID_RTP, &candidate_offer, &candidate_answer_src, &candidate_answer_dest); if ((is_nominated_rtp = (ret == 0 && candidate_offer && candidate_answer_src && candidate_answer_dest)) && got_hosts) { *got_hosts = (candidate_offer->type_e == tnet_ice_cand_type_host && candidate_answer_src->type_e == tnet_ice_cand_type_host && candidate_answer_dest->type_e == tnet_ice_cand_type_host); } if(is_nominated_rtp && check_rtcp){ ret = tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_symetric_candidates(pairs, TNET_ICE_CANDIDATE_COMPID_RTCP, &candidate_offer, &candidate_answer_src, &candidate_answer_dest); if ((is_nominated_rtcp = (ret == 0 && candidate_offer && candidate_answer_src && candidate_answer_dest)) && got_hosts) { *got_hosts &= (candidate_offer->type_e == tnet_ice_cand_type_host && candidate_answer_src->type_e == tnet_ice_cand_type_host && candidate_answer_dest->type_e == tnet_ice_cand_type_host); } } return (is_nominated_rtp && is_nominated_rtcp); } // true only if both RTP and RTCP are nominated in symetric way tsk_bool_t tnet_ice_pairs_have_nominated_symetric(const tnet_ice_pairs_L_t* pairs, tsk_bool_t check_rtcp) { #define got_hosts tsk_null return tnet_ice_pairs_have_nominated_symetric_2(pairs, check_rtcp, got_hosts); } // gets symetric nominated candidates with the highest priority // will succeed only if both RTP and RTCP are ok int tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_symetric_candidates(const tnet_ice_pairs_L_t* pairs, uint32_t comp_id, const tnet_ice_candidate_t** candidate_offer, const tnet_ice_candidate_t** candidate_answer_src, const tnet_ice_candidate_t** candidate_answer_dest) { int ret; const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair_offer = tsk_null, *pair_answer_src = tsk_null, *pair_answer_dest = tsk_null; if (!pairs || !candidate_offer || !candidate_answer_src || !candidate_answer_dest) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } *candidate_offer = tsk_null; *candidate_answer_src = tsk_null; *candidate_answer_dest = tsk_null; if ((ret = tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_symetric_pairs(pairs, comp_id, &pair_offer, &pair_answer_src, &pair_answer_dest)) == 0) { *candidate_offer = pair_offer ? pair_offer->candidate_offer : tsk_null; *candidate_answer_src = pair_answer_src ? pair_answer_src->candidate_answer : tsk_null; *candidate_answer_dest = pair_answer_dest ? pair_answer_dest->candidate_answer : tsk_null; } return ret; } int tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_symetric_pairs(const tnet_ice_pairs_L_t* pairs, uint32_t comp_id, const struct tnet_ice_pair_s** _pair_offer, const struct tnet_ice_pair_s** _pair_answer_src, const struct tnet_ice_pair_s** _pair_answer_dest) { const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair_offer = tsk_null; const tnet_ice_pair_t *pair_answer = tsk_null; tsk_size_t i_offer, i_answer; static const tsk_bool_t __check_fullness = tsk_false; // pairs will be checked seperatly if (!pairs || !_pair_offer || !_pair_answer_src || !_pair_answer_dest) { TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameter"); return -1; } *_pair_offer = tsk_null; *_pair_answer_src = tsk_null; *_pair_answer_dest = tsk_null; i_offer = 0; while (1) { _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_offer_at((pairs), i_offer, comp_id, __check_fullness, (pair_offer)); // pair with socket SO as sender if(!pair_offer) return 0; ++i_offer; if (pair_offer->candidate_offer->comp_id != comp_id) continue; // find another pair with socket SO as receiver i_answer = 0; while (1) { _tnet_ice_pairs_get_nominated_answer_at((pairs), i_answer, comp_id, __check_fullness, (pair_answer)); if (!pair_answer) break; ++i_answer; if (pair_answer->candidate_offer->comp_id != comp_id) continue; if (pair_answer->candidate_offer == pair_offer->candidate_offer) { *_pair_offer = pair_offer; *_pair_answer_src = pair_answer; *_pair_answer_dest = pair_offer; return 0; } } } return 0; }