#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <crtdbg.h>
#endif //HAVE_CRT
* Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
* Contact for licensing options: <licensing-mcpttclient(at)mcopenplatform(dot)com>
* The original file was part of Open Source Doubango Framework
* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Doubango Telecom <http://doubango.org>
* This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework.
* DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with DOUBANGO.
/**@file tnet_dns.c
 * @brief DNS utility functions (RFCS [1034 1035] [3401 3402 3403 3404] [3761]).
#include "tnet_dns.h"

#include "tnet_dns_regexp.h"
#include "tnet_dns_message.h"
#include "tnet_dns_opt.h"
#include "tnet_dns_srv.h"
#include "tnet_dns_naptr.h"

#include "tnet_types.h"

#include "tsk_memory.h"
#include "tsk_time.h"
#include "tsk_debug.h"
#include "tsk_string.h"

#include <string.h> /* tsk_strlen, memser, .... */
#include <ctype.h> /* isdigist */

/* DNS cache functions */
int tnet_dns_cache_maintenance(tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx);
int tnet_dns_cache_entry_add(tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx, const char* qname, tnet_dns_qclass_t qclass, tnet_dns_qtype_t qtype, tnet_dns_response_t* response);
const tnet_dns_cache_entry_t* tnet_dns_cache_entry_get(tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx, const char* qname, tnet_dns_qclass_t qclass, tnet_dns_qtype_t qtype);

/**@defgroup tnet_dns_group DNS utility functions (RFCS [1034 1035] [3401 3402 3403 3404]).
* <h1>11 DNS</h1>
* <p>
* The DNS Stack (RFC 1034 and RFC 1035) contains all network functions to send queries (both IPv4 and IPv6) and parse responses. <br>
* The core framework implements RFC 3401, 3402, 3403 and 3404, also known as Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS).
* </p>
* <p>
* The DNS servers are automatically loaded by the stack when you create a context (@ref tnet_dns_ctx_create()). <br>
* On Windows systems (XP, VISTA, 7 and CE) the servers are retrieved using WIN32 APIs. On Unix-like systems (both desktop and embedded) such as Debian, Ubuntu, Nokia�s N900� the list of DNS servers comes from �/etc/resolv.conf� file. <br>
* On Google Android operating system, this file is missing and the DNS settings are stored in the shared memory. You can access this shared memory by using @a property_get() and @a property_set() function which are part of Bionic. <br>
* In all cases, you can retrieve the DNS servers yourself (e.g. using java/C# Frameworks) and add them to the context using @ref tnet_dns_add_server().
* </p>
* <p>
* DNS resolution is always performed in a synchronous manner and is thread-safe. For all DNS requests the default timeout value is 5 seconds (@ref TNET_DNS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT).
* The stack also implements the ENUM protocol (RFC 3761).
* </p>
* <h2>11.1	Resource Records</h2>
* The table below lists all DNS Resource Records (RR) for which we provide a parser.
* <table>
* <tr><td>Code</td>	<td>RFC</td>	<td>Description</td>	<td>Well-defined type</td></tr>
* <tr><td>A</td>	<td>RFC 1035</td>	<td>IPv4 address</td> 	<td>tnet_dns_a_t</td></tr>
* <tr><td>AAAA</td>	<td>RFC 3596</td>	<td>IPv6 address</td>	<td>tnet_dns_aaaa_t</td></tr>
* <tr><td>CNAME</td>	<td>RFC 1035</td>	<td>Canonical name</td>	<td>tnet_dns_cname_t</td></tr>
* <tr><td>MX</td>	<td>RFC 2035</td>	<td>Mail exchange</td>	<td>tnet_dns_mx_t</td></tr>
* <tr><td>NAPTR</td>	<td>RFC 3403</td>	<td>Naming Authority Pointer</td>	<td>tnet_dns_naptr_t</td></tr>
* <tr><td>NS</td>	<td>RFC 1035</td>	<td>Name Server</td>	<td>tnet_dns_ns_t</td></tr>
* <tr><td>OPT</td>	<td>RFC 2671</td>	<td>Option</td>	<td>tnet_dns_opt_t</td></tr>
* <tr><td>PTR</td>	<td>RFC 1035</td>	<td>Pointer record</td>	<td>tnet_dns_ptr_t</td></tr>
* <tr><td>SOA</td>	<td>RFC1035</td>	<td>Start Of Authority record</td>	<td>tnet_dns_soa_t</td></tr>
* <tr><td>SRV</td>	<td>RFC 2782</td>	<td>Service locator</td>	<td>tnet_dns_srv_t</td></tr>
* </table>
* Here is an example of how to use the DNS stack to perform DNS NAPTR resolution and print the result to the console.
* @code
tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = tnet_dns_ctx_create();
tnet_dns_response_t *response = tsk_null;
const tsk_list_item_t* item;
const tnet_dns_rr_t* rr;

if((response = tnet_dns_resolve(ctx, "sip2sip.info", qclass_in, qtype_naptr)))
TSK_DEBUG_INFO("We got a success response from the DNS server.");
// loop through the answers
tsk_list_foreach(item, response->Answers){
rr = item->data;
if(rr->qtype == qtype_naptr){
const tnet_dns_naptr_t *naptr = (const tnet_dns_naptr_t*)rr;

TSK_DEBUG_INFO("order=%u pref=%u flags=%s services=%s regexp=%s replacement=%s",
TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("We got an error response from the DNS server. Error code: %u", response->Header.RCODE);


* @endcode
* The @a ctx could be used several times and is a well-defined object.<br>
* The console will output:
* <i>INFO: We got a success response from the DNS server.</i><br>
* <i>INFO: order=10 pref=0 flags=S services=SIP+d2u regexp=(null) replacement=_sip._udp.sip2sip.info</i><br>
* <h2>11.2	ENUM</h2>
* ENUM (E.164 Number Mapping) protocol has been defined in RFC 3761.
* ENUM protocol is used to transform telephone numbers of the PSTN network (e.g. +33600000) into internet resource addresses (e.g. sip:diopmamadou@example.com) by using DNS lookup (NAPTR). The internet resource address could be an email, ICQ, IAX2, H.323 �
* In our case (3GPP IMS) it is typically used to convert TEL URIs (e.g. tel:+33600000) into SIP URIs (sip:+33600000;user=phone). The telephone number to convert should be a valid E.164 number.
* <h3>11.2.1	Usage</h3>
* The code below shows how to gets the SIP address (with the higher order) associated to an E.164 telephone number.
* @code
tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = tnet_dns_ctx_create();
tnet_dns_response_t* response = tsk_null;
char* uri = tsk_null;

if((uri = tnet_dns_enum_2(ctx, "E2U+SIP", "+1-800-555-5555","e164.org"))){
TSK_DEBUG_INFO("URI=%s", uri);
TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("ENUM(%s) failed", "+1-800-555-5555");

* @endcode
* Console Output:<br>
* <i>INFO: URI=sip:16416418000-555-5555@sip.tollfreegateway.com</i><br>
* E2U+SIP is the name of SIP ENUM service assigned by the IANA. Any assigned service () could be used even if the associated addresse type isn�t a well-knonw internet address.
* To get all internet addresses (email, IAX2, ICQ, H.323 �) associated to the telephone, use @ref tnet_dns_enum() instead of @ref tnet_dns_enum_2().

/**@ingroup tnet_dns_group
* Creates new DNS context.
tnet_dns_ctx_t* tnet_dns_ctx_create()
	return tsk_object_new(tnet_dns_ctx_def_t);

/**@ingroup tnet_dns_group
* Creates new DNS cache entry.
tnet_dns_cache_entry_t* tnet_dns_cache_entry_create(const char* qname, tnet_dns_qclass_t qclass, tnet_dns_qtype_t qtype, tnet_dns_response_t* answer)
	return tsk_object_new(tnet_dns_cache_entry_def_t, qname, qclass, qtype, answer);

/**@ingroup tnet_dns_group
* Cleanup the internal DNS cache.
* @param ctx The DNS context containing the cache to cleanup.
* The context contains the user's preference and should be created using @ref tnet_dns_ctx_create().
* @retval Zero if succeeed and non-zero error code otherwise.
int tnet_dns_cache_clear(tnet_dns_ctx_t* ctx)
	if (ctx){

		return 0;
	return -1;

/**@ingroup tnet_dns_group
* Sends DNS request over the network. The request will be sent each 500 milliseconds until @ref TNET_DNS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT milliseconds is reached.
* @param ctx The DNS context to use. The context contains the user's preference and should be created using @ref tnet_dns_ctx_create().
* @param qname The domain name (e.g. google.com).
* @param qclass The CLASS of the query.
* @param qtype The type of the query.
* @retval The DNS response. The @a answers in the @a response are already filtered.
* MUST be destroyed using @a TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE() macro.
* @sa @ref tnet_dns_query_srv, @ref tnet_dns_query_naptr_srv, @ref tnet_dns_enum.
* @code
* tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = tnet_dns_ctx_create();
* tnet_dns_response_t *response = tnet_dns_resolve(ctx, "sip2sip.info", qclass_in, qtype_srv);
* @endcode
tnet_dns_response_t *tnet_dns_resolve(tnet_dns_ctx_t* ctx, const char* qname, tnet_dns_qclass_t qclass, tnet_dns_qtype_t qtype)
	struct sockaddr_storage result;
	struct sockaddr *from;
	uint32_t fromlen;
	int32_t ret;

	tnet_dns_response_t *response = tsk_null;

	tnet_socket_t *localsocket4 = tnet_socket_create(TNET_SOCKET_HOST_ANY, TNET_SOCKET_PORT_ANY, tnet_socket_type_udp_ipv4);
	tnet_socket_t *localsocket6 = tnet_socket_create(TNET_SOCKET_HOST_ANY, TNET_SOCKET_PORT_ANY, tnet_socket_type_udp_ipv6);


	// First, try with IPv4
		if((ret = tnet_getsockname(localsocket4->fd, &result))){
			TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("tnet_getsockname() failed.");
			goto ipv6;
		from = (struct sockaddr *) &result;
		fromlen = tnet_get_sockaddr_size(from);

		if ((ret = dns_search(ctx->resolv_handle, qname, qclass, qtype, buf, TNET_DNS_DGRAM_SIZE_DEFAULT, from, &fromlen)) > 0) {
			response = tnet_dns_message_deserialize((uint8_t *) buf, ret);
			goto done;
	// Then, try with IPv6
		if((ret = tnet_getsockname(localsocket6->fd, &result))){
			TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("tnet_getsockname() failed.");
			goto done;
		from = (struct sockaddr *) &result;
		fromlen = tnet_get_sockaddr_size(from);

		if((ret = dns_search(ctx->resolv_handle, qname, qclass, qtype, buf, TNET_DNS_DGRAM_SIZE_DEFAULT, from, &fromlen)) > 0){
			response = tnet_dns_message_deserialize((uint8_t *) buf, ret);
			goto done;



	return response;
	tsk_buffer_t *output = tsk_null;
	tnet_dns_query_t* query = tnet_dns_query_create(qname, qclass, qtype);
	tnet_dns_response_t *response = tsk_null;
	tsk_bool_t from_cache = tsk_false;

	/* Check validity */
	if (!ctx || !query){
		goto bail;

	/* Is there any DNS Server? */
	if (TSK_LIST_IS_EMPTY(ctx->servers)){
		TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to load DNS Servers. You can add new DNS servers by using \"tnet_dns_add_server\".");
		goto bail;

	/* Cache maintenance */
	if (!TSK_LIST_IS_EMPTY(ctx->cache)){
		/* Only do maintenance if the cache is not empty */

	/* Retrieve data from cache. */
	if (ctx->caching){
		const tnet_dns_cache_entry_t *entry = tnet_dns_cache_entry_get(ctx, qname, qclass, qtype);
		if (entry){
			response = tsk_object_ref(((tnet_dns_cache_entry_t*)entry)->response);
			from_cache = tsk_true;
			goto bail;

	/* Set user preference */
	query->Header.RD = ctx->recursion;

	/* EDNS0 */
	if (ctx->edns0){
		tnet_dns_opt_t *rr_opt = tnet_dns_opt_create(TNET_DNS_DGRAM_SIZE_DEFAULT);
		if (!query->Additionals){
			query->Additionals = tsk_list_create();
		tsk_list_push_back_data(query->Additionals, (void**)&rr_opt);

	/* Serialize and send to the server. */
	if (!(output = tnet_dns_message_serialize(query))){
		TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to serialize the DNS message.");
		goto bail;

	/* ============================ */
	//	Send and Recaive data
	/* ============================ */
		int ret = -1;
		struct timeval tv;
		fd_set set;
		tnet_fd_t maxFD;
		uint64_t timeout = 0;
		tsk_list_item_t *item;
		const tnet_address_t *address;
		struct sockaddr_storage server;
		tnet_socket_t *localsocket4 = tnet_socket_create(TNET_SOCKET_HOST_ANY, TNET_SOCKET_PORT_ANY, tnet_socket_type_udp_ipv4);
		tnet_socket_t *localsocket6 = tnet_socket_create(TNET_SOCKET_HOST_ANY, TNET_SOCKET_PORT_ANY, tnet_socket_type_udp_ipv6);
		tsk_bool_t useIPv6 = TNET_SOCKET_IS_VALID(localsocket6);


		/* Check socket validity */
		if (!TNET_SOCKET_IS_VALID(localsocket4)){
			goto done;

		/* Always wait 500ms before retransmission */
		tv.tv_sec = 0;
		tv.tv_usec = (500 * 1000);

			//	Send data (loop through all intefaces)
			tsk_list_foreach(item, ctx->servers)
				address = item->data;
				if (!address->ip ||
					(address->family != AF_INET && address->family != AF_INET6) ||
					(address->family == AF_INET6 && !TNET_SOCKET_IS_VALID(localsocket6))){

				if (tnet_sockaddr_init(address->ip, ctx->server_port, (address->family == AF_INET ? tnet_socket_type_udp_ipv4 : tnet_socket_type_udp_ipv6), &server)){
					TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to initialize the DNS server address: \"%s\"", address->ip);

				TSK_DEBUG_INFO("Sending DNS query to \"%s\"", address->ip);

				if (address->family == AF_INET6){
					if ((ret = tnet_sockfd_sendto(localsocket6->fd, (const struct sockaddr*)&server, output->data, output->size))){
						// succeed?
					if ((ret = tnet_sockfd_sendto(localsocket4->fd, (const struct sockaddr*)&server, output->data, output->size))){
						// succeed?

			//	Received data
			/* First time? ==> set timeout value */
			if (!timeout){
				timeout = tsk_time_epoch() + ctx->timeout;

			/* Set FDs */
			FD_SET(localsocket4->fd, &set);
			if (useIPv6){
				FD_SET(localsocket6->fd, &set);
				maxFD = TSK_MAX(localsocket4->fd, localsocket6->fd);
				maxFD = localsocket4->fd;

			/* wait for response */
			if ((ret = select(maxFD + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv)) < 0){ /* Error */
				TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("Select failed.");
				goto done;
			else if (ret == 0){ /* timeout ==> do nothing */

			else{ /* there is data to read */
				unsigned int len = 0;
				void* data = 0;
				tnet_fd_t active_fd;

				/* Find active file descriptor */
				if (FD_ISSET(localsocket4->fd, &set)){
					active_fd = localsocket4->fd;
				else if (FD_ISSET(localsocket6->fd, &set)){
					active_fd = localsocket4->fd;
					TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("FD_ISSET ==> Invalid file descriptor.");

				/* Check how how many bytes are pending */
				if ((ret = tnet_ioctlt(active_fd, FIONREAD, &len)) < 0){
					TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("tnet_ioctlt failed with error code:%d", tnet_geterrno());
					goto done;

				/* Receive pending data */
				#if HAVE_CRT //Debug memory
				data = calloc(len, sizeof(uint8_t));
				data = tsk_calloc(len, sizeof(uint8_t));
	#endif //HAVE_CRT
				if ((ret = tnet_sockfd_recv(active_fd, data, len, 0)) < 0){

					TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("tnet_sockfd_recv failed with error code:%d", tnet_geterrno());
					goto done;

				/* Parse the incoming response. */
				response = tnet_dns_message_deserialize(data, (tsk_size_t)ret);

				if (response)
				{	/* response successfuly parsed */
					if (query->Header.ID != response->Header.ID || !TNET_DNS_MESSAGE_IS_RESPONSE(response)){
						/* Not same transaction id ==> continue*/
					else goto done;
		} while (timeout > tsk_time_epoch());


		goto bail;


	/* Add the result to the cache. */
	if (response){
		if (!from_cache && ctx->caching){
			tnet_dns_cache_entry_add(ctx, qname, qclass, qtype, response);
		TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to contact the DNS server.");

	return response;

/**@ingroup tnet_dns_group
* Gets list of URIs associated to this telephone number by using ENUM protocol (RFC 3761).
* @param ctx The DNS context.
* The context contains the user's preference and should be created using @ref tnet_dns_ctx_create().
* @param e164num A valid E.164 number (e.g. +1-800-555-5555).
* @param domain The domain name (e.g e164.arpa, e164.org, ...). If Null, default value is "e164.arpa" (IANA).
* @retval The DNS response with NAPTR RRs. The @a answers in the @a response are already filtered.
* MUST be destroyed using @a TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE macro.
* @sa @ref tnet_dns_resolve, @ref tnet_dns_enum_2.
tnet_dns_response_t* tnet_dns_enum(tnet_dns_ctx_t* ctx, const char* e164num, const char* domain)
	char e164domain[255];
	tnet_dns_response_t* ret = tsk_null;
	int e164size;
	int i, j; // must be signed

	e164size = (int)tsk_strlen(e164num);

	if (!ctx || !e164num || !e164size){
		goto bail;

	if (e164size /* max=15 digits + ".e164.arpa" + '+' */ >= (sizeof(e164domain) - 1)){
		TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("%s is an invalid E.164 number.", e164num);
		goto bail;

	memset(e164domain, '\0', sizeof(e164domain));

	/*	RFC 3761 - 2.4.  Valid Databases
		1. Remove all characters with the exception of the digits.  For
		example, the First Well Known Rule produced the Key
		"+442079460148".  This step would simply remove the leading "+",
		producing "442079460148".

		2. Put dots (".") between each digit.  Example:

		3. Reverse the order of the digits.  Example:

		4. Append the string ".e164.arpa" to the end.  Example:

		This domain-name is used to request NAPTR records which may contain
		the end result or, if the flags field is blank, produces new keys in
		the form of domain-names from the DNS.
	for (i = e164size - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--){
		if (!isdigit(e164num[i])){
		e164domain[j++] = e164num[i];
		e164domain[j++] = '.';

	// append domain name
	if (domain){
		memcpy(&e164domain[j], domain, ((tsk_strlen(domain) + j) >= sizeof(e164domain) - 1) ? (sizeof(e164domain) - j - 1) : tsk_strlen(domain));
		memcpy(&e164domain[j], "e164.arpa", 9);

	/* == Performs DNS (NAPTR) lookup  == */
	ret = tnet_dns_resolve(ctx, e164domain, qclass_in, qtype_naptr);


	return ret;

/**@ingroup tnet_dns_group
* Gets the internate address associated to this telephone number by using ENUM protocol (RFC 3761).
* Only terminale rules containing uris(flags="u") will be considered and the regex string will be executed on the original string for
* substitution. <br>
* <b> Parsing complex regexp will probably fail (99.99% chance). Please use @ref tnet_dns_enum if you want to use your own regexp parser. </b>
* @param ctx The DNS context.
* The context contains the user's preference and should be created using @ref tnet_dns_ctx_create().
* @param service The ENUM service (e.g. E2U+SIP).
* @param e164num A valid E.164 number (e.g. +1-800-555-5555).
* @param domain The domain name (e.g e164.arpa, e164.org, ...). If Null, default value is "e164.arpa" (IANA).
* @retval The Internet address (SIP, email, ICQ, fax, ...) associated to this service.
* MUST be freed using @a TSK_FREE macro.
* @sa @ref tnet_dns_resolve, @ref tnet_dns_enum.
char* tnet_dns_enum_2(tnet_dns_ctx_t* ctx, const char* service, const char* e164num, const char* domain)
	tnet_dns_response_t* response;
	const tsk_list_item_t* item;
	char* ret = tsk_null;
	const tnet_dns_rr_t* rr;

	if ((response = tnet_dns_enum(ctx, e164num, domain))){
			tsk_list_foreach(item, response->Answers){
				rr = item->data;
				if (rr->qtype == qtype_naptr){
					const tnet_dns_naptr_t *naptr = (const tnet_dns_naptr_t*)rr;
					/*	RFC 3403 - 6.2 E164 Example
						Both the ENUM [18] and URI  Resolution [4] Applications use the 'u'
						flag.  This flag states that the Rule is terminal and that the output
						is a URI which contains the information needed to contact that
						telephone service.
					if (tsk_striequals(naptr->flags, "u") && tsk_striequals(naptr->services, service)){
						/* RFC 3403 - 4.1 Packet Format
							The fields (replacement and regexp) are also mutually exclusive.  If a record is
							returned that has values for both fields then it is considered to
							be in error and SHOULD be either ignored or an error returned.
						if (naptr->regexp && naptr->replacement){

						if ((ret = tnet_dns_regex_parse(e164num, naptr->regexp))){
			TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("We got an error response from the DNS server. Error code: %u", response->Header.RCODE);


	return ret;

/**@ingroup tnet_dns_group
* Performs DNS SRV resolution.
* @param ctx The DNS context.
* The context contains the user's preference and should be created using @ref tnet_dns_ctx_create.
* @param service The name of the service (e.g. SIP+D2U).
* @param hostname The result containing an IP address or FQDN.
* @param port The port associated to the result.
* @retval Zero if succeed and non-zero error code otherwise.
* @sa @ref tnet_dns_resolve.
* @code
* tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = tnet_dns_ctx_create();
* char* hostname = 0;
* tnet_port_t port = 0;
* if(!tnet_dns_query_srv(ctx, "_sip._udp.sip2sip.info", &hostname, &port)){
* 	TSK_DEBUG_INFO("DNS SRV succeed ==> hostname=%s and port=%u", hostname, port);
* }
* TSK_FREE(hostname);
* @endcode
int tnet_dns_query_srv(tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx, const char* service, char** hostname, tnet_port_t* port)
	tnet_dns_response_t *response;

	if (!ctx){
		return -1;

	// tnet_dns_resolve is thread-safe
	if ((response = tnet_dns_resolve(ctx, service, qclass_in, qtype_srv)))
		const tsk_list_item_t *item;
		const tnet_dns_rr_t* rr;
		tsk_list_foreach(item, response->Answers) /* Already Filtered ==> Peek the first One */
			rr = item->data;
			if (rr->qtype == qtype_srv){
				const tnet_dns_srv_t *srv = (const tnet_dns_srv_t*)rr;

				tsk_strupdate(hostname, srv->target);
				*port = srv->port;


	return (hostname && !tsk_strnullORempty(*hostname)) ? 0 : -2;

/**@ingroup tnet_dns_group
* Performs DNS NAPTR followed by DNS SRV resolution.
* @param ctx The DNS context.
* The context contains the user's preference and should be created using @ref tnet_dns_ctx_create().
* @param domain The Name of the domain (e.g. google.com).
* @param service The name of the service (e.g. SIP+D2U).
* @param hostname The result containing an IP address or FQDN. Should be Null.
* @param port The port associated to the result.
* @retval Zero if succeed and non-zero error code otherwise.
* @sa @ref tnet_dns_resolve.
* @code
* tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = tnet_dns_ctx_create();
* char* hostname = tsk_null;
* tnet_port_t port = 0;
* if(!tnet_dns_query_naptr_srv(ctx, "sip2sip.info", "SIP+D2U", &hostname, &port)){
* 	TSK_DEBUG_INFO("DNS NAPTR+SRV succeed ==> hostname=%s and port=%u", hostname, port);
* }
* TSK_FREE(hostname);
* @endcode
int tnet_dns_query_naptr_srv(tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx, const char* domain, const char* service, char** hostname, tnet_port_t* port)
	tnet_dns_response_t *response;

	if (!ctx || !hostname){
		TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid parameters.");
		return -1;

	/* reset (do not free the user supplied value). trying to free dummy value will cause access violation error ==> zero. */
	*hostname = tsk_null;

	// tnet_dns_resolve is thread-safe
	if ((response = tnet_dns_resolve(ctx, domain, qclass_in, qtype_naptr))){
		const tsk_list_item_t *item;
		const tnet_dns_rr_t* rr;

		char* replacement = tsk_null; /* e.g. _sip._udp.example.com */
		char* flags = tsk_null;/* e.g. S, A, AAAA, A6, U, P ... */

		tsk_list_foreach(item, response->Answers) /* Already Filtered ==> Peek the first One */
			rr = item->data;
			if (rr->qtype == qtype_naptr){
				tnet_dns_naptr_t *naptr = (tnet_dns_naptr_t*)rr;

				if (tsk_striequals(service, naptr->services)){
					tsk_strupdate(&replacement, naptr->replacement);
					tsk_strupdate(&flags, naptr->flags);


		if (flags && replacement){
			if (tsk_striequals(flags, "S")){
				tnet_dns_query_srv(ctx, replacement, hostname, port);
			else if (tsk_striequals(flags, "A") || tsk_striequals(flags, "AAAA") || tsk_striequals(flags, "A6")){
				TSK_DEBUG_WARN("Defaulting port value.");
				tsk_strupdate(hostname, replacement);
				*port = 5060;
				TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("DNS NAPTR query returned invalid flags");
			TSK_DEBUG_INFO("DNS NAPTR (%s) query returned zero result", domain);



	return (hostname && *hostname && !tsk_strempty(*hostname)) ? 0 : -2;

// remove timedout entries
int tnet_dns_cache_maintenance(tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx)

	if (ctx)
		tsk_list_item_t *item;

		tsk_list_foreach(item, ctx->cache)
			// FIXME: ttl should be from RR::ttl
			tnet_dns_cache_entry_t *entry = (tnet_dns_cache_entry_t*)item->data;
			if ((entry->epoch + ctx->cache_ttl) < tsk_time_epoch()){
				tsk_list_remove_item_by_data(ctx->cache, entry);
				goto again; /* Do not delete data while looping */


		return 0;
	return -1;

// add an entry to the cache
int tnet_dns_cache_entry_add(tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx, const char* qname, tnet_dns_qclass_t qclass, tnet_dns_qtype_t qtype, tnet_dns_response_t* response)
	int ret = -1;

	if (ctx)
		tnet_dns_cache_entry_t *entry;


		entry = 0;

		/* Retrieve from cache */
		entry = (tnet_dns_cache_entry_t*)tnet_dns_cache_entry_get(ctx, qname, qclass, qtype);

		if (entry){
			/* UPDATE */
			entry->response = tsk_object_ref(response);
			entry->epoch = tsk_time_epoch();
			ret = 0;
			goto done;
			/* CREATE */
			entry = tnet_dns_cache_entry_create(qname, qclass, qtype, response);
			if (entry){
				tsk_list_push_back_data(ctx->cache, (void**)&entry);
				ret = 0;
				goto done;
				ret = -2;
				goto done;
	return ret;

// get an entry from the cache
const tnet_dns_cache_entry_t* tnet_dns_cache_entry_get(tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx, const char* qname, tnet_dns_qclass_t qclass, tnet_dns_qtype_t qtype)
	tnet_dns_cache_entry_t *ret = tsk_null;
	if (ctx)
		tsk_list_item_t *item;


		tsk_list_foreach(item, ctx->cache){
			tnet_dns_cache_entry_t *entry = (tnet_dns_cache_entry_t*)item->data;
			if (entry->qtype == qtype && entry->qclass == qclass && tsk_strequals(entry->qname, qname)){
				ret = entry;


	return ret;

/**@ingroup tnet_dns_group
* Adds new DNS server to the list of the list of servers to query.
* @param ctx DNS context containing the user parameters. The new DNS server will be added to this context.
* @param host The IP address (or FQDN) of the dns server to add to the server.
* @retval zero if succeed and non-zero error code otherwise.
int tnet_dns_add_server(tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx, const char* host)
	tnet_address_t *address;

	if (!ctx || !host){
		return -1;

	if (!ctx->servers){
		ctx->servers = tsk_list_create();

	if ((address = tnet_address_create(host))){
		address->family = tnet_get_family(host, TNET_DNS_SERVER_PORT_DEFAULT);
		address->dnsserver = 1;
		tsk_list_push_ascending_data(ctx->servers, (void**)&address);

		return 0;

	return -2;

//	[[DNS CACHE ENTRY]] object definition
static tsk_object_t* tnet_dns_cache_entry_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app)
	tnet_dns_cache_entry_t *entry = self;
	if (entry){
		entry->qname = tsk_strdup(va_arg(*app, const char*));
		entry->qclass = va_arg(*app, tnet_dns_qtype_t);
		entry->qtype = va_arg(*app, tnet_dns_qtype_t);
		entry->response = tsk_object_ref(va_arg(*app, tnet_dns_response_t*));

		entry->epoch = tsk_time_epoch();
	return self;

static tsk_object_t* tnet_dns_cache_entry_dtor(tsk_object_t * self)
	tnet_dns_cache_entry_t *entry = self;
	if (entry){
	return self;

static const tsk_object_def_t tnet_dns_cache_entry_def_s =
const tsk_object_def_t *tnet_dns_cache_entry_def_t = &tnet_dns_cache_entry_def_s;

//	[[DNS CONTEXT]] object definition
static tsk_object_t* tnet_dns_ctx_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app)
	tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = self;
	if (ctx){
		ctx->timeout = TNET_DNS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;
		ctx->recursion = tsk_true;
		ctx->edns0 = tsk_true;
		ctx->caching = tsk_false;

		ctx->cache_ttl = TNET_DNS_CACHE_TTL;

		ctx->server_port = TNET_DNS_SERVER_PORT_DEFAULT;

		/* Gets all dns servers. */
		ctx->servers = tnet_get_addresses_all_dnsservers();
		/* Creates empty cache. */
		ctx->cache = tsk_list_create();

		ctx->resolv_handle = dns_open(NULL);

	return self;

static tsk_object_t* tnet_dns_ctx_dtor(tsk_object_t * self)
	tnet_dns_ctx_t *ctx = self;
	if (ctx){


	return self;

static const tsk_object_def_t tnet_dns_ctx_def_s =
const tsk_object_def_t *tnet_dns_ctx_def_t = &tnet_dns_ctx_def_s;