  Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.mcopenplatform.muoapi;

import org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.IMCOPCallback;

 * AIDL definition {@link https://developer.android.com/guide/components/aidl.html}
 * Used as a callback for MCOP SDK server-client communication, and for MCPTT (Mission Critical Push to Talk) Services.
 * @version 0.1
interface IMCOPsdk {

     * Allows to synchronously get the capabilities from the different MCPTT SDK plugins.
     * @return Returns an structure with all the capabilities.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    String getMCOPCapabilities();

     * @brief Set the client address
     * This function set the address of the client. It must be call before the client login, otherwise an error will be returned.
     * @param ip Indicates the address on IPv4 format.
     * @param tags List of optional tags. Possible values are:
     *                 - #TAG_NET_PORT
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int selectInterface(String ip, in Map tag);

     * @brief Register the user
     * This function starts the MCS system login procedure (SIP Registration + MCS authentication + MCS service authorization).
     * In case of re-execution it restarts the login procedure, if already on it.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.RegistrationEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int login();

     * @brief Requests the IdMS for service authorization
     * Once the authentication procedure has been carried out against the IDMS, this function must be called to continue with the login
     * process started with #login() function.
     * Before making the call to this function, the client will receive an asynchronous {@link org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.ActionsCallBack.registrationEvent } event which contains a *request uri* that
     * upper client layers must use to authenticate against the IDMS.
     * The URL obtained as a result of IDMS authentication should be passed to the SDK so that it can verify the authentication and start with service authorization.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.RegistrationEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param url String with URL format, obtained as a result of the IDMS authentication process.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int authorizeUser(String url);

     * @brief Unregister user
     * This function starts the MCS system logout procedure.
     * In case of re-execution it restarts the logout procedure, if already on it.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.RegistrationEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int logout();

     * @brief Generates a unique id
     * This function generates a unique id, to be used with #makeCall .
     * @return Generated unique ID, if there are no errors. Otherwise, a #null object will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    String generateUniqueId();

     * @brief Make MCPTT/MCVIDEO calls
     * Make a call to the requested SIP URI list. Those SIP URIs might be a private user MCPTT/MCVIDEO ID or a group ID.
     * The *callType* argument value indicates how this SIP URIs should be interpreted.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.CallEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param calledIds List of request SIP URIs. This list must only contain one SIP URI, except for First-To-Answer calls.
     * If the list contains more than one elements, the first one will be used.
     * If NULL, the default contact will be called.
     * @param callType  Integer that contains a series of FLAGs indicating the requested call type. See {@link org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.CallEventExtras.CallTypeEnum} for all possible values.
     * @param sessionID Call session identifier that unequivocally identifies the call.
     * @param tags List of optional tags. Possible values are:
     *                 - #TAG_CALL_ANSWER_MODE_KEY
     *                 - #TAG_CALL_EMERG_ALERT_KEY
     *                 - #TAG_CALL_MIC_MUTE_KEY
     *                 - #TAG_CALL_SPEAKER_MUTE_KEY
     *                 - #TAG_CALL_IMPLICIT_REQUEST_KEY
     *                 - #TAG_CALL_IMPLICIT_GRANTED_KEY
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int makeCall(in String[] calledIds, int callType, String sessionID, in Map tags);

     * @brief Accept an incoming call
     * Accept incoming call from individual user or group.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.CallEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.

     * @param sessionID Call session identifier that unequivocally identifies the call.
     * @param tags List of optional tags. Possible values are:
     *                 - #TAG_CALL_MIC_MUTE_KEY
     *                 - #TAG_CALL_SPEAKER_MUTE_KEY
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int acceptCall(String sessionID, in Map tags);

     * @brief Hang up a call
     * Hang up an ongoing call or cancel a call that has not been established yet.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.CallEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param sessionID Call session identifier that unequivocally identifies the call.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int hangUpCall(String sessionID);

     * @brief Change ongoing call state
     * Change the state of an ongoing call (e.g change call priority level).
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.CallEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.

     * @param sessionID Call session identifier that unequivocally identifies the call.
     * @param updateType New updated state of the session. See {@link org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.EmergencyTypeEnum} for all possible values.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int updateCallStatus(String sessionID, int updateType);

     * @brief Mute/Unmute the microphone
     * This functions gives the possibility to mute the microphone for a specific call.
     * @param sessionID Call session identifier that unequivocally identifies the call.
     * @param mute Boolean indicating if the microphone is muted or not. True means mute.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int setMute(String sessionID,boolean mute);

     * @brief Mute/Unmute the speaker
     * This functions gives the possibility to mute the speaker for a specific call.
     * @param sessionID Call session identifier that unequivocally identifies the call.
     * @param mute Boolean indicating if the speaker is muted or not. True means mute.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int setSpeakerMute(String sessionID,boolean mute);

     * @brief Perform an operation related to media control mechanisms
     * Perform an operation related to floor control or transmission control mechanisms.
     * These mechanisms are MCPTT and MCVIDEO call's audio and video controlling mechanisms respectively.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.ControlMechanismEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param sessionID Call session identifier that unequivocally identifies the call.
     * @param controlReqType Media control mechanism event type. See {@link org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.ControlMechanismEventExtras.ControlMechanismOperationTypeEnum} for all possible values.
     * @param tags List of optional tags. Possible values are:
     *                 - #TAG_CTRL_MECH_PRIO
     *                 - #TAG_CTRL_MECH_MCVIDEO_USER_ID
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int controlMechanismOperation(String sessionID, int controlReqType, in Map tags);

     * @brief Remote change of selected group
     * Change the selected group (the group the other user is listening to) of another user.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.GroupInfoEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * The user should be a member of the group. Otherwise, an error will be returned.
     * @param userID The MCPTT ID or MCVIDEO ID of the target user
     * @param groupID The identifier of the group
     * @param tags List of optional tags. Possible values are:
     *                 - #TAG_GROUP_SERVICES
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int changeRemoteGroup(String userID, String groupID, in Map tags);

     * @brief Set the emergency alert state for a certain group
     * Enable or disable the emergency alert state of a specific group, even if there is no call in that group
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.GroupInfoEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param groupID The identifier of the group
     * @param enable  Boolean indicating if the emergency alert shall be enabled or not. True means enable.
     * @param tags List of optional tags. Possible values are:
     *                 - #TAG_EMERGENCY_ALERT_ORIGINATED_BY
     *                 - #TAG_GROUP_SERVICES
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int setGroupEmergencyAlertState(String groupID, boolean enable, in Map tags);

     * @brief Explicit configuration information retrieval
     * Request the full configuration information of the user
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.ConfigurationInfoEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int getConfigurationInfo();

     * @brief Explicit group information retrieval
     * Request the information of all groups of which the user is a member
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.GroupInfoEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int getGroupsInfo();

     * @brief Explicit affiliation information retrieval
     * Request the user affiliation status of all groups of which the user is a member.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.GroupAffiliationEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int getGroupsAffiliation();

     * @brief Perform an affiliation status change
     * Perform an affiliation change on the affiliation status of the user
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.GroupAffiliationEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param groupID The identifier of the group
     * @param affiliationRequestType Affiliation request type. See {@link org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.GroupAffiliationEventExtras.AffiliationRequestTypeEnum} for all possible values.
     * @param tags List of optional tags. Possible values are:
     *                 - #TAG_AFFILIATION_REMOTE_USER_ID
     *                 - #TAG_AFFILIATION_SERVICES
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int affiliationOperation(String groupID, int affiliationRequestType,in Map tags);

     * @brief Explicit functional alias status retrieval
     * Get functional alias status (active, inactive...)
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.FunctionalAliasEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int getFunctionalAliasStatus();

     * @brief Perform functional alias operation
     * Perform functional alias state change operations, like activate or deactivate a specific alias.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.FunctionalAliasEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param functionalAliasId Unequivocally identifies the functional alias on which the operation is to be performed. The functional alias list will be received in the event {@link ConstantsMCOP.ActionsCallBack#functionalAliasEvent}
     * @param functionalAliasRequestType Functional alias request type. See {@link org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.FunctionalAliasEventExtras.FunctionalAliasOperationTypeEnum} for all possible values.
     * @param tags List of optional tags. Possible values are:
     *                 - #TAG_FUNCTIONAL_ALIAS_TAKE_OVER
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int functionalAliasOperation(String functionalAliasId, int functionalAliasRequestType,in Map tags);

     * @brief Create SDS conversation
     * Create a new MCDATA SDS conversation
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.MCDataEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param recipientID MCDATA ID of the user or group with whom an SDS conversation will be created.
     * @param conversationType Conversation type. See {@link ConstantsMCOP.MCDataEventExtras.SdsNotificationTypeEnum} for all possible values.
     * @param defaultDispositionReqType Default disposition request type. Indicates which type of notification will be requested to recipients in response to a sent SDS message.
     *                                  See {@link org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.MCDataEventExtras.SdsNotificationTypeEnum} for all possible values.
     * @return Returns the UUID that unequivocally identifies the conversation if there are no errors. Otherwise, a #null structure will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    String createConversation(String recipientID, int conversationType, int defaultDispositionReqType);

     * @brief Send SDS message
     * Send an SDS message within a specific conversation.
     * It can include several payloads and payload types.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.MCDataEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param conversationID  the UUID that unequivocally identifies the conversation
     * @param payloads Array containing all the payloads to be sent. In the case of being a binary data it must be encoded in base64
     * @param payloadsType Array containing all the payload type of the #payloads to be sent. See {@link org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.MCDataEventExtras.SdsPayloadTypeEnum} for all possible values.
     * @param dateTime  Calendar's time in milliseconds. {@link java.util.Calendar#getTimeInMillis()}.
     * @param inReplyToID  an UUID indicating the ID of the message which is being replied. Optional
     * @param notificationType Indicates the type of notification requested by the user. See {@link org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.MCDataEventExtras.SdsNotificationTypeEnum}for all possible values. Optional
     * @return Returns the UUID that unequivocally identifies the message if there are no errors. Otherwise, a #null structure will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    String sendSDS(String conversationID, in String[] payloads,in int[] payloadsType,long dateTime,String inReplyToID,int notificationType);

     * @brief Send a notification indicating that a SDS message has been read
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.MCDataEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param recipientID MCDATA ID of the user or group of the SDS conversation.
     * @param conversationID  the UUID that unequivocally identifies the conversation to which the SDS belongs.
     * @param messageID  the UUID that unequivocally identifies the message for which the notification will sent.
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int readNotificationSDS(String recipientID,String conversationID,String messageID);

     * @brief Retrieve SDS conversations history
     * Retrieve SDS conversations history.
     * If #recipient_id and #conversationID are NULL, all stored conversation histories will be retrieved
     * If #recipient_id* contains the MCDATA ID of a specific user and #conversationID is NULL, the event generated in response to this function will only return the stored conversation history associated to that user.
     * If #recipient_id* contains the MCDATA ID of a specific user and #conversationID contains a conversation valid identifier, retrieves all stored SDS messages associated to a specific conversation.
     * @param conversationID  the UUID that unequivocally identifies the conversation to which the SDS belongs.
     * @param recipientID MCDATA ID of the user or group of the SDS conversation.
     * @param tags List of optional tags. Possible values are:
     *                 - #TAG_SDS_FILTER_START_DATA
     *                 - #TAG_SDS_FILTER_END_DATA
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int getAllSDS(String conversationID,String recipientID,in Map tags);

    //#endif HAVE_MCDATA

     * @brief Manage groups (e. g create a new group)
     * Allows performing different group management related operation such as group or temporary group formation, group removal or temporary group tear down.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.GroupInfoEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param groupID The identifier of the group
     * @param groupOperationType  Group management operation type. See {@link ConstantsMCOP.GroupInfoEventExtras.GroupOperationRequestTypeEnum} for all possible values.
     * @param tags List of optional tags. Possible values are all the fields defined for group information data
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int groupManagementOperation(String groupID, int groupOperationType, in Map tags);

     * @brief Manage user affiliation subscription
     * Allows managing self and target user affiliation. Flag {@link ConstantsMCOP#MANUAL_AFFILIATION_SUBSCRIPTION_CONTROL} must be shared in binding time, otherwise the function will return an error.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.GroupAffiliationEventExtras for more information about asynchronous responses of this method.
     * @param userID The identifier of the user whose affiliation subscription will be managed
     * @param enable Indicates if the subscription should be enabled or disabled. True means enabled
     * @return 0 if there are no errors. Otherwise, a negative error code will be returned.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    int affiliationSubscriptionOperation (String userID, boolean enable);

     * @brief Register the callback defined by AIDL
     * Register the callback defined by AIDL so that the SDK can send asynchronous events to the user.
     * @see org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.ConstantsMCOP.ActionsCallBack for all possible events.
     * @param mcopCallBack Callback where the different events are sent.
     * @return Indicates whether the desired operation can be started.
     * @throws android.os.RemoteException
    boolean registerCallback(IMCOPCallback mcopCallBack);
