c732d49e |
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#endif //HAVE_CRT
//* Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Mamadou Diop.
//* Contact: Mamadou Diop <diopmamadou(at)doubango[dot]org>
//* This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework.
//* DOUBANGO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//* (at your option) any later version.
//* DOUBANGO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//* GNU General Public License for more details.
//* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//* along with DOUBANGO.
///**@file tnet_turn.c
// * @brief Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN) implementation as per 'draft-ietf-behave-turn-16', 'draft-ietf-behave-turn-tcp-05'
// * and 'draft-ietf-behave-turn-ipv6'.
// * http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-behave-turn-16
// * http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-behave-turn-tcp-05
// * http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-behave-turn-ipv6-07
// *
// * @author Mamadou Diop <diopmamadou(at)doubango[dot]org>
// *
// */
//#include "tnet_turn.h"
//#include "tnet_turn_message.h"
//#include "tsk_string.h"
//#include "tsk_memory.h"
//#include "../tnet_nat.h"
//#include "../tnet_utils.h"
//#include "../tnet_endianness.h"
//#include "tsk_md5.h"
//#include "tsk_debug.h"
//#include <string.h>
///**@defgroup tnet_turn_group TURN(draft-ietf-behave-turn-16) implementation.
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_turn_channel_binding_t* tnet_turn_channel_binding_create(const tnet_turn_allocation_t *allocation)
// return tsk_object_new(tnet_turn_channel_binding_def_t, allocation);
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_turn_permission_t* tnet_turn_permission_create(uint32_t timeout)
// return tsk_object_new(tnet_turn_permission_def_t, timeout);
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_turn_allocation_t* tnet_turn_allocation_create(tnet_fd_t fd, tnet_socket_type_t socket_type, const char* server_address, tnet_port_t server_port, const char* username, const char* password)
// return tsk_object_new(tnet_turn_allocation_def_t, fd, socket_type, server_address, server_port, username, password);
//- IMPORTANT: 16. Detailed Example
//- It is suggested that the client refresh the allocation roughly 1 minute before it expires.
//- If the client wishes to immediately delete an existing allocation, it includes a LIFETIME attribute with a value of 0.
//typedef tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* (*tnet_turn_create_request_func)(const tnet_nat_context_t* context, tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation, va_list *app);
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* tnet_turn_create_request(const tnet_nat_context_t* context, tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation, tnet_stun_pkt_type_t type)
// tnet_stun_attr_t* attribute;
// tnet_stun_pkt_req_t *request = tnet_stun_message_create(context->username, context->password);
// if(request){
// request->type = type;
// request->fingerprint = context->enable_fingerprint;
// request->integrity = context->enable_integrity;
// request->nointegrity = !request->integrity;
// request->dontfrag = context->enable_dontfrag;
// request->realm = tsk_strdup(allocation->realm);
// request->nonce = tsk_strdup(allocation->nonce);
// /* Create random transaction id */
// {
// tsk_istr_t random;
// tsk_md5digest_t digest;
// tsk_strrandom(&random);
// TSK_MD5_DIGEST_CALC(random, sizeof(random), digest);
// memcpy(request->transac_id, digest, TNET_STUN_TRANSACID_SIZE);
// }
// /* Add software attribute */
// if(allocation->software){
// attribute = (tnet_stun_attr_t*)tnet_stun_attribute_software_create(allocation->software, tsk_strlen(allocation->software));
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, &attribute);
// }
// }
// return request;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* tnet_turn_create_request_allocate(const tnet_nat_context_t* context, tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation, va_list *app)
// tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* request = tnet_turn_create_request(context, allocation, stun_allocate_request);
// if(request){
// tnet_stun_attr_t* attribute;
// /* Add Requested transport. */
// if((attribute = (tnet_stun_attr_t*)tnet_turn_attribute_reqtrans_create(TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_DGRAM(allocation->socket_type) ? TNET_PROTO_UDP: TNET_PROTO_TCP))){
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, &attribute);
// }
// /* Add lifetime */
// if((attribute = (tnet_stun_attr_t*)tnet_turn_attribute_lifetime_create(tnet_ntohl(allocation->timeout)))){
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, &attribute);
// }
// /* Add Event Port */
// if(context->enable_evenport && (attribute = (tnet_stun_attr_t*)tnet_turn_attribute_even_port_create(context->enable_evenport))){
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, &attribute);
// }
// }
// return request;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* tnet_turn_create_request_refresh(const tnet_nat_context_t* context, tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation, va_list *app)
// tnet_stun_pkt_req_t *request = tnet_turn_create_request_allocate(context, allocation, app);
// if(request){
// request->type = stun_refresh_request;
// }
// return request;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* tnet_turn_create_request_unallocate(const tnet_nat_context_t* context, tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation, va_list *app)
// tnet_stun_pkt_req_t *request = tnet_turn_create_request_refresh(context, allocation, app);
// if(request){
// ((tnet_turn_attribute_lifetime_t*)tnet_stun_message_get_attribute(request, stun_lifetime))->value = 0;
// }
// return request;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* tnet_turn_create_request_channel_bind(const tnet_nat_context_t* context, tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation, va_list *app)
// tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* request = tnet_turn_create_request(context, allocation, stun_channelbind_request);
// if(request){
// const tnet_turn_channel_binding_t* channel_binding;
// tnet_turn_attribute_t *attribute;
// tnet_turn_channel_binding_id_t number;
// uint32_t lifetime;
// channel_binding = va_arg(*app, const tnet_turn_channel_binding_t *);
// number = tnet_htons(channel_binding->id);
// lifetime = tnet_htonl(channel_binding->timeout);
// attribute = tsk_object_ref(channel_binding->xpeer);
// /* XOR-PEER */
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, &attribute);
// if((attribute = (tnet_stun_attr_t*)tnet_turn_attribute_channelnum_create(number))){
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, &attribute);
// }
// /* LIFETIME */
// if((attribute = (tnet_stun_attr_t*)tnet_turn_attribute_lifetime_create(lifetime))){
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, &attribute);
// }
// }
// return request;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* tnet_turn_create_request_channel_refresh(const tnet_nat_context_t* context, tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation, va_list *app)
// return tnet_turn_create_request_channel_bind(context, allocation, app);
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* tnet_turn_create_request_sendindication(const tnet_nat_context_t* context, tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation, va_list *app)
// tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* request = tnet_turn_create_request(context, allocation, stun_send_indication);
// if(request){
// tnet_turn_attribute_t *attribute;
// tnet_turn_attribute_xpeer_addr_t* xpeer = tsk_object_ref(va_arg(*app, tnet_turn_attribute_xpeer_addr_t *));
// const void* data = va_arg(*app, const void *);
// tsk_size_t size = va_arg(*app, tsk_size_t);
// /*
// draft-ietf-behave-turn-16 - 10.1. Forming a Send Indication
// When forming a Send indication, the client MUST include a XOR-PEER-
// ADDRESS attribute and a DATA attribute. The XOR-PEER-ADDRESS
// attribute contains the transport address of the peer to which the
// data is to be sent, and the DATA attribute contains the actual
// application data to be sent to the peer.
// */
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, (tnet_turn_attribute_t**)&xpeer);
// /* DATA */
// if((attribute = (tnet_stun_attr_t*)tnet_turn_attribute_data_create(data, size))){
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, &attribute);
// }
// }
// return request;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* tnet_turn_create_request_permission(const tnet_nat_context_t* context, tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation, va_list *app)
// tnet_stun_pkt_req_t* request = tnet_turn_create_request(context, allocation, stun_createpermission_request);
// if(request){
// //--const char* ipaddress = va_arg(*app, const char *);
// tnet_turn_attribute_xpeer_addr_t* attribute = tnet_turn_attribute_xpeer_addr_create_null();
// attribute->family = stun_ipv4;
// TNET_STUN_ATTRIBUTE(attribute)->length = 8;
// attribute->xaddress[0] = 0x79;
// attribute->xaddress[1] = 0xA1;
// attribute->xaddress[2] = 0x83;
// attribute->xaddress[3] = 0x47;
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, (tnet_stun_attr_t**)&attribute);
// /*if((attribute = tnet_turn_attribute_even_port_create(context->enable_evenport)))
// {
// tnet_stun_message_add_attribute(request, &attribute);
// }*/
// }
// return request;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//int tnet_turn_send_request(const tnet_nat_context_t* context, tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation, tnet_turn_create_request_func funcptr, ...)
// tnet_stun_pkt_req_t *request;
// int ret = -1;
// va_list ap;
// va_start(ap, funcptr);
// request = funcptr(context, allocation, &ap);
// va_end(ap);
// if(request){
// if(TNET_SOCKET_TYPE_IS_DGRAM(allocation->socket_type)){
// tnet_stun_pkt_resp_t *response = tnet_stun_send_unreliably(allocation->localFD, 500, 7, request, (struct sockaddr*)&allocation->server);
// if(response)
// {
// if(TNET_STUN_PKT_RESP_IS_ERROR(response)){
// short code = tnet_stun_message_get_errorcode(response);
// const char* realm = tnet_stun_message_get_realm(response);
// const char* nonce = tnet_stun_message_get_nonce(response);
// if(code == 401 && realm && nonce){
// if(!allocation->nonce)
// { /* First time we get a nonce */
// tsk_strupdate(&allocation->nonce, nonce);
// tsk_strupdate(&allocation->realm, realm);
// /* Delete the message and response before retrying*/
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(response);
// // Send again using new transaction identifier
// return tnet_turn_send_request(context, allocation, funcptr);
// }
// else{
// ret = -3;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Server error code: %d", code);
// ret = -2;
// }
// }
// else /* Any (allocate, permission, channel binding ...) success response */
// {
// if(response->type == stun_allocate_success_response) /* Allocate success response */
// {
// /* LifeTime */
// {
// int32_t lifetime = tnet_stun_message_get_lifetime(response);
// if(lifetime>=0)
// {
// allocation->timeout = lifetime;
// }
// }
// /* STUN mapped or xmapped address */
// {
// const tnet_stun_attr_t *attribute;
// if((attribute = tnet_stun_message_get_attribute(response, stun_xor_mapped_address)))
// {
// allocation->xmaddr = tsk_object_ref((void*)attribute);
// }
// else if((attribute= tnet_stun_message_get_attribute(response, stun_mapped_address)))
// {
// allocation->maddr = tsk_object_ref((void*)attribute);
// }
// }
// }
// /* Set ret to zero (success) */
// ret = 0;
// }
// }
// else{
// ret = -4;
// }
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(response);
// }
// }
// return ret;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_turn_allocation_id_t tnet_turn_allocate(const tnet_nat_context_t* nat_context, const tnet_fd_t localFD, tnet_socket_type_t socket_type)
// tnet_turn_allocation_id_t id = TNET_TURN_INVALID_ALLOCATION_ID;
// if(nat_context){
// int ret;
// tnet_turn_allocation_t* allocation = tnet_turn_allocation_create(localFD, nat_context->socket_type, nat_context->server_address, nat_context->server_port, nat_context->username, nat_context->password);
// allocation->software = tsk_strdup(nat_context->software);
// if((ret = tnet_turn_send_request(nat_context, allocation, tnet_turn_create_request_allocate))){
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("TURN allocation failed with error code:%d.", ret);
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(allocation);
// }
// else{
// id = allocation->id;
// tsk_list_push_back_data(nat_context->allocations, (void**)&allocation);
// }
// }
// return id;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//int tnet_turn_allocation_refresh(const struct struct tnet_nat_ctx_s* nat_context, tnet_turn_allocation_t *allocation)
// if(nat_context && allocation){
// int ret;
// if((ret = tnet_turn_send_request(nat_context, allocation, tnet_turn_create_request_refresh))){
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("TURN allocation refresh failed with error code:%d.", ret);
// return -1;
// }
// else{
// return 0;
// }
// }
// return -1;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//int tnet_turn_unallocate(const tnet_nat_context_t* nat_context, tnet_turn_allocation_t *allocation)
// if(nat_context && allocation){
// int ret;
// if((ret = tnet_turn_send_request(nat_context, allocation, tnet_turn_create_request_unallocate))){
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("TURN unallocation failed with error code:%d.", ret);
// return -1;
// }
// else{
// tsk_list_remove_item_by_data(nat_context->allocations, allocation);
// return 0;
// }
// }
// return -1;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//tnet_turn_channel_binding_id_t tnet_turn_channel_bind(const tnet_nat_context_t* nat_context, tnet_turn_allocation_t *allocation, struct sockaddr_storage *peer)
// tnet_turn_channel_binding_id_t id = TNET_TURN_INVALID_CHANNEL_BINDING_ID;
// tnet_turn_channel_binding_t *channel_binding = 0;
// if(nat_context && allocation){
// int ret;
// channel_binding = tnet_turn_channel_binding_create(allocation);
// if(channel_binding){
// if(((struct sockaddr*)peer)->sa_family == AF_INET){
// struct sockaddr_in *sin = ((struct sockaddr_in*)peer);
// uint32_t _sin_addr;
// channel_binding->xpeer = tnet_turn_attribute_xpeer_addr_create_null();
// channel_binding->xpeer->family = stun_ipv4;
// channel_binding->xpeer->xport = ((sin->sin_port) ^ tnet_htons(0x2112));
// _sin_addr = tnet_htonl_2(&sin->sin_addr) ^tnet_htonl(kStunMagicCookieLong);
// memcpy(channel_binding->xpeer->xaddress, &_sin_addr, sizeof(_sin_addr));
// }
// else if(((struct sockaddr*)peer)->sa_family == AF_INET6){
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("IPv6 not supported.");
// goto bail;
// }
// else{
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Invalid address family.");
// goto bail;
// }
// }
// else{
// goto bail;
// }
// if((ret = tnet_turn_send_request(nat_context, allocation, tnet_turn_create_request_channel_bind, channel_binding))){
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("TURN (CHANNEL-BIND) failed with error code:%d.", ret);
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(channel_binding);
// goto bail;
// }
// else{
// id = channel_binding->id;
// tsk_list_push_back_data(allocation->channel_bindings, (void**)&channel_binding);
// }
// }
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(channel_binding);
// return id;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//int tnet_turn_channel_refresh(const struct struct tnet_nat_ctx_s* nat_context, const tnet_turn_channel_binding_t * channel_bind)
// if(nat_context && channel_bind){
// int ret;
// if((ret = tnet_turn_send_request(nat_context, (tnet_turn_allocation_t*)channel_bind->allocation, tnet_turn_create_request_channel_refresh, channel_bind))){
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("TURN channel-binding refresh failed with error code:%d.", ret);
// return -1;
// }
// else return 0;
// }
// return -1;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//int tnet_turn_channel_senddata(const struct struct tnet_nat_ctx_s* nat_context, const tnet_turn_channel_binding_t * channel_bind, const void* data, tsk_size_t size, int indication)
// tnet_turn_channel_data_t *channel_data = 0;
// tsk_buffer_t *output = 0;
// int ret = -1;
// if(nat_context && channel_bind)
// {
// if(indication)
// if((ret = tnet_turn_send_request(nat_context, (tnet_turn_allocation_t*)channel_bind->allocation, tnet_turn_create_request_sendindication, channel_bind->xpeer, data, size)))
// {
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("TURN channel send indication failed with error code:%d.", ret);
// return -1;
// }
// else return 0;
// }
// else
// { /* CHANNEL DATA */
// if(!(channel_data = tnet_turn_channel_data_create(channel_bind->id, size, data)))
// {
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to create TURN CHANNEL-DATA message.");
// goto bail;
// }
// if(!(output = tnet_turn_channel_data_serialize(channel_data)))
// {
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("Failed to serialize TURN CHANNEL-DATA.");
// goto bail;
// }
// if(tnet_sockfd_sendto(channel_bind->allocation->localFD, (struct sockaddr*)&channel_bind->allocation->server, output->data, output->size) <= 0)
// {
// TNET_PRINT_LAST_ERROR("Failed to send TURN messsage.");
// ret = -2;
// goto bail;
// }
// else
// {
// ret = 0;
// }
// }
// }
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(channel_data);
// return ret;
///**@ingroup tnet_turn_group
//int tnet_turn_add_permission(const tnet_nat_context_t* nat_context, tnet_turn_allocation_t *allocation, const char* ipaddress, uint32_t timeout)
// if(nat_context && allocation)
// {
// int ret;
// if((ret = tnet_turn_send_request(nat_context, allocation, tnet_turn_create_request_permission, ipaddress)))
// {
// TSK_DEBUG_ERROR("TURN (ADD) permission failed with error code:%d.", ret);
// return -1;
// }
// else
// {
// //tnet_turn_permission_t *permission = tnet_turn_permission_create(timeout);
// //tsk_list_remove_item_by_data(context->allocations, allocation);
// return 0;
// }
// }
// return -1;
//// TURN CHANNEL-BINDING object definition
//static tsk_object_t* tnet_turn_channel_binding_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app)
// tnet_turn_channel_binding_t *channel_binding = self;
// if(channel_binding){
// static tnet_turn_channel_binding_id_t __allocation_unique_id = 0x4000; /* 0x4000 through 0x7FFF */
// channel_binding->id = __allocation_unique_id++;
// channel_binding->allocation = va_arg(*app, const tnet_turn_allocation_t *);
// channel_binding->timeout = TNET_TURN_CHANBIND_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; /* 10 minutes as per draft-ietf-behave-turn-16 subclause 11 */
// if(__allocation_unique_id >= 0x7FFF){
// __allocation_unique_id = 0x4000;
// }
// }
// return self;
//static tsk_object_t* tnet_turn_channel_binding_dtor(tsk_object_t * self)
// tnet_turn_channel_binding_t *channel_binding = self;
// if(channel_binding){
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(channel_binding->xpeer);
// }
// return self;
//static const tsk_object_def_t tnet_turn_channel_binding_def_s =
// sizeof(tnet_turn_channel_binding_t),
// tnet_turn_channel_binding_ctor,
// tnet_turn_channel_binding_dtor,
// tsk_null,
//const tsk_object_def_t *tnet_turn_channel_binding_def_t = &tnet_turn_channel_binding_def_s;
//// TURN PERMISSION object definition
//static tsk_object_t* tnet_turn_permission_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app)
// tnet_turn_permission_t *permission = self;
// if(permission){
// permission->timeout = va_arg(*app, uint32_t);
// }
// return self;
//static tsk_object_t* tnet_turn_permission_dtor(tsk_object_t * self)
// tnet_turn_permission_t *permission = self;
// if(permission){
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(permission->xpeer);
// }
// return self;
//static const tsk_object_def_t tnet_turn_permission_def_s =
// sizeof(tnet_turn_permission_t),
// tnet_turn_permission_ctor,
// tnet_turn_permission_dtor,
// tsk_null,
//const tsk_object_def_t *tnet_turn_permission_def_t = &tnet_turn_permission_def_s;
//// TURN ALLOCATION object definition
//static tsk_object_t* tnet_turn_allocation_ctor(tsk_object_t * self, va_list * app)
// tnet_turn_allocation_t *allocation = self;
// if(allocation){
// static tnet_turn_allocation_id_t __allocation_unique_id = 0;
// const char* server_address;
// tnet_port_t server_port;
// allocation->id = ++__allocation_unique_id;
// allocation->localFD = va_arg(*app, tnet_fd_t);
// allocation->socket_type = va_arg(*app, tnet_socket_type_t);
// server_address = va_arg(*app, const char*);
// server_port = (tnet_port_t)va_arg(*app, unsigned);
// server_port = va_arg(*app, tnet_port_t);
// allocation->username = tsk_strdup(va_arg(*app, const char*));
// allocation->password = tsk_strdup(va_arg(*app, const char*));
// tnet_sockaddr_init(server_address, server_port, allocation->socket_type, &allocation->server);
// allocation->timeout = 600;
// allocation->channel_bindings = tsk_list_create();
// allocation->permissions = tsk_list_create();
// }
// return self;
//static tsk_object_t* tnet_turn_allocation_dtor(tsk_object_t * self)
// tnet_turn_allocation_t *allocation = self;
// if(allocation){
// TSK_FREE(allocation->relay_address);
// TSK_FREE(allocation->username);
// TSK_FREE(allocation->password);
// TSK_FREE(allocation->realm);
// TSK_FREE(allocation->nonce);
// TSK_FREE(allocation->software);
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(allocation->xmaddr);
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(allocation->maddr);
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(allocation->channel_bindings);
// TSK_OBJECT_SAFE_FREE(allocation->permissions);
// }
// return self;
//static const tsk_object_def_t tnet_turn_allocation_def_s =
// sizeof(tnet_turn_allocation_t),
// tnet_turn_allocation_ctor,
// tnet_turn_allocation_dtor,
// tsk_null,
//const tsk_object_def_t *tnet_turn_allocation_def_t = &tnet_turn_allocation_def_s;
// |