 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
  * Version 2.0.10
  * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
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  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 package org.doubango.tinyWRAP;
 public class XcapStack {
   private long swigCPtr;
   protected boolean swigCMemOwn;
   protected XcapStack(long cPtr, boolean cMemoryOwn) {
     swigCMemOwn = cMemoryOwn;
     swigCPtr = cPtr;
   protected static long getCPtr(XcapStack obj) {
     return (obj == null) ? 0 : obj.swigCPtr;
   protected void finalize() {
   public synchronized void delete() {
     if (swigCPtr != 0) {
       if (swigCMemOwn) {
         swigCMemOwn = false;
       swigCPtr = 0;
   public XcapStack(XcapCallback callback, String xui, String password, String xcap_root) {
     this(tinyWRAPJNI.new_XcapStack(XcapCallback.getCPtr(callback), callback, xui, password, xcap_root), true);
   public boolean registerAUID(String id, String mime_type, String ns, String document_name, boolean is_global) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_registerAUID(swigCPtr, this, id, mime_type, ns, document_name, is_global);
   public boolean start() {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_start(swigCPtr, this);
   public boolean setCredentials(String xui, String password) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_setCredentials(swigCPtr, this, xui, password);
   public boolean setXcapRoot(String xcap_root) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_setXcapRoot(swigCPtr, this, xcap_root);
   public boolean setLocalIP(String ip) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_setLocalIP(swigCPtr, this, ip);
   public boolean setLocalPort(long port) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_setLocalPort(swigCPtr, this, port);
   public boolean addHeader(String name, String value) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_addHeader(swigCPtr, this, name, value);
   public boolean removeHeader(String name) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_removeHeader(swigCPtr, this, name);
   public boolean setTimeout(long timeout) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_setTimeout(swigCPtr, this, timeout);
   public boolean getDocument(String url) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_getDocument(swigCPtr, this, url);
   public boolean getElement(String url) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_getElement(swigCPtr, this, url);
   public boolean getAttribute(String url) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_getAttribute(swigCPtr, this, url);
   public boolean deleteDocument(String url) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_deleteDocument(swigCPtr, this, url);
   public boolean deleteElement(String url) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_deleteElement(swigCPtr, this, url);
   public boolean deleteAttribute(String url) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_deleteAttribute(swigCPtr, this, url);
   public boolean putDocument(String url, java.nio.ByteBuffer payload, long len, String contentType) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_putDocument(swigCPtr, this, url, payload, len, contentType);
   public boolean putElement(String url, java.nio.ByteBuffer payload, long len) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_putElement(swigCPtr, this, url, payload, len);
   public boolean putAttribute(String url, java.nio.ByteBuffer payload, long len) {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_putAttribute(swigCPtr, this, url, payload, len);
   public boolean stop() {
     return tinyWRAPJNI.XcapStack_stop(swigCPtr, this);