  *   Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
  *  Contact for licensing options: <licensing-mcpttclient(at)mcopenplatform(dot)com>
  *  This file is part of MCOP MCPTT Client
  *  This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
  *  the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
  *  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  *  This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
  *  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
  *  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
  *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
  *  59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
  * This object contains factory methods for each 
  * Java content interface and Java element interface 
  * generated in the package. 
  * <p>An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically 
  * construct new instances of the Java representation 
  * for XML content. The Java representation of XML 
  * content can consist of schema derived interfaces 
  * and classes representing the binding of schema 
  * type definitions, element declarations and model 
  * groups.  Factory methods for each of these are 
  * provided in this class.
 public class ObjectFactory {
      * Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package:
     public ObjectFactory() {
      * Create an instance of {@link Date }
     public Date createDate() {
         return new Date();
      * Create an instance of {@link Add }
     public Add createAdd() {
         return new Add();
      * Create an instance of {@link Delete }
     public Delete createDelete() {
         return new Delete();
      * Create an instance of {@link RTProperties }
     public RTProperties createRTProperties() {
         return new RTProperties();
      * Create an instance of {@link Format }
     public Format createFormat() {
         return new Format();
      * Create an instance of {@link Type }
     public Type createType() {
         return new Type();
      * Create an instance of {@link Bin }
     public Bin createBin() {
         return new Bin();
      * Create an instance of {@link Node }
     public Node createNode() {
         return new Node();
      * Create an instance of {@link DFProperties }
     public DFProperties createDFProperties() {
         return new DFProperties();
      * Create an instance of {@link Value }
     public Value createValue() {
         return new Value();
      * Create an instance of {@link Float }
     public Float createFloat() {
         return new Float();
      * Create an instance of {@link AccessType }
     public AccessType createAccessType() {
         return new AccessType();
      * Create an instance of {@link DFFormat }
     public DFFormat createDFFormat() {
         return new DFFormat();
      * Create an instance of {@link Occurrence }
     public Occurrence createOccurrence() {
         return new Occurrence();
      * Create an instance of {@link Scope }
     public Scope createScope() {
         return new Scope();
      * Create an instance of {@link DFType }
     public DFType createDFType() {
         return new DFType();
      * Create an instance of {@link CaseSense }
     public CaseSense createCaseSense() {
         return new CaseSense();
      * Create an instance of {@link MIME }
     public MIME createMIME() {
         return new MIME();
      * Create an instance of {@link B64 }
     public B64 createB64() {
         return new B64();
      * Create an instance of {@link Bool }
     public Bool createBool() {
         return new Bool();
      * Create an instance of {@link Chr }
     public Chr createChr() {
         return new Chr();
      * Create an instance of {@link Int }
     public Int createInt() {
         return new Int();
      * Create an instance of {@link Nodie }
     public Nodie createNodie() {
         return new Nodie();
      * Create an instance of {@link Null }
     public Null createNull() {
         return new Null();
      * Create an instance of {@link Xml }
     public Xml createXml() {
         return new Xml();
      * Create an instance of {@link Time }
     public Time createTime() {
         return new Time();
      * Create an instance of {@link Exec }
     public Exec createExec() {
         return new Exec();
      * Create an instance of {@link One }
     public One createOne() {
         return new One();
      * Create an instance of {@link ZeroOrOne }
     public ZeroOrOne createZeroOrOne() {
         return new ZeroOrOne();
      * Create an instance of {@link ZeroOrMore }
     public ZeroOrMore createZeroOrMore() {
         return new ZeroOrMore();
      * Create an instance of {@link OneOrMore }
     public OneOrMore createOneOrMore() {
         return new OneOrMore();
      * Create an instance of {@link ZeroOrN }
     public ZeroOrN createZeroOrN() {
         return new ZeroOrN();
      * Create an instance of {@link OneOrN }
     public OneOrN createOneOrN() {
         return new OneOrN();
      * Create an instance of {@link Copy }
     public Copy createCopy() {
         return new Copy();
      * Create an instance of {@link Get }
     public Get createGet() {
         return new Get();
      * Create an instance of {@link Replace }
     public Replace createReplace() {
         return new Replace();
      * Create an instance of {@link CIS }
     public CIS createCIS() {
         return new CIS();
      * Create an instance of {@link DDFName }
     public DDFName createDDFName() {
         return new DDFName();
      * Create an instance of {@link Dynamic }
     public Dynamic createDynamic() {
         return new Dynamic();
      * Create an instance of {@link Permanent }
     public Permanent createPermanent() {
         return new Permanent();
      * Create an instance of {@link CS }
     public CS createCS() {
         return new CS();
      * Create an instance of {@link MgmtTree }
     public MgmtTree createMgmtTree() {
         return new MgmtTree();