 * Copyright (C) 2020, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
 *  Contact for licensing options: <licensing-mcpttclient(at)mcopenplatform(dot)com>
 * The original file was part of Open Source IMSDROID
 *  Copyright (C) 2010-2011, Mamadou Diop.
 *  Copyright (C) 2011, Doubango Telecom.
 * Contact: Mamadou Diop <diopmamadou(at)doubango(dot)org>
 * This file is part of Open Source Doubango Framework.
 * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
 * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
 package org.doubango.ngn;
 import android.content.Context;
 import android.hardware.SensorManager;
 import android.os.Build;
 import android.os.PowerManager;
 import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
 import android.util.Log;
 import android.view.Display;
 import android.view.WindowManager;
 import org.doubango.ngn.utils.NgnStringUtils;
 import org.doubango.utils.AndroidUtils;
 import org.doubango.utils.CpuFeatures_t;
 import org.doubango.utils.Utils;
 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 /** @mainpage Foreword
  * <h1>Foreword</h1>
  * <b>android-ngn-stack</b> is a <a href="">NGN</a> (Next Generation Network) stack for Android 2.x (or later) devices. <br />
  * The Stack is based on <a href="">doubango</a> framework. <a href="">doubango</a> is the world's most advanced open source 
  * 3GPP IMS/RCS framework for both embedded and desktop systems. <br />
  * The main purpose is to provide an open source stack for the developers to build their own VoIP applications. <br />
  * This framework offers a unique set of features ranging from audio/video calls, content sharing, messaging, conferencing, enhanced address book to social presence.
  * All these features are implemented in accordance with the standards: GSMA RCS, 3GPP IMS or VoLTE.<br />
  * @page Introduction
  * This document has been written by us (Doubango Telecom) to help developers to quickly create innovative multimedia applications
  * for the Android OS. If you are a developer and is looking for the best way to develop a NGN (VoIP, Messaging, Video Conferencing, ...) or rich application for Android
  * then your are at the right place. <br />
  * If you want to get help or have some feedbacks then please visit our website: <a href=""></a>
  * <h2>Doubango Solution</h2>
  * <b>android-ngn-stack</b> is part of Doubango Solution which include many components such as:
  * <h3>Client-side components</h3>
  * - <a href="">Boghe</a>: IMS/RCS Client for Windows
  * - <a href="">IMSDroid</a>: IMS/RCS Client for Android using <b>android-ngn-stack</b>
  * - <a href="">iDoubs</a>: IMS/RCS Client for iOS (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch)
  * <h3>Server-side components</h3>
  * - <a href="">OpenVCS</a>: OpenVCS stands for Open Source Video Conferencing Server and is used to manage Multipoint Control Units (MCU). Each MCU (a.k.a Bridge) can handle up to 64 participants
  * - <a href="">Flash2IMS</a>: Adobe Flash to SIP/IMS Gateway.
  * <h2>Highlights</h2>
  * - SIP(RFC 3261, 3GPP TS 24.229 Rel-9)
  * - TCP and UDP over IPv4 or IPv6
  * - Signalling Compression, SigComp(RFC 3320, 3485, 4077, 4464, 4465, 4896, 5049, 5112 and 1951)
  * - Enhanced Address Book (XCAP storage, authorizations, presence, ...)
  * - GSMA Rich Communication Suite release 3
  * - Partial supports for One Voice Profile V1.0.0 (GSMA VoLTE)
  * - Partial supports for MMTel UNI (used by GSMA RCS and GSMA VoLTE)
  * - IMS-AKA registration (both AKA-v1 and AKA-v2), Digest MD5, Basic
  * - 3GPP Early IMS Security (3GPP TS 33.978)
  * - Proxy-CSCF discovery using DNS NAPTR+SRV
  * - Private extension headers for 3GPP
  * - Service Route discovery
  * - Subscription to reg event package (Honoring network initiated (re/de/un)-registration events)
  * - 3GPP SMS Over IP (3GPP TS 23.038, 24.040, 24.011, 24.341 and 24.451)
  * - Voice Call (G729AB1, AMR-NB, iLBC, GSM, PCMA, PCMU, Speex-NB)
  * - Video Call (H264, MP4V-ES, Theora, H.263, H.263-1998, H.261)
  * - DTMF (RFC 4733)
  * - QoS negotiation using Preconditions (RFC 3312, 4032 and 5027)
  * - SIP Session Timers (RFC 4028)
  * - Provisional Response Acknowledgments (PRACK)
  * - Communication Hold (3GPP TS 24.610)
  * - Message Waiting Indication (3GPP TS 24.606)
  * - Calling E.164 numbers by using ENUM protocol (RFC 3761)
  * - NAT Traversal using STUN2 (RFC 5389) with possibilities to automatically discover the server by using DNS SRV (TURN already implemented and ICE is under tests) 
  * - One2One and Group Chat
  * - File Transfer and Content sharing
  * @page page__Setting_Up_NGN_project Setting up NGN project
  * @anchor anchor_Setting_Up_NGN_project
  * This section explain how to setup a NGN project using Eclipse.<br />
  * <h2>Checking out the source code</h2>
  * To check out the source code of the NGN library you will need a SVN client.<br />
  * Use this command to anonymously check out the last project source:
  * @code
  * svn checkout imsdroid
  * @endcode
  * The source code of the library is under:
  * @code
  * This/branches/2.0/android-ngn-stack
  * @endcode
  * <h2>Importing the NGN project into Eclipse</h2>
  * The NGN project is the Next Generation Network library.
  * - Open eclipse
  * - Go to File -> Import -> General -> Existing Project into workspace
  * - Select <b> android-ngn-stack </b> folder and click <b>Finish</b>
  * @image html ngn_eclipse_import.png "Importing project into your workspace"
  * <h2>Creating you first NGN application using Eclipse</h2>
  * - Open Eclipse and select File -> New -> Android Project
  * - From the next window (<b>"New Android Project"</b>) fill the text fields like this:<br />
  * 		- Project name: <b>myFirstApp</b><br />
  * 		- Location: < set any path ><br />
  * 		- Build Target: <b>Android 2.0</b> (at least)<br />
  * 		- Application name: <b>myFirstApp</b><br />
  * 		- Package name: <b>org.doubango.test</b><br />
  * 		- Check <b>"Create Activity"</b> and name it <b>"Main"</b><br />
  * @image html ngn_eclipse_newproj.png "Create your first NGN application"
  * - Click on Finish to create the project
  * - From the Eclipse package explorer, right click on <b>myFirstApp</b> and select <b>"Properties"</b> then "Android" from the left<br/><br/>
  * @image html ngn_eclipse_properties_1.png "NGN application properties"
  * - From the properties window, select <b>"Add"</b> button then select <b>android-ngn-stack</b> from the list of the available libraries<br/><br/>
  * @image html ngn_eclipse_properties_2.png "Add dependencies"
  * - Select <b>"Java Compiler"</b> from the left and change the version from 1.5 to 1.6<br/><br/>
  * @image html ngn_eclipse_jdk_version.png "Java Compiler version"
  * - Select <b>"Java Build Path"</b> from the left, then <b>"Libraries"</b><br/><br/>
  * @image html ngn_eclipse_java_buil_path_1.png "Java Build Path 1/2"
  * - From "Java Build Path 1/2", select <b>"Add JARs..."</b> then <b>android-ngn-stack/libs/simple-xml-2.3.4.jar</b>, then <b>"OK"</b> to close the window<br/><br/>
  * @image html ngn_eclipse_java_buil_path_2.png "Java Build Path 2/2"
  * - Click on <b>"OK"</b> to close the window
  * <h2>Setting up Android Permissions</h2>
  * In order to use the framework you must enable some user-permission in your Android manifest. <br />
  * Open <b>myFirstApp/AndroidManifest.xml</b>, then add this:
  * @code
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"/>
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS"/>
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" />
  * <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RAISED_THREAD_PRIORITY"/>
  *  @endcode
  *  ... just before @code </manifest> @endcode
  * <h2>Declaring your app as NGN</h2>
  * Decalaring your app as NGN is recommended if your are programming at <b>high</b> level. <br />
  * - From the Eclipse package explorer, open <b>AndroidManifest.xml</b> and select <b>Application</b> tab from below
  * - Click on <b>browse</b> (on the right of <b>Name</b>) then, select <b>"NgnApplication"</b> from the list<br/><br/>
  * @image html ngn_eclipse_declaring_ngn_app.png "Declaring your app as NGN"
  * @page Architecture
  * The stack offers three levels of programming: <b>Low</b>, <b>Medium</b> and <b>High</b>.<br />
  * Before building and running your project, you should take a look at the section @ref anchor_Setting_Up_NGN_project "explaining how to setup a NGN project".
  * <h2>Low level</h2>
  * This level allow you to directly have access to doubango functions through JNI.
  * This level is the most flexible one but is out of scoop because it's too difficult to manage. <br />
  * All functions used in this level are in one single package: <b>org.doubango.tinyWRAP</b><br />
  * For example, the code below shows how to register to a SIP/IMS server:
  * @code
  * final String realm = "";
  * final String privateIdentity = "001";
  * final String publicIdentity = "";
  * final String password = "my secret";
  * final String proxyHost = "";
  * RegistrationSession registrationSession;
  * // Sip Callback
  * final SipCallback callback = new SipCallback(){
  * 	@Override
  * 	public int OnDialogEvent(DialogEvent e) {
  * 		final SipSession sipSession = e.getBaseSession();
  * 		final long sipSessionId = sipSession.getId();
  * 		final short code = e.getCode();
  * 		switch (code){
  * 			case tinyWRAPConstants.tsip_event_code_dialog_connecting:
  * 				if(registrationSession != null && registrationSession.getId() == sipSessionId){
  * 					// Registration in progress
  * 				}
  * 				break;
  * 			case tinyWRAPConstants.tsip_event_code_dialog_connected:
  * 				if(registrationSession != null && registrationSession.getId() == sipSessionId){
  * 					// You are registered
  * 				}
  * 				break;
  * 			case tinyWRAPConstants.tsip_event_code_dialog_terminating:
  * 				if(registrationSession != null && registrationSession.getId() == sipSessionId){
  * 					// You are unregistering
  * 				}
  * 				break;
  * 			case tinyWRAPConstants.tsip_event_code_dialog_terminated:
  * 				if(registrationSession != null && registrationSession.getId() == sipSessionId){
  * 					// You are unregistered
  * 				}
  * 				break;
  * 		}
  * 		return 0;
  * 	}
  * 	@Override
  * 	public int OnRegistrationEvent(RegistrationEvent e) {
  * 		// low level events
  * 		return 0;
  * 	}
  * };
  * // Create the SipStack
  * SipStack sipStack = new SipStack(callback, realm, privateIdentity, publicIdentity);
  * // Set Proxy Host and port
  * sipStack.setProxyCSCF(proxyHost, 5060, "UDP", "IPv4");
  * // Set password
  * sipStack.setPassword(password);
  * if(sipStack.isValid()){
  * 	if(sipStack.start()){
  * 		registrationSession = new RegistrationSession(sipStack);
  * 		registrationSession.setFromUri(publicIdentity);
  * 		// Send SIP register request
  * 		registrationSession.register_();
  * 	}
  * }
  * @endcode
  * <h2>Medium level</h2>
  * This level is built on of the <b>low</b> level. The main advantage of this level is that it's flexible without
  * being too complicated as all low level functions are wrapped into comprehensive API.
  * For example, if you want to implement a multi-stack (multi-account) application this is the right level.
  * <h2>High level</h2>
  * This level is built in top of the <b>low</b> level and is much easier than the later.
  * The High level is composed of a set of Services managed by a single NGN engine instance. Each service is responsible for
  * a particular task. For example, you have one service for SIP, one for contact management, one for networking etc etc <br />
  * <h3>NGN Engine</h3>
  * The engine is a black box containing all the services. You must always retrieve the services through the engine. <br />
  * You must also start/stop the services through the NGN engine.<br />
  * The code below shows how to get an instance of the engine:
  * @code
  * // Gets an instance of the engine. This function will always returns the same instance
  * // which means that you can call it as many as you want from anywhere in your code 
  * final NgnEngine mEngine = NgnEngine.getInstance();
  * @endcode
  * The code below shows how to get some services from the engine:
  * @code
  * // Gets the configuration service
  * INgnConfigurationService mConfigurationService = mEngine.getConfigurationService();
  * // Gets the SIP/IMS service
  * INgnSipService mSipService = mEngine.getSipService();
  * // etc etc
  * @endocde
  * The code below shows how to start/stop the engine.
  * @code
  * // Starts the engine
  * mEngine.start();
  * // Stops the engine
  * mEngine.stop();
  * @endcode
  * Starting/Stopping the engine will start/stop all underlying services.
  * Global object defining the application. You should extends this class in your own
  * Android application. 
 public class NgnApplication extends Application{
 	private final static String TAG = Utils.getTAG(NgnApplication.class.getCanonicalName());
 	private static NgnApplication sInstance;
 	private static PackageManager sPackageManager;
     private static String sPackageName;
     private static String sDeviceURN;
     private static String sDeviceIMEI;
     private static int sSdkVersion;
     private static int sVersionCode;
     private static AudioManager sAudioManager;
     private static SensorManager sSensorManager;
     private static KeyguardManager sKeyguardManager;
     private static ConnectivityManager sConnectivityManager;
     private static PowerManager sPowerManager;
     private static PowerManager.WakeLock sPowerManagerLock;
     private static int sGlEsVersion;
     static final String sBuildModel = Build.MODEL.toLowerCase();
     static final String[] sSLEs2FriendlyBuildModels = 
     	"galaxy nexus", /* 4.1 */
     	"gt-i9100", /* Galaxy SII, 4.0.4 */
     	/*"gt-s5360",*//* 2.3.6 :robotic*/ 
     	"gt-s5570i", /* 2.3.0 */
     	"xt890", /* Motorola Razer i 4.0.4 */
     	"lg-p970" /* 2.3.4 */
     static final String[] sSLEs2UnFriendlyBuildModels = 
     	"gt-s5360",/* 2.3.6 :robotic*/
     static final String[] sSetModeFriendlyBuildModels = 
     	"gt-s5570i" /* 2.3.6 */
     // This function is called by the package manager, you must never explicitly invoke it.
     // Do not forget to add/change the <application /> section in your manifest as done in IMSDroid or all other test apps
     public NgnApplication() {
     	sInstance = this;
     public static NgnApplication getInstance(){
     	return sInstance;
      * Retrieve application's context
      * @return Android context
     public static Context getContext() {
         return getInstance();
 	public void onCreate() {
 		sPackageManager = sInstance.getPackageManager();    		
 		sPackageName = sInstance.getPackageName();
      * Gets Android SDK version
      * @return Android SDK version used to build the project
     public static int getSDKVersion(){
     	if(sSdkVersion == 0){
     		sSdkVersion = Integer.parseInt(Build.VERSION.SDK);
     	return sSdkVersion;
      * Whether we need special hack for buggy speaker. For example, all Samsung devices 
      * need to be hacked.
      * @return true if we need to apply the hack and false otherwise
     public static boolean useSetModeToHackSpeaker(){
         return  (isSamsung() && !isSamsungGalaxyMini() && getSDKVersion()<= 7) ||
         sBuildModel.equalsIgnoreCase("blade")    ||		// ZTE Blade
         sBuildModel.equalsIgnoreCase("htc_supersonic") || //HTC EVO
         sBuildModel.equalsIgnoreCase("U8110") || // Huawei U8110
         sBuildModel.equalsIgnoreCase("U8150")  // Huawei U8110
     public static boolean isARMv7WithoutNeon(){
         return (isCpuARMv7() && !isCpuNeon());
     public static boolean isCpuARMv8(){
     	return ((AndroidUtils.getCpuFeatures().intValue() & CpuFeatures_t.ARMv7.swigValue()) != 0);
 	public static boolean isCpuARMv7(){
 		return ((AndroidUtils.getCpuFeatures().intValue() & CpuFeatures_t.ARMv7.swigValue()) != 0);
 	public static int androidCpuFeature(){
 		return AndroidUtils.getCpuFeatures().intValue();
     public static boolean isCpuNeon(){
     	return ((AndroidUtils.getCpuFeatures().intValue() & CpuFeatures_t.NEON.swigValue()) != 0);
      * Whether the stack is running on a Samsung Galaxy Mini device
      * @return true if the stack is running on a Samsung Galaxy Mini device and false otherwise
     public static boolean isSamsungGalaxyMini(){
     	return sBuildModel.equalsIgnoreCase("gt-i5800");
      * Whether the stack is running on a Samsung Galaxy Mini device
      * @return true if the stack is running on a Samsung Galaxy Mini device and false otherwise
     public static boolean isSamsung(){
     	return sBuildModel.startsWith("gt-") 
 		|| sBuildModel.contains("samsung") 
 		|| sBuildModel.startsWith("sgh-") 
 		|| sBuildModel.startsWith("sph-") 
 		|| sBuildModel.startsWith("sch-");
      * Whether the stack is running on a HTC device
      * @return true if the stack is running on a HTC device and false otherwise
     public static boolean isHTC(){
     	return sBuildModel.startsWith("htc");
      * Whether the stack is running on a ZTE device
      * @return true if the stack is running on a ZTE device and false otherwise
     public static boolean isZTE(){
     	return sBuildModel.startsWith("zte");
      * Whether the stack is running on a LG device
      * @return true if the stack is running on a LG device and false otherwise
     public static boolean isLG(){
     	return sBuildModel.startsWith("lg-");
      * Whether the stack is running on a Toshiba device
      * @return true if the stack is running on a Toshiba device and false otherwise
     public static boolean isToshiba(){
     	return sBuildModel.startsWith("toshiba");
      * Whether the stack is running on a Hovis box
      * @return true if the stack is running on a Hovis box and false otherwise
     public static boolean isHovis(){
     	return sBuildModel.startsWith("hovis_box_");
     public static boolean isAudioRecreateRequired(){
     	return false;
     public static boolean isSetModeAllowed(){
     	return isZTE() || isLG() || Arrays.asList(sSetModeFriendlyBuildModels).contains(sBuildModel);
     public static boolean isBuggyProximitySensor(){
     	return isZTE();
     public static boolean isAGCSupported(){
     	return isSamsung() || isHTC();
     public static int getVersionCode(){
     	if(sVersionCode == 0 && sPackageManager != null){
     		try {
     			sVersionCode = sPackageManager.getPackageInfo(sPackageName, 0).versionCode;
 			} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
     	return sVersionCode;
     public static String getVersionName(){
     	if(sPackageManager != null){
     		try {
 				return sPackageManager.getPackageInfo(sPackageName, 0).versionName;
 			} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
     	return "0.0";
     public static String getDeviceURN(){
 		    	final TelephonyManager telephonyMgr = (TelephonyManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
 		        final String msisdn = telephonyMgr.getLine1Number();
 		        	sDeviceURN = String.format("urn:imei:%s", telephonyMgr.getDeviceId());
 		        	sDeviceURN = String.format("urn:tel:%s", msisdn);
 	    	catch(Exception e){
 	    		Log.d(TAG, e.toString());
 	    		sDeviceURN = "urn:uuid:3ca50bcb-7a67-44f1-afd0-994a55f930f4";
     	return sDeviceURN;
     public static String getDeviceIMEI(){
     		final TelephonyManager telephonyMgr = (TelephonyManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
     		sDeviceIMEI = telephonyMgr.getDeviceId();
     	return sDeviceIMEI;
     public static AudioManager getAudioManager(){
     	if(sAudioManager == null){
     		sAudioManager = (AudioManager)getContext().getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
     	return sAudioManager;
     public static SensorManager getSensorManager(){
     	if(sSensorManager == null){
     		sSensorManager = (SensorManager)getContext().getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
     	return sSensorManager;
     public static KeyguardManager getKeyguardManager(){
     	if(sKeyguardManager == null){
     		sKeyguardManager = (KeyguardManager)getContext().getSystemService(Context.KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
     	return sKeyguardManager;
     public static ConnectivityManager getConnectivityManager(){
     	if(sConnectivityManager == null){
     		sConnectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) getContext().getSystemService(CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
     	return sConnectivityManager;
     public static PowerManager getPowerManager(){
     	if(sPowerManager == null){
     		sPowerManager = (PowerManager) getContext().getSystemService(POWER_SERVICE);
     	return sPowerManager;
     public static Display getDefaultDisplay(){
     	return ((WindowManager)getContext().getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay();
     public static String getABI(){
     	try {
 			Field field = android.os.Build.class.getField("CPU_ABI");
 			String abi = field.get(null).toString();
 			if(abi == null){
 				return "unknown";
 			return abi;
 		} catch (Exception e) {
 			return "unknown";
     public static int getGlEsVersion(){
     	if(sGlEsVersion == 0){
 		    sGlEsVersion = ((ActivityManager) NgnApplication.getContext().getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE)).getDeviceConfigurationInfo().reqGlEsVersion;
 		    Log.d(TAG, "sGlEsVersion=" + sGlEsVersion);
     	return sGlEsVersion;
     public static boolean isGlEs2Supported(){
     	return getGlEsVersion() >= 0x20000;
     public static boolean isSLEs2Supported(){
     	return (NgnApplication.getSDKVersion() >= 9);
     public static boolean isSLEs2KnownToWork(){
     	// FIXME: one-way audio on Galaxy SII and Nexus
     	 //return isSLEs2Supported() && Arrays.asList(sSLEs2FriendlyBuildModels).contains(sBuildModel); // AcceptOnlyIn(Array)
     	 //return isSLEs2Supported() && !Arrays.asList(sSLEs2UnFriendlyBuildModels).contains(sBuildModel); // AcceptAllExceptIn(Array)
 		//return false;
 		return true;
 		//return isHovis(); //false;
     public static boolean acquirePowerLock(){
     	if(sPowerManagerLock == null){
     		final PowerManager powerManager = getPowerManager();
     		if(powerManager == null){
     			Log.e(TAG, "Null Power manager from the system");
     			return false;
 			if((sPowerManagerLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, TAG)) == null){
 				Log.e(TAG, "Null Power manager lock from the system");
 				return false;
     	return true;
     public static boolean releasePowerLock(){
     	if(sPowerManagerLock != null){
     	return true;