> *Refer to* [*README*](../README.md) *for main instruction file* # MCOP - MCPTT App Development ## What is MCOP? **MCOP** (Mission Critical Open Platform) is a project that defines the first prototype of open source **MCPTT** (Mission Critical Push-To-Talk) client. This client allows the interoperability among different vendors thanks to a multilevel API. ## Architecture Three main modules define the architecture: * **MCOP SDK**: This module contains all the MCPTT logic, and allows the use of other additional modules that increase its functionality. * **MCOP Integration Plugins**: Additional modules or Android services with their own API, known by the MCOP SDK module, offering device specific or MCPTT network required functionalities. * **End User Interface**: GUI (Graphical User Interface) that uses the MCOP SDK services without having to develop the whole MCPTT logic. *(Min. level of Android SDK: API 17)*. ![ThreMainModules](../images/threemainmodules.png) ## App Developing Steps * **0. MCOP SDK and AIDLs**: The SDK defines two AIDLs and one Constant class: * **IMCOPsdk**: From Client to SDK. * **IMCOPCallBack**: From SDK to Client. * **ConstantsMCOP**: defines the constants to use in the AIDLs. * **1. Configure Manifest**: Indicate the necessary permissions for the application. Define the activities to be used: * **2. Require the explicit acceptance of some of the permissions.** The client should explicitly accept some permissions: * Manifest.permission.ACCESS\_FINE\_LOCATION * Manifest.permission.READ\_PHONE\_STATE * Manifest.permission.ACCESS\_COARSE\_LOCATION * Manifest.permission.CAMERA * Manifest.permission.RECORD\_AUDIO ![Allow audio](../images/allow_audio.png) * **3. Bind to MCOP SDK**: In this version of MCOP SDK, it is necessary to send **“currentProfile”** to the service: Intent serviceIntent = new Intent() .setComponent(new ComponentName( "org.mcopenplatform.muoapi", "org.mcopenplatform.muoapi.MCOPsdk"));
 //This is only for tresting serviceIntent.putExtra("PROFILE_SELECT",currentProfile); ComponentName componentName=startService(serviceIntent); bindService(serviceIntent, mConnection, BIND_AUTO_CREATE); Wait for the service to bind: * Save the return value from the Service (this is the AIDL Interface to be used by the Client to communicate with the Service). * Register the callback for asynchronous communication from the Service to the Client: mConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { mService = IMCOPsdk.Stub.asInterface(service); try { mService.registerCallback(mMCOPCallback); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } isConnect=true; //AUTO Register final Handler handler = new Handler(); handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { if(mService!=null) mService.authorizeUser(null); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }, DEFAULT_REGISTER_DELAY); } * Definition of the registered callback: * This is the point where communications from the Server to the Client will be received: mMCOPCallback=new IMCOPCallback.Stub() { @Override public void handleOnEvent(final List actionList) throws RemoteException { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for(Intent action:actionList){ int codeError=-1; int eventTypeInt=-1; String stringError=null; String sessionID=null; if(action!=null && action.getAction()!=null && !action.getAction().trim().isEmpty()) try { switch (ConstantsMCOP.ActionsCallBack.fromString(action.getAction())){ ... } }catch (Exception ex){ Log.e(TAG,"Event Action Error: "+action.getAction()+" error:"+ex.getMessage()); } } } }); } }; * **4. Perform any action in the MCOP SDK and receive the result**. Example: if(mService!=null) mService.makeCall( selGroup, //DEFAULT_GROUP, ConstantsMCOP.CallEventExtras.CallTypeEnum.CallSubtypeAudio.getValue()| ConstantsMCOP.CallEventExtras.CallTypeEnum.CallSubtypeWithCtrlMech.getValue()| ConstantsMCOP.CallEventExtras.CallTypeEnum.CallSubtypePrearrangedGroup.getValue() );